Pizzases instances on the planet

This week, the melted cheese has melted the Internet, when the pizza hut introduced his latest darkening of the artery, the weight loss-Frankenfood, the 15 "hot-dentil tart, a large pizza with a garnish with a cover Pork-in-a-coverage in the crust.

"I tried it and survived," wrote an online tester. This, on a food our imagined Italian ancestors would be a low cal aperitif.

Unfortunately, Pizza Hut is not alone in offering pies that better look like sewer than Napolitan specialties. In most popular restaurants andfrozen food Bottoms, thin and healthy crusts got thicker, more inflated with cheap carbohydrate calories. Toppings got Gimmicky, if the healthy mozzarella and tomato sauces are sometimes replaced by things like hamburger meat, finger chicken or Ziti. And sizes, especially at the service of "individuals" pizzas took these pies at a new level of caloric hurricion.

How is it bad? Chief editors ofEat this, not that! Searches each pie in America and determined the absolute worst for your health and size.

Worst pizza slice

Sbarro stuffed sausage and pepperoni pizza (1 slice)

810 calories, 40 g of fat (15 g of saturated fat), 2180 mg of sodium, 73 g of carbohydrates, 36 g of protein
It is the equivalent of fat: 10 slices of pan-fried bacon!

The architecture of this thing makes less like a slice of pizza and more like an inspired pizza chipotle burrito. It rests on an oversized shell of oily bread to hold a sticky flag of cheese, sausages and pepperoni. The net result is a pizza pocket with two thirds of your day's fat and more than the value of a sodium day. And traditional pizza slices are not much better; Not less than 600 calories. If you want to do in Sbarro, think of thin crust with nothing to produce on the top. (And go from thin crust to a slimer you: Slim Down-fast with these essentials14 ways of losing your belly in 14 days!)

Eat this place!

Sbarro New York Fresh Style Pizza Tomato (1 slice)
410 calories, 14 g of fat (8 g of saturated fat), 790 mg of sodium, 53 g of carbohydrates, 16 g of protein

The worst novelty pizza

pizza hut hot dog bites pizza

Pizza Hut Hot Dog Pizza Bites

Estimate by tranche: 460 calories, 30 g of fat, 9.9 g of saturated fat, 32.7 g of carbohydrates
It is the equivalent of fat: 7.5 Taco Bell soft fresco steak tacos!

We saw pizza hut do crazy things in the past to try to woo new fans remember La-crust pizza crazy cheesy, with 16 crust pockets of five totally different cheeses? Their last monster Mashup is Hot Dog Pizza-bites a cheese, a Pizza Pepperoni surrounded by pigs in a blanket instead of the standard crust. The combination of two fattening, dense calories, all-American foods is a losing-loser situation (although you will not lose weight) is an exorbitant sum -There y 3,680 calories in a typical frame, pie 8 slices, to be exact. Oh, and it is served with the mustard for French soak all hot dogs, of course. Yum?

Eat this place!

Pizza hut pizza skinny beach, 1 slice, 14 "big lean slice
400 calories, 12 g fat (6 g saturated), 880 mg of sodium, 56 g of carbohydrates

And burning this and every melting point meal restaurant high cal up to 10 pounds of fat in a week - with our brand new weight loss plan,7-day flat-belly tea diet and cleaning!

Pizza worse Wannabe

macaroni grill fatbread

Macaroni Grill Romano Smasted Meatball Fatbread

1420 calories, 59 g of fat, 28 g of saturated fat, 2970 sodium, 149 g of carbohydrates
It is the calorie equivalent of: Near 17 Eggo Waffle Confetti!

It's not a typo: Romano high and strong promotes "fatbread" -baked the dough with cheese and choked trimmed-to be "fat on crust, fat on the fittings and the grease. Grease on the flavor ", but they should have added" fat on you. »Consume more than half of your daily calories in one session just ask for a 15 hour snooze and a faster belly office. Pass and choose a simpler place of pasta. (But beware: Ravioli Alla Vodka and Penne Arrabbiata are only 4 pasta with less than 1000 calories.)

Eat this place!

