This is the best way to warm the pizza

Stay away from the microwave.

Ah, remainsPizza. This is one of the simple pleasures of life, with freshly clean sheets, hot biscuits throughout the oven and the exact moment when you discover an old invoice of croving ten dollars at the winter coat of Last year. Your momentary happiness is so deep that it emerges almost as if you do not deserve it.

But newsflash: if you take the tart of the night last and justthrow it in the microwave and clicking on "45 seconds," youreally Do not deserve it. Because there is the right way to warm the pizza, then there is everything else.

If you are nourishing your pizza, you are not technicallyreheating pizza - you warm up thewater molecules In the pizza. When these particles are heated, it turns into steam and your slice is then transformed into asopping, soggy, sausage mess.

That's why, if you have time, you should warm the pizza when your local professional pizzeria guy does: Use your oven.

How to warm the pizza in the oven.

Set the temperature to 450ºF. Line a cookie sheet with an aluminum foil to prevent paste (and clean a cleaning breeze) and organize your slices so that they are at least one inch of interval. Cook for eight to ten minutes. Using this method, you risk no risk of evaporation of water, which does not mean steam or sogism.

However, if you are in a hurry and you have to use your microwave, you can make an easy chance to preserve the integrity of your pizza.

How to warm the pizza in the microwave.

First, fill a cup of secure ceramic in the microwave halfway from two thirds of the water. Then put a paper plate on the cup. (This is in substance, "absorb" evaporating water.) Then put your pizza on the plate. Microwave with half a power supply in 30 seconds until it is at the temperature of your choice. When everything is said and done, you should have a slice of pizza pretty much the same condition it was 24 hours before and pale, and not the least rubbery.

Finally, your third option - and your best option, in my opinion, it's just eating your cold pizza. Now, I know it's crazy about many people, but I'm firm to believe that cold pie is the best pie. (In fact, I will order a pizza only to put it directly in the fridge for the next day.) Science has my back on this subject: Back in 2000, researchers fromStirling University Affirmed that cold pizza is actually more in a fresh pie on board, the cold storage night makes it possible to adjust the fat and flavors inherent to settle.

Believe me: If there is one thing I know, dry pizza is much better than pizza Soggy.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: food
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