12 B.S. Things say guys a first date

Although there are sincere guys there, there are also a lot of guys who are willing to say anything to impress a girl on a first date. In some cases, he could just look for a quickie. In other cases, it suffers from deep insecurities. Anyway, if a guy makes one of these 12 statements, transform a second date at any price.

Although there are sincere guys there, there are also a lot of guys who are willing to say anything to impress a girl on a first date. In some cases, he could just look for a quickie. In other cases, it suffers from deep insecurities. Anyway, if a guy makes one of these 12 statements, transform a second date at any price.

1. I am not jealous or controlling
Let's face, if a guy tries to convince you of the bat that he never becomes jealous and does not control the girls he dates, it is completely full. A guy who is really casual in his approach will demonstrate this through his actions, not just with words.

2. I am totally in blows of chicks
Ladies, guys are never in chick blows. Or musicals to this affair. At least not the helps you take out dates. If a guy lengthens he would be completely cool if you wanted to come back to his place and watch fat, he probably tries to put you in the bag.

3. I am looking for a committed relationship
We do not say that the opposite is true; that guys do not want to deceive. But if you do not know yourself for 30 minutes and he is already talking about how he does not date that girls who want something serious, he pulls the chain or is extremely desperate. Avoid this guy at all costs.

4. My Saturday night are always super busy
So he says he's Mr. Life of the Feast, huh? Any guys who always walks in the clubs did not grow up or, more likely, is much less popular than he claims to be. We do not say you should avoid guys who like to have a good time, but do you really want someone who claims to be a little important?

5. This is my first alcoholic drink in ages
Like many of these comments, a guy who is secure itself does not need to say things like,"I'm going to order a whiskey. GOLLY! I do not even remember the last time I ordered a drink! " In the end, if a guy almost pretends never to drink, there is a very good chance that it is the most drunk of all.

6. I get along with all my ex.
Relationships require that the couple give many themselves. As a result, breaks are generally heartbreaking, emotional events. Of course, there are cases where the guy and the girl come in a mutual understanding that the spark in their relationship is gone and agrees to be friends. But if a guy claims that each relationship ends without anger or injured, it is not true.

7. I do not see anyone right now
This insurance is particularly strange. If a guy is open and stating that he likes to go out with a leisure activity, it's one thing. But if he refers during the first date he does not have a girlfriend, there is a good chance that the opposite is true. It would be like a doctor for the first time patients he / she went to the medical school.

8. I am usually a health nut, I just make an exception on that date
The guys who say that it is full. That does not mean that people do not need to take a kale and tofu break, but do not you think that a real health nut would make a first positive impression and stick with their regular routine ?

9. I never had a stand one night
Before becoming too cynical, we are not trying to chat that each guy had a night stand. We say that any guys telling you that this for a first date is really naive (if he says the truth, that is to say) or is a player.

10. I am a sensitive guy
Awwww, is not it nice? He cried when Jack Dawson died inTitanic. Any sensitive type that needs to tell you that it is a sensitive man must be called on his Shenanigans.

11. I'm six figures
If a first date boasts on the part of the money, you have to apologize quietly to use the ladies' room ... and make a Beeline towards your car. Financial security is not a bad thing, but imagine discovering that Mr. Money Bags actually lives in the subsoil Dingy his parent.

12. I am not religious but I am a spiritual person
A "spiritual person who is not religious" is an expression of cops for someone who does not believe anything but does not want to admit it. You'd better be with someone who knows what they believe.

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