Ravioli Alla Vodka
660 calories, 37 g of fat, 20 g saturated fat, 1440 sodium, 50 g of carbohydrates

And fill, but do not fill: theseEat this, not that!-Soueving10 daily habits blowing belly fat!

The worst pizza for children

cicis mac cheese pizza

Pizza cici buffet Mac & Cheese (two 12 "pizza buffet slices)

380 calories, 9 g of fat (4 g of saturated fat), sodium 880 mg, 60 g of carbohydrates
It is the equivalent of carb: Shotgunning More than 4 slices of Wonder bread!

Macaroni and cheese pizza? Although it may seem the best idea ever to children around the world, this cute concept is potentially disastrous for your health and that of your children. Why high a dish already heavy carbohydrates with more carbohydrates, not to mention fat? While the number of calories does not record as high as most problematic pies on this list, which is only because the slices are tiny; Believe us, in Cici is all-you-can-eat environment, damage can increase rapidly. But if you bring one of their homemade pizzas, celebrate their small slices as integratedcontrol of portions-And go with Flatbread. Children will love the crisis.

Eat this place!

Flatbread cheese (2 tranches)
200 calories, 9 g of fat (5 g of saturated fat), sodium 380 mg, 24 g of carbohydrates

Seafood Pires Pizza

red lobster pizza

Red lobster lobster pizza

680 calories, 31 g of fat (12 g of saturated fat), 1740 mg of sodium, 66 g of carbohydrates
It is the equivalent of fat: 442 big shrimp! Truly.

Sea rates is usually a healthy way to go, but sprinkle it on a sticker bed and fatty cheese and you have a very different story. Advertised as entrance, this lobster pizza is the only pizza on Red Lobster Menu Fortunately, it shares space with one of the largest hors d'oeuces in the world: shrimp cocktail. Make sure you also avoid seafood schemes in our exclusiveEat this, not that! report on the6 fish that make you fat.

Eat this place!

Jumbo icy shrimp cocktail
120 calories, 1 g of lipids, 590 mg of sodium, 9 g of carbohydrates

Worst Mashup Pizza

papa johns frito pie pizza

Fritos Pizza Chile Papa John (2 tranches)

720 calories, 30 g of fat (12 g of saturated fat), 1400 mg of sodium
It is the equivalent of sodium of: Dumping 5 salt packets in the mouth!

Pizza season concoction, Chile Beef Papa John and yes, fritos is an insult to almost all known cuisines of man. According to our estimates, an entire salty pie will come with nearly 6000 mg of sodium! A better defense is a good attack, then start your meal here with some pieces ofBellger Filling Protein in the form of wings or chicken tabs. Consider insurance against scarfing too many slices later.

Eat this place!

The Original Pizza Crust (1 slice, large pie) and chickenstrips (3) with cheese sauce Dipping
400 calories, 26 g of fat (8.5 g of saturated fat), 1060 sodium

The worst pizza restaurant on the planet

uno deep dish chicago style pizza

Uno Chicago Grill Chicago Classic Deep Dish Individual Pizza

2300 calories, 164 g of grease (53 g saturated fat, 1 g of trans fat), 4910 mg of sodium, 119 g of carbohydrates
It is the equivalent of sodium of: 27 small bags of lays chips of potatoes!

The problem with deep flat pizza (which uno knows one thing or two about, because they invented it in 1943) are not only extra empty calories and crust carbohydrates, it is that the basis of thick pastry Provides structural integrity at home additional piles of cheese, sauce and oily fittings. The result is an individual pizza with more calories than you should eat in a day. Oh, we mentioned that he has nearly 3 days of saturated fat value, too? The key to (relative) to the success of UNO lies in their pies and Flatbread leaves them!

Eat this place!

