26 belly fat myths exploded!

We are here to demystify them once and for all.

Yesbeating belly fat Easy, we all resembled magazine coverage models. But that does not meana flat stomach are out of reach; It just requires a global attack plan.

"To fight against the storage of fat, you must reduce inflammation, maintain a healthy gut microbiome, avoid food that you can have sensitivities, regulate the hormones that promote fat storage and guarantee you to consume and 'Absorb beneficial nutrients, "says Shelly Malone, MPH, RDN, CBNP and author ofInflamed.

It's understood? This may seem like a good order - and it does not help when you also hear contradictory information. That's why we turned to some of the country's leading nutritionists to illuminate the belly fat myths that could prevent you from the body you want. See what they have to say and then try these21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Myth: the nuts are fattering

roasted peanuts with salt in brown bowl

Truth: "Nuts have a bad reputation for their total fat content, but the science of nutrition suggests that the amount of fat is not the most important for our health," said Jackie Newgent, RDN and author ofThe entirely natural cookbook of diabetes.

"In fact, the FDA has recently announced that they re-evaluated the term" healthy "as it applies to food with good fats for you, such as pistachios," continues Newgent. "In addition, foods like pistachios in the shell can help you deceive you feel full because the remains can provide a visual tail for portions, which potentially contributes to reducing the contribution." For more intriguing tricks, check these30 hacks feel full where you try to lose weight!


Myth: Drinking beer causes a belly of beer

drinking beer

Truth: While beer consumption does not tend to help you reduce your size, a beer belly is not necessarily caused by beer; It is more likely by consuming too many empty calories.

"Although, if you regularly appreciate six packs of six packs, then you need to reconsider your beer consumption habits," says Newgent. You know whatTo been proven to create a salient gut? A soda. It's called "belly soda" and these are the108 most popular sodas, classified by how toxic they are toxic.


Myth: avoid fatty foods will result in the loss of belly fat

Cubed avocado

Truth: "Consuming a good amount of healthy fat is the key to weight loss," says Maria A. Bella, MS, RD, CDN and founder of the best balance nutrition.

"Healthy fats such as olive oil and avocado oil promote longevity, shiny skin, hair and nails and the fight against cardiovascular disease and diabetes with stable blood glucose." Bella also notes that they make you feel fully and require more energy from your body to digest. The key is to integrate the right amount into the diet. A grease portion is equivalent to a tablespoon of olive oil, 10 olives or 1/4 lawyer. Most people should target two to three servings a day. To learn more about "healthy fats", analyze our list of20 common fat foods that will not do you fat.


Myth: AB Exercises are all you need for ABS

man excercise crunches

Truth: No quantity of crunches will give you abdominals if you have grease layers covering your abdomen.

For your ABS to be showing, you must first focus on your diet. "Everyone is born with abdominal muscles that vary in shape and air and that exercise will only develop muscle itself," Bella said. "Eating a clean and balanced diet will help grease loss around abdominal muscles and help them show."


Myth: Some people were born to have belly fat

measuring belly

Truth: "Locations where your body tends to store fatis predetermined by your genes, but that does not mean that youwill Be overweight in these areas, "says Bella.

For example, an apple-shaped person tends to store more fat in the abdominal region, but if they follow the appropriate diet and exercise plan, they can prevent weight gain. Check these17 weight loss tips based on your body type!


Myth: Seed oils are still healthy

Flaxseed oil

Truth: The word "seed" can make something sound automatically in good health, but this is not the case when it comes to certain oils.

"Transformed and industrial seed oil such as corn, cotton seed, soybean oil and peanut oil can harm our omega-3 fat ratio to omega-6," says Malone. "This can lead to chronic inflammation, which contributes to resistant weight loss, and they may contain GMOs that undermine the GUT microbioma". Opt for healthy oils such as linen oil, olive oil, avocado oil and hemp seed oil.


Myth: low fat packaged products are good for you

baked potato chips

Truth: You really need to eat fat.

"The fat triggers the feeling of satiety to prevent you from eating too much, stabilizes blood glucose - thus preventing insulin from fat storage and allows you to absorb large nutrients soluble in fats such as vitamins A, D, E And K ", explains Malone. It is also important to note that when food manufacturers come out of fat, they must compensate for a loss of flavor. They often do it by adding copious amounts of salt, sugar or both. Speaking of you, make sure you stay away fromThe 36 salty restaurants.


Myth: the low or unparalleled dairy is good for you


Truth: Some experts recommend that their clients stay away from weak or non-fantastic dairy products.

"Unless your milk is organic and from grazing / fed grass cows, [producers] will probably give hormones of synthetic growth, steroids, antibiotics and genetically modified corn to these animals to significantly increase their gain. Weight, "says Malone." In addition, when it's pasteurized, you lose many nutrients and beneficial enzymes that help digestion. "


Myth: Caffeine stimulates weight loss

cup of coffee

Truth: There is a solid35 things you do not know about caffeine And one is probably the way caffeine can confuse your cortisol production. (Cortisol, Fyi, told your body to hang on fat.)

