6 daily habits that ruin your sex drive

Many variables can reduce your sexual desire. Do not let these habits be one of them.

The low sex drive can be linked to low testosterone levels. And that does not just affect men. In 2003, investigators found that the increase in testosterone levels increased sexual desire in women who complained of low libido and reduces sexual excitation due to menopause. Women who took a low-dose estrogen-testosterone combination treatment reported a 100% improvement in sexual interest, compared to women treated with estrogen only.

There are many variables that can lower sexual desire in men and women, and it is perfectly natural to go through EBBS and libido flows. But if you can not put your finger on the reason you do not feel for long periods of time, you may want to watch your habits outside the bedroom.

Continue reading to discover how you could unwind your testosterone levels - and your sexual interest. And break your other bad habits with a few easy libido hacks.


You do not feed your libido


We know that oysters have experienced sex sharpening properties for hundreds of years. This can be because they contain a lot of zinc. Studies have shown that people who consume a sufficient amount of this mineral tend to have normal levels of testosterone. If you are not an oyster lover, there are a lot of lean meat and fortified grains and cereals. Another mineral linked to testosterone and higher libido ismagnesium. You can find it in many pleasant foods such as dark green vegetables, nuts and seeds, fish, beans, whole grains, lawyers, yogurt, bananas and dark chocolate. To keep it in mood, check these50 best foods for his penis.


You drink too much and / or too often


Excessive or usual consumption can have a negative effect on the male and female reader. A glass of wine or a cocktail can put you atmosphere, but drink a lot more than that regularly, and your libido will pay the price. Alcohol is a depressant who can play ravages with a man's ability to reach and maintain an erection and amortizing libido in general. Slow down when it comes to drinking and you may see that you rediscover your sexual spark. To help you, the nutritionist Dana James suggests drinking a ratio of 2 to 1 of water to alcoholic beverages.


You sacrifice sleep


Think about these moments when your libido has been high speed. Was it for a while you're not going to sleep enough? Probably not, according to several studies that examined the effect of sleep loss on the sex drive. In men, a lack of quality sleep can reduce testosterone. Women, said Dr. Dr. larger, may have difficulty committing with their desire and reach orgasm if they do not receive enough recovery rest. Aim for 7 to 9 hours a night. Bonus: You can evenlose weight while you sleep!


You do not relax enough


Be stressed is not fun - you have probably noticed that your fun parts take a break whenever things go crazy in your life. Chronic stress depresses testosterone, as evidenced by a study that has associated an increase in professional stress with decreasing T levels in men. Your best displacement is to give priority to something that helps you disassist. This could be a massage, yoga, meditation or deep breathing. The sex itself is a strictered stress, then you come back to the saddle, you can start a positive return loop.


You are not masturbating


Experiment with physical pleasure can balance hormones. Having a little bit - even if you need everything through the muscle at the beginning - can really help start the pump as it was. According to the University of the University of Michigan University of 2009, orgasm helps the body to release the oxytocin, the hormone "love and bond", which lowards a cortisol, a Stress hormone that helps your body store fat. A lack of oxytocin can also cause you to eat "comforting food", which is not often healthy. Here's another good reason to go there: A 2009 study has shown a link between masturbation and the rise in women's self-esteem. For nutritional assistance in the atmosphere, store them on these8 foods for sex, better than the viagra woman.


You are sorry for sugar


SugarIs everywhere, so do not think you're safe because you do not leave it spinning in your coffee. Sweet tips increase hormonal insulin levels, which can prevent you from storing belly fat, lose muscle mass and send the spiral of your testosterone. In men, belly fat increases estrogen levels, which can lead to low libido and erectile dysfunction; A study revealed that glucose (sugar) has significantly reduced the total and free testosterone levels. Make an effort to get rid of the sugar you consume - knowingly or otherwise - could be what love doctor ordered.


