Foods in the lunch box that prevent targeted children

With so many distractions these days, ranging from tablets to television, children seem to have more difficulty staying concentrated than ever before. At home, your child's inability to focus is probably more or less just a source of annoyance. However, this trait may have major implications at school where concentration is necessary to understand what is taught in the class.

The ratings do not attend school with your child, so that may seem like if there was not much that you can do to help your little ones keep distractions at the bay. If you make your child a brown-bag lunch, however, all hope is not lost! While you may have heard that the researchers have recently discovered that the meal baskets are truly less nutritious than lunches bought at school, we assure you, with a little guidance, homemade meals are always the Best way to follow. In general, you want to search for an attractive price for children (they will not exchange it), laptops, non-perishable (at least for a few hours between Homane and the bell of lunch), low in sugar and calories, and are of course Packed with nutrients that facilitate focus. Scroll to learn the friendly foods in the lunch box corresponds to the invoice.

Eating this!

Organic applegate roast beef2 o oz

Calories80fat3 gsodium320 mggar0 gprotin12 g

As indicated in a 2014Annals of research on medical and health Study, there is a well-established relationship between iron deficiency and mediocre cognitive development, agitation and behavioral problems in children. Make sure your child entity with nutrient (who will help him stay focused and ready to learn) with a roasted beef sandwich. Start the rich variety of iron Applegate brio between two slices of bread as rich in nutrients, such as the entirely organic wheat of the Vermont bread company. If you can get your child to the spinach stomachs, throw it up there too. Green greens are an excellent extra source of minerals and sandwiches are ideal for sliding something green in child regimes.

Eating this!

Greek Yogurt Tubes Chobani for children, 2 oz tube

Calories60fat1.5 gsodium25 mggar6 gprotin5 g

"Foods rich in protein like yogurt offer essential amino acids that help the brain to create dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters that stabilize mood and keep an alert of children," says Lisa Moskovitz, RD, founder NY NUTRITION group. "Most yogurts contain more than 20 grams of sugar that quickly cause energy levels and get blocked quickly. However, with 5 grams of protein and only 6 grams of sugar, Greek Chobani yogurt tubes are a great way to keep your child's energy and concentration. High levels. "

Eating this!

Bio Lowfat Horizon Chocolate Milk Box

Calories150Fat2.5 Gsaturet Fat1.5 GSUGAR22 GPROTEIN8 g

Milk really does a good body, especially when it comes to the variety of low fat chocolate, even more when it is sufficient after an intense workout. A series of related studies in theJournal of Force and Packaging Research Suggest that low fat chocolate milk, with its optimal carbohydrate and high quality protein ratio, can be the most effective post-drive drink for muscle recovery and adaptation to exercise. The trained cyclists who participated in the shaved study about six minutes from their journey when they ended up with chocolate milk with sports drinks or single water. Enjoy a little milk grease (this one has 2.5 grams for an 8 FLOZ serve) helps your body absorb the hygienable vitamins.

Eating this!

Go raw pumpkin bars, small, 13 g bar

Calories60fat4 gsodium40 mggar3 gprotein2 g

"A study published in the magazineNeuron found that zinc (which is in pumpkin seeds) helps communication between neurons in the hippocampus, brain learning and the memory center, "explains Moskovitz." The mineral also helps to regulate several cereal neurotransmitters essential to focus. "It means noshing we zinc-rich foods can help your mini-me keep your mind in the game and absorb more information more efficiently. Moskovitz believes that each raw pumpkin bar has an ounce of pumpkin seeds , which contributes between 37 and 60% of your child. Daily zinc requirement, depending on their age.

Eating this!

Bays, half cup

Calories63FAT1 GSODIUM1 MgSugar3.5-7 GPROTEIN1G

Although most research focused on older populations, many studies have found that foods rich in antioxidants such as berries can improve cognitive function and positive impact on learning and memory. While nothing has been proven in children, it could not affect more bays packaged from vitamins to your diet of your little one. In addition, these fruits are a good source of fiber (up to 4 grams per half cup), which keeps stable energy levels throughout the day, which facilitates the focus. Serve simple bays or whip a twist on a traditional fruit salad by combining blueberries, blackberries, lemon juice, maple syrup and cinnamon. Take the real treat in some tupperes and you are ready to go.

Eating this!

General Mills Multi-Cereal Cheerios, 1 cup

Calories110fat1 gsodium120 mggar6 gprotein2 g

Cereals are a good source of carbohydrates which, after entering the body, converts glucose, the essential brain stimulus fuel, explains Lisa Defazio, Ms. RD, a celebrity nutritionist based in Los Angeles. What makes the CHEERIOS multi-cereal the winning variety? They are low in sugar, high in belly fill fiber and only one servition offers 25% of the B12 of the day. "Without enough vitamin B12, the brain cells responsible for learning and understanding new things do not work properly." Defails can also result in memory loss, which is not too useful when your small has to memorize all 44 presidents. Make the cereal lunch box using it as a basis for a homemade trail mix. Defazio suggests adding dry grapes for softness and nuts for protein.

Eating this!

Emerald Cocoa Roasted Almonds, package of 0.62 oz

Calories100fat8 gsodium15 mggar1 g

You know that the ventre-roar, Shaky, hard to focus, get you when you're super hungry? It is a sign that your blood sugar level has hardened. A NASA research review confirms that low blood glucose can negatively affect a negative impact on memory, cognitive capabilities and psychomotor performance. Translation: When your little guy burned all his brain and is hungry, it's more and more difficult for him to focus and learn. Almonds, however, contain healthy greases that slow down the absorption of the body of sugar and carbohydrates, keeping the sugar levels in stable blood and focus on laser-laser, long after lunch. But beware: walnuts are rich in calories and fat. 100 Calories Emerald Packs help keep portions.

Eating this!

Jussian honey peanut butter, 1/2 oz pity pack

Calories80fat7 gsodium30 mggar1 g

"Magnesium allows cerebral activity, but it also has a calming effect on the central nervous system, making it an important nutrient for children with hyperactivity and lack of concentration," says Quefazio. Send big children to school with Justin honey peanut butter package, a median-rich magnesium banana and a plastic knife for the macabre. For tiny totes, place the butter between two banana slices to make mini sandwiches. The tasty duo increased by 130 mg of magnesium, or 62% of the recommended daily amount of the mineral for 4 to 8 years and 54% for 9 to 13 years.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: kids / Lunch
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