What's really in a hot ham and cheese pocket

Ready for cheese and waterfowl feathers?


Some combinations can not be beaten: Pb & j, pizza and beer, cheese and cheese of waterfowl ... Wait, you never tried this one? If you had a hot pocket with ham and cheese, you have. Of course, part of this smoke-ham flavor is authentic (probably), but some of them come graceful of amino acid cysteine ​​derived from duck feathers. In its role of food additive, its goal is to imitate some flavors. For example, when the l-cysteine ​​reacts with sugar, the combination creates a fleshy flavor. As long as the ideal of false aromas of ham can be, however, it will not even comply with the absurd fact that it requires duck feathers for hot pockets to achieve it.


Yes, even the inhabitants of the hot pocket are dyed to look more attractive. Annatto is a natural dye derived from the South American Achiot tree, and it is often used in processed doy products to confer a rich and golden hue. But good - at least it's not yellow 5, right? Well, not so fast; Annatto could actually be as bad as chemical dyes. A study published in the archives of the toxicology supplement revealed that the dye has caused allergic responses as frequently as artificial dyes.

Disodium guanylate

Fish and algae have a place in your diet. Take the sushi bar, for example: it is an ideal place to get both. But in your hot pocket? It does not seem so good. But basically, that's what you get here. Disodium guanylate is made from dehydrated sardines or algae. It is used to impregnate a smoky and fleshy flavor than the seemingly hot pork pockets, noted here by the low-recommendable moniker, "added a body of water from the ham and formed:" I can not simply not match.

Categories: Groceries
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