Cheese and tomato Flatbread pizza (1/2 pizza)
490 calories, 23.5 g of grease (11 g saturated fat), 1290 mg of sodium, 48 g of carbohydrates

The worst Frozen Pizza

Best worst frozen pizza

Whether you are a Die-Hard BBQ chicken fan or you're looking for a quick solution after a night late night, we found the choice that will not fail to hit the place without throwing a ratchet in your Weight loss trip. Fill your freezer with some of these frozen options, tasty (while avoiding their alternatives to derail diet) so that you will always be ready with a friendly size of something every time a pizza thirst strike . Curious to know why you get these buds pulsions of taste? To findWhat your cravings say about you!

traditional cheese

Eating this! Amy's cheese

Nutrition (⅓ pizza, 123 g): 290 calories, 12 g of grease (5 g of saturated fat), sodium 590 mg, 33 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fibers, 4 g of sugar), 12 g of protein

The Amy pizza is made with organic tomatoes, which is important that scientists have discovered this non-pesticide version of the red fruit has made higher levels of lycopene fight against cancer. Bonus: There is no refined wheat or sugar, which means this bang bang more nutritious for your money. Curious carbohydrates on? Consult these50 questions about Carbohydrates-Answered 5 words or less.

Not that! Red Baron Classic Crust 4 Cheeses

Nutrition (¼ pizza, 149 g): 390 calories, 17 g of fat (9 g of saturated fat), sodium 750 mg, 42 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fibers, 8 g of sugar), 16 g of protein

If we had to ask you to guess the ingredients of the pizza, you probably would like cheese, tomatoes and a wheat yeast crust. We are betting that you should not guess that you should not guess "l-cysteine ​​hydrochloride" (a salt used to treat overdoses) and "ammonium sulfate" (a commonly used lawn fertilizer), which are two ingredients. Found in this Franken-Pizza. Oh, and have we mentioned that calorie, grease and sodium content are among the highest on the market?


Eat this: Trader Joe's Wood's Pepperoni Wood Pizza Unsecured

Nutrition (⅓ pizza, 144 g): 390 calories, 19 g of grease (7 g saturated grease), 840 mg of sodium, 40 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, sugar 4 g), of the protein 16 g

When you die a good Pepperoni pizza, we recommend a pie that uses unsecured pepperoni. Not calculated just means that the meat is free of chemical nitrates, known to form carcinogenic compounds in high heat conditions (such as, for example, an oven at 400 degrees).

Not that!: Original Tombstone Pepperoni

Nutrition (¼ pizza, 153 g): 390 calories, 20 g of grease (8 g saturated grease), 880 mg of sodium, 37 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, 6 g sugar), 18 g protein

In addition to containing two genetically modified oils (corn and soy), this pizza adds nitrates and other hazardous curators to their pepperoni, namely BHA and BHT. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHT) and butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) are already prohibited in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and a large part of Europe because they are considered carcinogens. Do not miss these23 Worst food additives in America.

Thin crust

Eat this: Pepperoni thin and crispy Newman

Nutrition (Tart, 125 g): 320 calories, 16 g of grease (6 g saturated grease), 800 mg of sodium, 31 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber), 15 g protein

The Newman also jumps on the pepperoni bordered by nitrates, which, above the precursor of carcinogenic compounds, can also interfere with the natural capacity of the body to treat the sugar and increase the risk of diabetes. Those who have had the pleasure of enjoying pizza "better than to take away" that the crust is crispy and thin without tasting cracks and full grains and flax seeds.

Not that!: Pepperoni pizza thin and crisp

Nutrition (Tart, 149 g): 390 calories, 19 g of grease (saturated grease of 9 g), 1,010 mg of sodium, 41 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 9 g of sugar), 14 g protein

Even the baron crust thin crust is too much of all bad things, including fat, saturated fat, sodium and msg in the discreet-hydrolyzed soy protein. This attractive-revised additive can interfere with your hunger hormones, which requires you to eat beyond your filling.


Eat this: Slim and thin and crisp grilled vegetable

Nutrition (⅓ Pizza, 135 g): 240 calories, 9 g of grease (3.5 g saturated grease), 550 mg of sodium, 33 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, sugar 3 g), 11 g protein

Roasted trio on fire, mushrooms and red onions on this pizza with slim and crispy multi-grain crispy. It is also higher in fiber and lower in sugar than its alternative.

