How to lose 50 pounds
We asked the experts for their intelligent strategies to help you drop the books.

Trying to lose a large amount of weight is a lot like a training for a marathon. You know that the trip forward will be difficult and starting can feel overwhelming.
But do not let it dissuade or intimidate you. All you have to do is put one foot before the other and take small steps. There are a number of simple things, but extremely efficient, you can do to facilitate the weight loss process. And when you see these first books, start flying, you are motivated to push you to push you further.
Here, weight loss experts describe the best ways to get lost weight when you want to lose 50 pounds or more. And to maintain your weight loss, mix fat quickly with help fromMadness Trainer Shaun T, Maria Menounos, Padma Lakshmi and more using these free products50 Secrets of Weight Loss Never Never Chosen of Lear People!
Get more attention

When you imagine your weight loss trip,to sleep Probably not the first thing that comes to my mind. But getting an adequate closure every night (about 7 or 8 hours) is one of the easiest and most effective methods of starting a weight loss plan, says Dyan Tsiumis, founder of fierce training in New York. Tsiumis, who dropped more than 70 pounds before becoming a personal trainer, says that "when the body is deprived of sleep, he frees hormones that increase hunger and make it more difficult to recognize when you are satiated." Remove sleep also increases stress hormone levels that cause grease storage and interfere with drive recovery. Once you have adjusted in a regular sleep schedule, you can go searching for additional weight loss advice from the list below.
Eating this! advice
An hour before going to bed, turn off your electronics. Lasting in their blue glow can make it difficult to fall asleep.

You probably heard that you should drink eight cups of water daily, which is half a gallon. But Chris Powell, the trainer who has helped hundreds of overweight people lose weight on the series of reality ABCExtreme weight loss, declares the candidates on the show at least one gallon every day. But that's not all: the days they hit the gym, they consume 32 additional ounces for every hour, they exercise. "Not only does this increase their metabolism slightly, but it also keeps them between meals and the neighborhoods of the meal. This strategy plays a key role in their extraordinary success!" he explains.
Eating this! advice
When you get down a gallon of H20 is the goal, there is little time to consume other drinks. But we get it, sticking to the water all the time can tire your taste buds. If this happens, jump the soda, juice and fantasycoffee drinks and whip a pitcher ofwater or green tea instead. Make sure to reach green tea on the black, because this infusion contains burning compounds of the belly called catechins. We ate that, not that! Like tea so much, we were part of our new increased diet plan,7 days old flat belly tea! The test panels lost 10 pounds in a week!

If you work in a gym or in front of others makes you anxious - do not do it. The best training is the one you stick to. If you value your privacy, start making a low-impact exercise video at home or walking in your neighborhood. If you do not have a lot of free time for physical activity, walk some of the way to and work or during your lunch break, every movement can get closer to your goal.
Eating this! advice
Remember: your training routine should not be extreme to be effective. If you are new to the fitness, start working just 10 minutes or four times a week. Every week, increase your three-minute time. Before you know, you will move for half an hour or more.
Clean your kitchen

"That you have ten pounds to lose or at 100, the first thing to do is create a successful environment," says Powell. Retrieve all cookies, frozen nuggets, cakes and chips and donors to a local food bank. When junk food is not at home, you are less able to eat it regularly, which can accelerate your weight loss. After cleaning home, it's time to hit the grocery store. Powell suggestsRestocket your kitchen With natural whole foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, raw almonds and lean protein such as turkey, chicken, fish and eggs.
Eating this! advice
It's not because you've threw that junk food does not mean you have to completely deprive your sweet tooth. If you want to indulge in ice cream or cookie, get out once a week for treatment and enjoy it. After finishing eating, leave the restaurant. The longer you are attraving, the higher the chance will be high for a few seconds.
Break with a Happy Hour

Like soda and sweet drinks, booze is packed with hundreds ofempty calories - But that's not the only reason he can slow down your weight loss advances, says diet nutritionist registeredJennifer Neily. "The consumption of drinking decreases inhibitions and increases the appetite, which requires people to eat much more than they would otherwise," she says. In fact, a recently Dutch study revealed that the consumption of half-drink did not allow study participants by 20% more than their sober counterparts. Yikes!
Eating this! advice
The next time you go out, give yourself to be the DD so you did not try to drink. While remaining sober may not be as fun, it's worth it once these books start flying!
Losing weight is a slow process and looking at the number on a ladder can be depressing. UK trainer topDan Roberts Suggests instead of the balance of your weight loss course. "The physical condition and food industry we bomb with transformations before and after that would occur overnight. However, these types of results are not typical. Most big changes take time, So be patient with yourself and focus on the routine of your diet and fitness and improve your overall health. Over time, the weight will naturally come - do not worry about what the scale said. "
Eating this! advice
If you are a person of numbers and want to follow your progress, focus on yourHip size ratio. This measure, which is calculated by taking the circumference around the hips in inches and dividing it by the circumference of the size, is an important indicator of health because it perceives on belly fat. This type of fat has a negative impact on well-being more than grease located everywhere else on the body. Check your monthly ratio to make sure you are always on the right track to your goal.
Take the time to think
Losing weight can be so hard emotionally and physically. Remember why you started your weight loss trip can help lift your mind when you fail and you motivate yourself to stick to you when you want to throw the towel. "Take a moment every morning to remember what you work for - whatsoever an improved energy, so you can play with your children or a happier lifeliness, says Tsiumis." When you focus on all the well that will come from all those who will come from all your hard work it is easier to stay on track, "she adds.
Eating this! advice
Tsiumis suggests defining an alarm on yourcellphone as a "motivation reminder". "I have an alarm that goes out three times a day to remember what I work for- and I lost my weight more than ten years ago! It keeps me in mind to be my best "Explains Tsiumis.

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