In a diet? Eating these 11 foods, say experts

The best diet is the one you can support for life.

In a diet? Eat these foods, let's say experts - and also make sure they feel good for life. You should love them. Take advantage of it. Want them. "When food cravings are reduced, it's easier to stay in a caloric deficit to lose weight," saysMelissa Mitri, MS, RDN, owner of Melissa Mitri Nutrition, LLC. "Your body must also work harder to break down the protein than carbohydrates or fats, which burns more calories. The best" diet "is the one you can maintain for life, where you can eat nourishing and energizing foods who help you meet your weight loss weight. "With that in mind, a mitri andLorraine KEARNEY BASC, CDN, CEO New York City Nutrition and certified diet nutritionist, provided us with their best foods to eat during a diet. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these19 ways to ruin your body, say health experts.


In a diet? Eat whole wheat bread, pasta and grains

cooked and seasoned whole wheat pasta in pan

"Many of my clients are afraid to eat bread when we start working in their health goals, but bread can be part of a balanced diet," KEARNEY said. "Glucose bread and other carbohydrates is the main source of energy energy and also helps support brain function. Associate a whole wheat toast slice with a lawyer and an egg is an excellent breakfast option. Because it contains healthy greases, complex carbohydrates and proteins. "


In a diet? Tuna

tuna fish

"Tuna is a low-fat lean protein source that is naturally low in calories.ResearchShows that higher diets in proteins are more efficient for weight loss, "says Mitri". The tuna contains a large gram of protein with only 132 calories per 4 ounce serp. To reduce calories and added greases, choose tuna packed in the water, not the oil. "


In a diet? Eating frozen vegetables

frozen vegetables

"Frozen vegetables are fantastic to have on hand to prepare a delicious meal at home," KEARNEY said. "Frozen vegetables are picked at maximum maturity, then laundered to preserve their bright colors and maintain their nutritional value. Just add them to a saucepan with a small olive oil and season with garlic and Onion powder and pair of a grain and meat protein. "


In a diet? Eat eggs

hard-boiled eggs

"The eggs are one of the best foods to eat when you try to lose weight." said Mitri. "The eggs are packaged with high quality proteins and are very satisfied. And unless you have a high cholesterol level, you can eat all the wormon worry.StudiesHave shown that eating eggs specifically for increased breakfast weight loss on a restricted calorie feed. Have eggs for breakfast puts your metabolism on the right path for the day, so you are satisfied longer and live less ginged. "


In a diet? Eat fruits


"Yes, the fruits are not a bad food and do not cause weight gain! The fruits have obtained such a bad reputation nowadays, with many popular diets by adding fruit to their list" Do not eat ". However, there is no research at the back, says Mitri. "In reality,studieshave shown that those who eat more fruit actually tend to weigh less! Therefore, the old adage of an apple per day keeps the doctor "still applies today."


In a diet? Eat dark chocolate

Dark chocolate on a turquoise colored table

"The dark chocolate contains 3.4 g of iron for 1 oz. Serve and rich in a polyphenol called Flavonols that helps support insulin sensitivity, increase HDL and lower LDL," says Kearney. "When you buy dark chocolate, do not forget to read the list of ingredients, because some brands include added sugars, artificial aromas and can treat chocolate with alkaline. This alkaline treatment is also called Dutch treatment and can reduce Considerably the antioxidant advantages of flavonols. OPT for a dark chocolate of 70% or more. "


In a diet? Eat green leafy vegetables

Woman picking out kale and leeks at a farmers market or grocery store

"Green Greens such as cabbages, spinach, collar greens and Swiss Chard are some of the best weight loss vegetables," says Mitri. "They are naturally low in calories and carbohydrates, but packed fiber to keep you full. Fiber is an essential nutrient of any weight loss diet and can also support a healthy intestine and heart. In fact, manystudieshave shown food packaged by fiber as green greens can increase weight loss. "


In a diet? Eat a skinless chicken breast

Pieces of fried chicken breast on a pan.

"Eating more skinny protein products like the chicken can withstand weight loss and reduce weight desires. A study has shown that consuming at least 25% of your protein calories that can cut off foods up to 60% "," says Mitri.


In a diet? Banana

chewing banana

"Bananas are a large source of fiber, potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C, explains Kearney. "They are an excellent pre-training snack, because potassium helps prevent muscle cramps and is necessary for muscle contraction, as well as the glucose of banana helps endurance. I like to associate a banana with 1- 2 tablespoons of peanut butter before breaking a sweat. "

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In a diet? Frumbot


"Dietary culture has created a fear of eating fruits because it contains sugar, but nothing is afraid of eating fruits," says Kearney. "Fruits have a lot of wonderful health benefits because it contains fibers, vitamins and minerals needed to support your body. A cup of raspberries contains 8 g of fiber and helps stabilize blood glucose. The fiber you Full keep longer and can decrease the need or need to nibble later. "

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In a diet? Eat ... your favorite meal!

Couple having lunch at rustic gourmet restaurant

"Many plan regimes are focusing on the limitation of foods you like and make you believe that you have to omit them to achieve your health goals, but the restriction can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food at the place where we consider food as "good" or "bad". "KEARNEY said." It can lead to the frenzy eating later and promote feelings of guilt. If you consume foods that are good for you, enjoy it and continue! All foods can be part of a balanced diet, and when we say that we never say we eat this food from Xyz again, it causes a mentality all or nothing - I will eat all this food now because I do not will never do it again. This makes us eat beyond our marimage and natural fullness at the place where we feel uncomfortably complete. "Keep reading for any more essential advice.


Final word of nutritionist

Nutritionist working in office. Doctor writing diet plan on table and using vegetables. Sport trainer

"The next time you eat, pay attention to the hunger that you are horrible when you start and how your body reacts while you start integrating," says Kearney. "We all have a ladder of natural fullness where our body identifies when we have consumed enough food, but sometimes we do not listen to that because we are too distracted when you eat, or the" rules "of many ADF schemes dictate When and how much to eat. The best way to work for your health goals is to be mild with yourself, listen to your body's needs and pay attention to how food makes you think and feel. "As now you have a good base, do not miss these others19 weight loss foods that really work, say experts.

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