Guys, the secret of a strong sex driving and the performance of the socks of your socks are in the kitchen.That's why we listed some of the best foods for the virility below. The pleasure is yours.


virility coffee

A cup of morning coffee certainly has its advantages. Men who consumed between 85 and 170 milligrams of caffeine per day - the equivalent of two to three cups of coffee - were 42% less likely to suffer fromdystem (Ed), according to a recent study published in the magazinePlos a. The researchers attribute the benefits to the relaxing effect of caffeine on the arteries, which improves the blood flow to the penis. Make it two cups of Joe tomorrow morning. To what extent is it difficult?


virility carrots

The secret of healthy sperm? Carrots! Or suggests a study published in the newspaperFertility and sterility This analyzed the effect of various fruits and vegetables on the quality of the sperm discovered that the carrots had the best results all around the number of spermatozoa and motility - a term used to describe the sperm's ability to swim towards an egg. Men who eat the most carrots have seen an improved sperm performance of 6.5 to 8%. Harvard researchers attribute the boost tocarotenoids, powerful antioxidant compounds in carrots that help the body to make vitamin A.



virility tomatoes

Double on the Marinara to protect your manhood. Men who eat more than 10 portions of tomatoes each week have a 18% risk of prostate cancer - the result oflycopene, an antioxidant that struggles toxins that can cause damage to DNA and cells - a study in the newspaperCancer epidemiology, biomarkers and prevention find. A previous study revealed that the garden plant could also improve the morphology of sperm (form); Men with the highest tomato intake contributed between 8 and 10% of spermatozoa of more than 8 and 10%.

Serrano Chilis

virility serrano chilis

Some like it's hot and guys who tend to be more virile or suggest a recent study of French researchers. They discovered that men who eat the most spicy foods tend to have highertestosterone levels than those with softer palaces. The study authors assign the stimulation effects of T-boosting partly to capsaicin, a compound in peppers that previous search associated with an increase in testosterone levels. Seriously spicy peppers are also packed with quercetin, a nutrient shown to increase testosterone levels in the body by reducing the amount that is otherwise rinsed by the kidneys.


virility fish

Forget the meeting market and the meat market. Men seeking to increase their cum quality should rather go to the fish counter, research suggests. Sperm size and shape - a marker used to evaluatemale infertility - was better in men who ate the most white meat fish compared to men who ate the least, a study published inThe Journal of Nutrition show. And the total number of spermatozoa was greater than about 34% in men who ate the darkest meat fish, such as salmon and tuna, that men who ate the least amount of fish. Meanwhile, men who reported having missed one with three portions of processed meat had worse sperm morphology (form) than men who have eaten as fewer portions.


Pumpkin seeds

virility pumpkin seeds

The pumpkin seeds are one of the best food sources of zinc and magnesium minerals shown to increase testosterone levels and growth factor hormone, especially when combined. In fact, university football players who took a zinc-magnesium nocturnal supplement showed a 30% increase in testosterone levels and an increase of 13 to 16% of the leg strength, an eight-week event found. The seeds are also a rich source of source polyunsaturated fatty acids shown to increase prostaglandins - substances similar to a hormone playing a key role inlibido.



virility watermelon

The watermelon has just received jinner. The researchers say that the summer clip contains an ingredient that can trigger blood vessels to relax a lot like Viagra. It's called Citruline, a compound discovered both in the flesh and skin of the melon which, once ingested, is converted to an amino acid calledarginineThis shows to expand blood vessels and improve traffic. Experts say you would have a lot to harvest the benefits - at least six tranches. But Dr. Bhimu Patil from Texas A & M University who led research believes that juicy fruit could serve again and natural antidote for erectile dysfunction.



virility celery

We could not run a list of virility without at least one aphrodisiac. And he becomes celery, all things, is a seriously sexy rod. "The celery contains the androtosterone, a men's sex pheromone released by perspiration, a limited search has shown a flirty behavior in women," says Dietitian Keri Gans, author of the author ofThe little change of change. Ingest the Androttosterone can also increase male excitement and bring a guy's body to send scents and signals that make it more desirable for women, according to Alan Hirsch, M.D., author ofSanctival sex. Meow. Cruité, if you are planning. Now, check out our full report on the50 best foods for your penis!

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