Major mistakes that you should never do while walking, say experts

Just because walking happens naturally does not mean that we all do it correctly.

Contrary to what a lotaptitude Snobs can think, walking is an effective way to practice and evenburn fat. In fact, according to a study published in theJournal of Exercise Nutrition & BiochemistryResearchers who have studied the effects of the march on obese women over a 12-week period revealed that it was particularly effective in targeting and reducing visceral greases, otherwise called belly fat, the type that increases your risk ofDiabetes andcardiopathyWhich also contribute to improving the response of insulin of the body. Researchers recommend walking for anyone suffering from obesity or metabolic syndrome, or anyone who does not have an earlier experience with exercise. "

But just because walking comes naturally for us while bipedal mammals does not mean that we all will absolutely correctly. After all, you can wear the wrong type of shoes, you can use the wrong shape, and you could make some crucial mental mistakes that could make your experience there a lot less effective. For some common mistakes, you should not do while walking, read it. And for more reasons why you should walk more (correctly!) Every day, make sure you are aware of theA major side effect to sit too much on the couch, says a new study.


You do not walk outside.

Woman running on treadmill

Let's be clear: walk on a treadmill is better than not to walk at all. But if you want to fully maximize the health benefits of your walks, a new report published byWall Street newspaperIndicates that you should focus on the time you walk outside rather than the distance or steps taken. This will help you soak in all the benefits of being of nature. "Spend time in the woods - a practice The Japanese call" The bath forest "is strongly linked to the decline in blood pressure, heart rate and stress hormones and the decrease in anxiety, from the depression and fatigue ", observes theNewspaper.

The report notes a study of 20,000 participants published in the journalScientific reports, who found that people were "significantly more likely to report good health and well-being when they spent 120 minutes or more in nature per week. The good atmosphere culminated at 200 to 300 minutes a week. something less than two hours did not make a difference. "

So, if you really want to be healthier and live longer, make your walk in the woods. And do not forget toSubscribe to our newsletterTo get the latest wellness news delivered directly to your inbox!


You are dressed all wrong.

Woman walking

Newsflash: Dress for a walk is different from the vinaigrette for a jog, and everything starts with your shoes. Today's racing shoes are designed to be more rigorous and spring, and these designs are not surprising ideal for walking. You should wear lighter and more flexible shoes to walk, Michele Stantten, author ofStarting weight: Burn 3 times more fat with this proven program,Explain ToTrue simple. In addition, you should wear clearer colors with a sweat-Métis technology that is not too tight. At the end of the day, you want to wear comfortable functional clothes.


You wear weights.


We all seen speed walkers in the park that pump their arms while holding weights. Do not do that. "Dumbbells from two to five pounds] does not create enough resistance to develop significant changes in force," Ph.D., Professor of Exercise Science at Auburn University in Montgomery, Alabama, also explained to real simple. "Yet they are heavy enough to increase the risk of injury to the shoulder."


You do not act the ground.

hiking shoes

To maximize the benefits of walking, you should constantly vary the ground. This means mounting hills, getting away from trails and taking difficult areas requiring a balance and stimulating leg work. A study published inThe Journal of Experimental BiologyI found that you are sure to burn more energy walking on "uneven terrain" and "has led to an increase of 28 to 62% of the positive jobs of the knee and hip".


You walk the same route every day.


"Mix things by changing your route once or twice a week," advises the health experts of theCoalition of colon cancer. "It helps keep your fitness program interesting and challenges muscles with changing land."


You are taking really long progress


It is important to make your walk fast and difficult so that your heart rate increases, but it is also important not to start making very long progress. According to Christopher John Lundstrom, Ph.D., MED, Director of Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Kinesiology of Kinesiology of Minnesota, you must keep your steps and under your trunk.

"You may be going out in front of a little, but you do not want to go too much and come ahead of yourself," he saysHealth. "It's less stable, you will feel a little off scales, and if you plant your foot in front of you, you basically hit the brakes every time you land." Doing this over time could lead to wounds such as Shin's splints, he says. And for more good fitness tips, make sure you know you knowThe most effective way to work every day, let's say psychologists.

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