Not that!: Good grilled vegetable aperitip

Nutrition (⅓ Pizza, 136 g): 300 calories, 13 g of grease (7 g saturated grease), 430 mg of sodium, 35 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, sugar 8 g), of the 12 g protein

This could have the same vegetables, but where good appetite goes wrong in additives, using vegetable oils, MSG derivatives and preservatives. All three have been known to contribute to chronic inflammation, a common culprit of weight gain. Find out how in these14 foods that cause inflammation and make you fat.

Growing crust

Eat this: Italian sausage digiorno

Nutrition (⅙ pizza, 143 g): 330 calories, 14 g of grease (6 g saturated grease), 760 mg of sodium, 37 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 5 g of sugar), 15 g protein

We generally recommend that you enter a slice with an equivalent amount of calories like a personal pie, but in this category, we would prefer to go with digiorno than the alternatives. This pie has better nutrients and better ingredients than those listed below. (And we hear it tastes pretty good too.)

Not that!: Freschetta Old Fashioned Sasage

Nutrition (⅙ Pizza, 134 g): 340 calories, 13 g of grease (6 g saturated grease), 840 mg of sodium, 40 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 8 g sugar), 14 g protein

This smaller service size always manages to pack in addition to sodium, carbohydrates and sugar than this eaten option. No worse is the inclusion of hydrogenated soybean oil, which is not as dangerous as partially hydrogenated, but can always contain remnants of trans fat in the arterials from the chemical process used to do so. Do not worry, all fats are not bad. Read about these20 healthy greases that make you slim.

Gluten free

Eat this: it's a tie! Classic cheese of smart flour

Nutrition (½ pizza, 143 g):350 calories, 14 g of grease (7 g saturated grease), 850 mg of sodium, 43 g of carbohydrates (3 g fiber, sugar 5 g), 13 g protein

This crispy pie is the real deal; You do not even realize it's gluten free! Intelligent flour has its own proprietary blend of antique dense nutrients, including sorghum, teff and amaranth. They were a little heavy on sodium, however, make sure you drink water while you eat a slice.

Eat this: it's a tie! Three Pizza with UDI GF Cheeses

Nutrition (½ pizza, 142 g): 360 calories, 15 g of grease (9 g saturated grease), 570 mg of sodium, 45 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 6 g of sugar), 12 g protein

The UDI pie has nutrients similar to intelligent flour, but it is lower in sodium. Pick up this GF standard, made with brown rice flour and a mixture of mozzarella cheese, Fontina and Romano.

Not that!: Duo Cheese Glutino GF

Nutrition (1 pizza, 175 g): 410 calories, 19 g of grease (8 g saturated grease), 660 mg of sodium, 48 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fibers, 4 g of sugar), 12 g protein

Do not be a glutton with this personal pizza. Glutino pies are systematically rich in calories and fat - and not that!


Eating this! Amy light and skinny cheese pizza

Nutrition (1 pizza, 142 g): 270 calories, 6 g of grease (3 g saturated grease), 480 mg of sodium, 38 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fibers, 6 g of sugar), 14 g of protein

One of the best frozen pies on the market, Amy's testifies a classic pizza using a low fat mozzarella but still maintains all the flavor you know and like.

Not that!: Digiorno small size, four traditional cheeses

Nutrition (1 pizza, 260 g): 710 calories, 29 g of grease (14 g saturated grease), 1,190 mg of sodium, 88 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, 12 g sugar), 25 g protein

If you will market a pizza as "personal size", you can not blame us from providing nutritional information for the entire pie, even if Digiorno misleads the size of a half-tart. This is one of the reasons why they are on our list of14 types of sneaky food with fake server sizes.


Eat this: the pizza pesto d'amy

Nutrition (Pizza, 128 g): 310 Calories, 12 g of grease (3.5 g saturated grease), 480 mg of sodium, 39 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fibers, sugar 3 g), 12 g protein

The organic basil and the pines constitute the traditional pesto that knows this pie. Meanwhile, the whole reasonable nutritional safe and allowed you to indulge in responsibly.