With moderation, caffeine can be a good thing. Caffeine can not only give you an energy boost, it has been shown that this has been demonstrated for sports performance. That said, it can also have the opposite effect and finish yourself. "This is especially true if you are already exhausted and under stressed; it can perpetuate an imbalance of hormones, namely cortisol, which contributes to the storage of fat, especially in the middle," says Malone.


Myth: a juice is the ultimate way to lose weight

Juice cleanse bottles

Truth: The problem with juices and smoothies is that it is easy to consume very large amounts of sugar and calories without notice.

As if the heads of calories and sugar are not sufficient ditch fruit juice, many juices do not have fiber that makes fresh products so wonderful for you. After all, the fibers allow you to keep you complete for longer periods and attenuates the blood sugar spikes. "A juice can contain more than one portion of fruit, which adds a lot of sugar. But without any fiber, you will not feel full or you do not have the benefits of stabilizing your blood sugar and losing fat "Says Bella.


Myth: 8 hours of sleep will make you lose weight

man sleeping well

Truth: Sleep is better than no sleep, but studies show that the quality of sleep you get is great, too.

Whether you have sleep apnea, which means you never really get resting sleep - or you simply can not turn off your brain at night, it's not enough to stay in your bed for eight hours. "Sleeping well through the night, without a stirred spirit or alarm clock, is essential to make sure you wake up refreshed and less stressed," Bella declares to avoid caffeine for at least six hours before going to bed and keep all the electronic devices of the room since they emit an abnormal blue light that prepared you at night. "Drinking alcohol before bedtime, it will be easier to fall asleep, but increases the number of Nocturnal excitations. "


Myth: Drinking green tea melts fat

green tea being poured into cup

Truth: Green tea is great but it's not a magic potion; You must always edit other parts of your diet and your life.

Drinking green tea is a big, especially if it is instead of juice and sodas, but while studies have shown that the consumption of about three cups a day can help increase your metabolism, which is certainly not enough to melt the belly fat. Bella says it's important that people are aware that green tea consumption is really effective only if it is consumed as a complement to a healthy diet and an exercise plan. Make the most of the benefits of tea, pick up7 days old flat belly tea. The test panels lost up to 10 pounds in a week!


Myth: the time you eat can have a huge impact

man eating leftover pizza as a late night snack

Truth: The food is food, you go to 1 hour and at 1 pm.

More important than the time of the day is the quality and quantity of the food you consume. "Listen to your body," said Bella. "The total number of calorie calories and most people tend to sustain continuously throughout the night because the inhibitions come down."

But if you really need to stay late and work on a deadline and you are really hungry, then you should eat; Just make sure not to eat boredom or because you are thirsty. A good rule is to ask you if you ate an apple. If you do not eat an apple, chances are you just have a desire and you're not hungry.


Myth: Eating a vegan diet of belly explosions

vegan diet

Truth: Although studies have favored some regimes on others, there is no particular plan that will automatically help you escape belly fat.

The most important thing is to focus on eating lots of fresh produce, lean protein, healthy fat and limit the amounts of refined carbohydrates and saturated greases you consume. It is equally important to stay in your calorie limits; here are the30 healthy foods you better eat in moderation that you want to keep in mind!


Myth: The small meals are the answer

Healthy snacks cheese apple celery

Truth: We often read that eating more frequent and smaller meals, will melt belly fat, but it's not necessarily true.

"You do not need to eat small meals every two hours," says Bella. "You can increase your metabolism more efficiently by eating three balanced meals and a snack a day." Not only would you feel more satisfied and pure longer by eating a full meal, but you will always keep your sugar level in the stable blood and will not risk eating too much the same degree as you could if you awaken on foods All day long. For more knowledge about your metabolism, do not miss these31 ways you ruined your metabolism today.


Myth: You have to eat less

Empty plate

Truth: If you have radically reduced the number of calories - instead of improving the quality of your calories, you probably damage your metabolism and you miss long-term success.

Yes, calorie counting can be a way to lose weight. But the experts systematically say that your body will enter the fashion of famine and slow down the metabolism so as to hang the calories that it gets when it finally gets them. "Do not eat enough is really prejudicial to your metabolism," says Bella. "It can slow it down, making weight loss more difficult and maintain it." Keep your metabolism by eating balanced and carefully planned meals on fresh high quality ingredients.


Myth: Eating cherries reduces belly fat

tart cherries

Truth: There are incredibleburning foods, but no healing.

There are always trends that give certain foods of Buzz apparently magical powers. And at the end of the end, you may have read splashing titles that take the advantages of Tarter cherries. "Unfortunately, eating tarter cherries alone will not help you lose grease around the belly. You need to eat a global healthy diet in your range of calories," Bella declares. That said, she notes that Tarter cherries are good for you in other ways, like other fruits they are rich in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants, which means they are an excellent addition to your diet (at place of candy, for example).


