Dangerous color chaches are hiding at home

The house is not right where the heart is. It is also where chemicals can hide under your nose.

Providing a home means making more decisions than you have ever thought possible. For each item you buy, you have to consider the price, the quality, the appearance and even the quality of its evolution with your other things - but it is not as standard to consider its effects on your health. It's usually reserved for the grocery store where you can return things to check nutritional facts. But while the items in your home do not come with a list of ingredients, trust us. There are more to them than meet the eye.

We have gathered and exposed some of the worst guilty who affect your body more than you think. If this list requires you to rethink the past purchases, attach your refrigerator while you are there and get rid of the75 instant feed on the planet.



manicured nails

What is food containers, nail polish and shower curtains all together? Each of these often contains phthalates, a salt used for its flexibility in plastics and prevention of chipping in the paint. Although mostly associated with endocrine disturbances, a study on rats inToxicology asserts that this chemical can disrupt reproductive systems in both sexes.


Fireproof of flames

man holding cell phone

Sometimes trying to solve a problem can launch another, as when polybromed diphenyl ethers (PbDes) are used as flame retardants in carpets, mobile phones and portable cradle mattresses. Although this chemical has what it is supposed to, it also goes beyond, which plays with thyroid hormones and a child's IQ. According to a study inEnvironmental Health OutlookAn prenatal and infant exposition is related to the decrease in attention, motor coordination and cognition, while a fish study inEnvironmental sciences and technology Found Pbdes to disrupt hormonal regulation. Talk about a double-edged sword.


Perfluorized chemicals

pan on stove

PFCS help to make stains resistant objects, grease or water, which seems great, right? Wrong. Although you can enjoy what these chemicals make for your nonstick pots, clothes and pizza boxes, you will not like what they do to your children. PFC exposure may result in increased opportunity to develop metabolic syndrome, according to a study on graders of theJournal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. Metabolic syndrome refers to heart disease, cerebrovascular accident and diabetes, allowing you to add these products to the12 ways your home makes you big.


Carry on

painting walls

As you have probably noticed at this point, young children are more likely to some of these chemicals and is particularly true in lead poisoning. Buildings built before 1978 may have been painted with lead paint and exposure to this can affect mental and physical development. For children, this often presents in the form of learning difficulties, but it can also have an effect on adults, resulting in memory and concentration problems. It is also bad for the breeding systems of both sexes and associated with miscarriage, reduces the number of spermatozoa and infertility, according to a study ofNeurotoxicology.


Glycol ethers

cleaning countertops

Speaking of sperm, a study in theAmerican Journal of Industrial Medicine Shows that the glycol ethers of your home have also been linked to the number of spermatozoa low. These reveal solar screens, cosmetics, adhesives and cleaners, among other common products.



woman in clean bathroom

Cleaning your bathroom until it shines should be a good thing, but ammonia in polishing agents and glass cleaners indicate the opposite. A study inProfessional and environmental medicine has found symptoms of increased asthma in domestic cleaning women using these types of products. But if you remember anything on ammonia, it should be this: when mixed with bleach, it becomes a toxic gas that can cause acute pulmonary injury.



friends sitting at table

The wood can be treated with pressure with a chromed copper arsenate and if this last word has a little suspicious, it should. The CCA contains arsenic, a study inApplied toxicology and pharmacology has linked skin and lung cancer in rats. As if it were not scary enough, the researchers at Columbia University have discovered that children in three school districts of Maine exposed to Arsenic in their drinking water had inferior IQs.



washing hands in sink

You may want to reduce antibacterial soap. We know that germs are bad and all, but an increase in your body mass index (BMI). A study inPlos aI found that a detectable level of the Triclosan found in liquid dishware and hand soaps was associated with an increase in the BMI of 0.9 points. But it's not all bad; We have news (slightly) good news for you. Not enough research has been done on humans to label this chemical a carcinogen.



blue bed pillows

It seems ironic that the liquids and leaves used to soften the fabric can irritate your skin, but it is exactly what happens with too much exposure to quaternary chemicals. A study inFood and chemical toxicology found that this had an effect on the skin and eyes - a double dose of irritation.



man in white tee shirt

The most risky thing you made today may be rubbing your toilet or whiten a laundry charge. This is true, the chlorine found in these cleaning products has been linked to the problems of thyroid regulation - not only in the rats, but also among the monkeys, our closest animal relations - according to a study of theNewspaper of Toxicology and Environmental Health.


Sodium hydroxide

opening oven

Depending on how exactly it is in your system, sodium hydroxide in oven cleaners and clothing openers can cause corrosive burns, respiratory problems or sore throat, among others. A strong exposure to this generally means a doctor's trip and the symptoms should be supervised very carefully. The chemical can cause damage to a month after contact and even fatal in extreme cases.




Put the bug spray and away from the weed killer. You can hate cockroaches and disordered gardens, but these methods should not be your solution. According to a study inNeurotoxicology and teratologyThere is a link between glyphosate in these herbicides and Parkinson's disease. Not just that butPediatrics Child Cancer Insecticide Exposure. Now it's more scary than a cockroach.



woman checking skin

Although HCFCs in your air conditioning unit are horrible for the ozone layer, they do not make your body's favors. Exposure to refrigerants like these can irritate your breathing and skin. But if you can not bear to be less sharp this summer, at least stay away from these6 foods that destroy your skin.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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