Not that!: Good appetite mozzarella & pesto

Nutrition (⅓ pizza, 125 g): 310 calories, 14 g of grease (7 g saturated grease), 410 mg of sodium, 34 g carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 8 g sugar), 12 g protein

Do not be fooled thinking that this pie is healthy because the name of the brand wishes you a good diet. The good appetite pizza may seem similar in nutrients at Amy at first glance, but there is no reason that this pie should have 5 other grams of sugar. It is not necessary to compile a list of 37 ingredients, many of which are artificial flavors, preservatives and trans greases in the disguise (mono and diglycerides and hydrogenated cotton oil).

Cheese mix

Eat this: tomato sauce and three American tomato wheels

Nutrition (½ pizza, 128 g): 300 calories, 10 g of grease (5 g of saturated grease), 700 mg of sodium, 37 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar), 15 g protein

If you want a fresh tart on the farm without walking in manure, pick up this pie in the frozen food section. American Pattlead mainly uses biological ingredients as well as vermont cheese sources that are made with jersey cow's milk. If you want something closer to the real thing, here'sThe best farm restaurants in each state.

Not that!: Digiorno Pizzeria! Four cheeses

Nutrition (¼ pizza, 130 g): 310 calories, 13 g of grease (6 g saturated grease), 700 mg of sodium, 35 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, sugar 3 g), of the 12 g protein

Another digiorno does not do it. And in this case, more cheese means more sodium and grease, without any extra protein.


Eat this: Newman's thin and crispy barbecue recipe chicken

Nutrition (⅓ Pizza, 133 g): 290 calories, 9 g of grease (5 g saturated grease), 750 mg of sodium, 36 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 6 g of sugar), 17 g protein

Newman's Cleay uses white chicken meat in genuine chicken meat (instead of the meat of the coast, you will find in the version of CPK). They also use a real barbecue sauce rather than a mixture of molasses and food coloring.

Not that: California pizza cuisine crusty crust crust barbecue bbq

Nutrition (⅓ Pizza, 139 g): 300 calories, 11 g of grease (5 g saturated grease), 640 mg of sodium, 35 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 8 g sugar), 16 g of protein

California Pizza Kitchen is somehow made to compile the longest list of all frozen pizzas on the market. Among the 50+ elements, the color of the caramel, an ingredient known to be contaminated by carcinogens.

Mini pizza bagels

Eat this: Annie Unsecured Pizza Mini Pizza Bagels Pepperoni

Nutrition (4 rooms, 84 g):200 calories, 6 g of grease (2.5 g saturated greases), 500 mg of sodium, 27 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, sugar of 3 g), 10 g of protein

Pepperoni pizza bagels are great; They combine three culinary favorites that are often considered a no-no diet to create a tasty snack that is quite easy to waist. They are even more so when they are made without nitrates as in this version. Children and adults are assured of loving their compact size, their controlled size and their great flavor.

Not that!: Bagel Cocks Cheese & Pepperoni

Nutrition (4 stings, 88 g): 200 calories, 6 g of grease (2.5 g saturated grease), 340 mg of sodium, 28 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 3 g of sugar), 7 g protein

They can be the original, but now that there is a better option with cleaner ingredients, you can leave bagel bites in the past.


Eat this: Senior Slim and Crispy Newman

Nutrition (Tart, 139 g): 320 calories, 15 g of grease (5 g of saturated grease), 750 mg of sodium, 33 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 3 g sugar), 14 g protein

When you go to Deluxe, you must be ready to sacrifice something if you want to stick to your body goals. Fortunately, this pie under a unnecessary carbohydrate crust for a crispy base, allowing you to indulge in extra meat and vegetables, without guilt.

Not that!: Classic Red Baron Deluxe cruster

Nutrition (⅕ pizza, 130 g): 310 calories, 14 g of grease (6 g saturated grease), 670 mg of sodium, 34 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 7 g of sugar), 12 g protein

Even if the nutritional accounts are not dramatically different between this slice and the eater! Recommendation, this Red Baron option is actually only one-fifth of the pie (and 130 g) as opposed to a third (and 139 g). And as many of his brothers and sisters, this type is also responsible for additional ingredients and preservatives that are not needed. PSST! Now that you know your best and worst frozen pizza choices, do not miss these22 best frozen dinners!

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