Myth: apple cider vinegar shots

Apple cider vinegar

Truth: "Drinking apple cider vinegar will not melt belly fat," Bella said.

"Some studies have shown that vinegar, in general, help improve insulin sensitivity," Bella continues. "But it is best to pair this diet with a healthy diet and exercise to see optimal results."


Myth: You have bad genes, so everything is lost

woman stepping on scale in pink flats

Truth: The genes play a game on your shape, but using your genes as an excuse cover for your shape do not make you favors.

"When your intestinal bacteria (AKA Microbiome) is unbalanced with more bacteria, so good
(aka dysbiosose), the storage of fat is promoted, "says Malone. This dysbiosis can come from many factors, including lack of sleep, not enough exercise or too much stress, but a high diet in processed food, refined sugar and food you do not have. The most influential factors are the most influential factors. Malone points with new research that have shown that those with more microbial diversity in their intestinal microbiome, had lower visceral greases (grease around your organs in your abdominal area associated with metabolic disease).

Our point? While you can not change your genes, your microbiome makeup is actually very malleable. Improve yourintestinal health And get your vegetable carbohydrates, eat fermented foods, get probiotics in your life and try an elimination plan to help you identify your food sensibilities.


Myth: fruits can emulsify belly fat

assorted fruits

Truth: Although citric acid is a natural acid occurring in fruits and vegetables, it does not emulsify stored fat.

A common myth is that citric acid in fruits like cranberries emulsifies your belly fat. The truth, according to Bella, is that this is involved in the TCA cycle, which generates energy thanks to the oxidation of carbohydrates, greases and proteins. It also means that any cream that claims to injure belly fat or melt the cellulite with rich acid cranberries will not actually deliver. That said, while fruits rich in citrian acids do not blow fat, eat them instead of processed candies and salty snacks and you are required to see results.


Myth: Cinnamon burns calories

oatmeal cinnamon

Truth: Cinnamon helps blood glucose control but is not connected to calorie combustion.

Cinnamonand herbs and spices, in general, are a great way to add flavor to your foods without packing on calories; This does not mean that they are a curative treatment. "It's a common myth that consuming a terrestrial cinnamon teaspoon every day helps you lose fat quickly," says Bella. "The truth is that if the studies show that cinnamon can play a role in the control of blood glucose, cinnamon is not connected to a burn of upper calories. In addition, you would need to consume a lot more than a cinnamon teaspoon to get the small benefits. "


Myth: Go without gluten helps belly fat breath

Gluten free foods

Truth: "Often, the weight loss experienced by people avoiding gluten comes from the overall reduction of calories to avoid all carbohydrates in general," says Bella.

The food industry plays that many people falsely assume that the "gluten-free" code is a code for healthy, so that they conceal highly transformed foods like snacks wisely. It is very common that people who occur on gluten-free regimes to gain belly fat because they replace complex carbohydrates of whole grains, containing gluten with treated and refined gluten products.


Myth: Lemon Water Fall Fat

Lemon water

Truth: It's probably just that you drink water in the first place.

It would be impossible to count the number of people who swear by starting their day with hot water and lemon. And although it is certainly a healthy way to start your morning, there is a lack of scientific evidence that supports all affirmation to melt fat. "The average American does not drink enough water in general. So, drinking a glass of lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach can simply help with the hydration and suppression of the appetite, leading to a Global consumption less caloric, "Bella said.


Myth: Dark fruits burn more belly fat

blackberries in white bowl

Truth: There is no evidence that shows that darker fruits burn more fat.

"All fruits contain phytonutrients, so it's important to eat a variety of colors to make sure you get as many nutrients as possible," says Bella. "But there is no evidence showing that darker fruits burn fat. Previously, try to have bays that are rich in fiber for a satisfying and slow digestion option."


Myth: belly fat does not matter if your IMC is normal

Woman as a patient in pharmacy or doctor's office measures weight and body fat on scales

Truth: The BMI is useful for helping someone understand that they are overweight or obese, but that's about all that's good. This is not a specific way to determine overall health.

We might think that fat is big, but the location of them also has health implications. "Although the BMI is a good estimate of the status of overweight or obesity, fat in the belly region is more prejudicial to your health than to be slightly overweight without much belly fat," Bella declares. "Even if your BMI is normal, central obesity can be a risk factor for metabolic syndrome, diabetes and cardiovascular disease."


Myth: Calories are calories

Counting calories

Truth: 100 calories from two transformed conservation cookies arenot equal to 100 calories of an apple.

Who do you think is healthier: someone who eats 1,200 candy calories and chocolates or someone who eats 2,000 calories of lean vegetables and protein? Clearly, it is not just the number of calories, but also the quality of these calories. "Although your calorie check is the key to global weight loss, healthy food sources are essential for losing belly fat and gaining lean muscle mass," says Bella. "Studies show that if you compare two people who consume the same amount of saturated fatty fat calories and unsaturated healthy greases, the person who consumes more saturated fats will have more belly fat." It's one of40 habits that make you sick and overweight!

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Belly Fat
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