This new vegan ice cream has zero fat

The new non-dairy pints of the Arctic Zero are creamy, delicious and low in calories.

With moreIce cream without dairy products Options on the market, there is no better time atbecome vegetarian And enjoy a cone of ice cream without guilt. Almost all ice brands, from Ben & Jerry's to Breyer's, have started offering herbal frozen treats and we are here for that. Now Arctic zero-one of theBest iced diet creamsWe tried - has a new range of non-dairy frozen desserts.

Choose mouth spoons like chocolate peanut butter, salted caramel, biscuit, pure chocolate chocolate, cake dough, brownie breath, cookie paste, hint of mint and piece of cherry chocolate. This sets up frozen treats without dairy products from the Arctic Zero, its low calorie, high fiber and low sugar accounts. And that they have absolutely no fat. For half a cup of service, you can go as low as 40 calories and up to 80.

Here's how the Arctic Salé Caramel Zero compares with the sea salt caramel Halo Top:

Arctic Salt Caramel Zero

Salted caramel non dairy frozen dessert
Courtesy of Arctic zero

By service 1/2-cup: 40 calories, 0 g of grease (0 g saturated grease), 100 mg sodium, 9 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, sugar of 5 g), 1 g protein

When you want something salty and sweet, this deliciously creamy dessert will hit the spot. Only 40 calories and 5 grams of sugar per serving, you will satisfy your hanker for a frozen treat without going to the sea. But since it has only 1 gram of protein and 0 grams of fat, it might not fill you up As much, which means more room for fillings! Consider at the head of nuts or almond butter drizzle for a dose of healthy fats.

Caramel of sea room salt halo

Sea salt caramel dairy free frozen dessert
Halo Top courtesy

By service 1/2-cup: 80 calories, 3 g of grease (2.5 g saturated grease), 100 mg sodium, 17 g of carbohydrates (5 g of fibers, 6 g sugar), 3 g protein

Although Halo's Halo Top Sea Salt Caramel has twice the number of calories as the Arctic zero, it has quality ingredients slightly of better quality. Made with coconut milk and pea protein, it provides 3 grams of protein and 3 grams of fat in each servant for filling treatment.

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