100 UnHealthiest Foods of 2018

Caloric bombs in Frankenfoods, these belong to Eat this, not that! Hall of Shame.

You like things that are new. We all do. The new hot phone. New cool television shows. This new smell of car. But everything is not better, it's better. In fact, in the grocery store and in the restaurants of the popular channel, "new" usually means the same old ingredients, packaged differently, and often they are as unhealthy as the originals.

Manufacturers do it for years. You could say that it's ... nothing new.

To help you make the right choice of food every time, our researchers to eat this, not that! Whipmed the aisles and analyzed the menus to collect the final list of the 100 most malicious foods of 2018. Within you will find new foods that started this year, but also familiar classics that you could have bought and all 100 Products chosen by hand encountered at least one of our nutritional criteria. Find out who are in your home and do not miss our other essential relationship:70 most popular sodas classified by the way they are toxic.

The criterion

List checkmark boxes

We used this list of nutrition criteria to select the products on this list.

Calories: Any restaurant meals with more than 1,000 calories (50% of a standard 2,000 calorie) qualified for the list.

Fat: Equal to or greater than 13 grams of grease, or 20% of your daily recommended value (DRV) of fat. Walnut fat has not qualified.

Saturated fat: Equal to or greater than 4 grams, or 20% of your saturated grease DRV.

Trans fat: Any value greater than 0 grams of trans fat in a qualified diet of a food product for this list.

Sodium: Equal to or greater than 560 mg sodium per serving, or 20% of your sodium DRV.

Fiber: Something with less than 1 gram of fiber. (The FDA recommends consuming at least 28 grams of fiber per day on a 2,000 calorie system.)

Sugar: More than 10 grams of sugar, or 20% of your DRV of added sugars.

Sugar alcohols: Equal to or greater than 10 grams of sugar alcohols. Consuming too much sweet alcohol in one session can have a laxative effect. In addition, sugar alcohols may not be as safe as the industry initially supposed. Once I thought I would circumvent the body's metabolic process, a sugar alcohol found in your preferred-erythritol foods - can be metabolized and even produced in the human body, according to innovative research published inActs of the National Academy of Sciences. (Translation: sugar spirits probably have calories after all.) Ever worse? CORNELL University researchers also identified erythritol as a biomarker to increase fat mass.

Ingredients: We believe that the food we eat should be made with ingredients we can find in our own trousers at home. Foods that contained one of the following ingredients (ingredients that research has shown that the research gives negative health effects) has qualified for a place on our list: ultra-transformed fats such as monoglycerides, Diglycerides, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, vegetable vegetable oil, datene; unhealthy and inflammatory fats such as soy and palm oil; Any artificial ingredient like a sweetener, a color (including caramel coloring) or a flavor; Conservatives such as TBHQ or potassium sorbat; bone drainage additives of health such as disodium phosphate and disodoic dihydrogen pyrophosphate; Ingredients of hunger and hunger like monosodic glutamate, disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate.


Hershey Golden Bar

Hersheys gold

By 1.4 oz bar (39 g): 220 calories, 14 g of grease (7 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 85 mg of sodium, 22 g of carbohydrates (0 g of fiber, 20 g sugar), 3 g protein

Do not take home gold. This chocolate bar is disqualified to mix fatty chocolate with salted pretzels, saturated knockout and sodium.


Arbynator of Arby

Arby's arbynator classic sandwich

By sandwich: 560 calories, 25 g of grease (7 g saturated grease, 1 g of trans grease), 1 630 mg of sodium, 58 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, 7 g of sugar), 25 g protein

When your sandwich is a word game on a robot killing machine, maybe do not eat yoursandwich.


Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse thin and crisp cookies of dark chocolate chips

pepperidge farm thin crispy chocolate chip

For 2 cookies: 140 calories, 6 g of grease (4 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 130 mg of sodium, 20 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 9g sugar), 1 g protein

Bought the farm? Make it. He says "thin" on the package. But they are alwayscookies.


Cracker Barrel Cheddar Havarti Macaroni & Cheese Dinner

Cracker Barrel havarti mac cheese

By 3.5 oz: 310 calories, 10 g of fat (5 g of saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 550 mg of sodium, 41 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, 45 g of sugar), 6 g protein

We like that there are "no artificial flavors", but you get nearly 20% of your sodium day in a single portion, and there are four servings by box.


JOE trader chocolate salted caramel mug

Trader joe's chocolate salted caramel mug

By 1 mix Packet plus 2 caramels: 350 calories, 7 g of fat (5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 210 mg of sodium, 20 g of carbohydrates (n / a g fiber, 6 g of sugar), 4 g protein

The trend of the year of salted chocolate confections strikes again. Put this mugshot along Nick Nolte.


Vegan banana bread of Joe trader

Trader joes vegan banana bread
Courtesy of the Joe's merchant

By ⅛ bread (2 oz.): 210 calories, 9 g of grease (0.5 g saturated grease), 125 mg of sodium, 30 g of carbohydrates (<1 g fiber, 17 g of sugar), 2 g protein

"Vegan" does not mean healthy. You should bebanana Eat a slice of bread with 17 grams of sugar.


Trader Joe's Cinnamon Streusel Coffee Cake

Trader joe's cinnamon streusel coffee cake

By 2 oz slice: 230 calories, 9 g of grease (1.5 g saturated grease), 130 mg of sodium, 35 g of carbohydrates (<1 g fiber, 18 g sugar), 2 g protein

It's not breakfast food. The key word here is "cake". As in, "it's so caloric, it takes ..."


Noosa Mates Coconut Almond Chocolate

noosa mates coconut

Per 5.5 oz: 270 calories, 15 g of grease (9 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 75 mg of sodium, 28 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 23 g of sugar), 8 g protein

While theyogurt The industry is increasingly decreasing their number of sugar, Noosa does the opposite. Noosa? No sir.



Ben & Jerry's minter wonderland ice cream pint

By 1/2 cup: 270 calories, 15 g of fat (7 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 60 mg of sodium, 31 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 24 g sugar), 4 g protein

I wonder why it's on this list? Blaming the marshmallows, who add even more sugar.



Snickers crisper

By 2 bars: 190 calories, 9 g of fat (5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 85 mg of sodium, 26 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 20 g sugar), 3 g protein

Someone thought that a Mashup-snickers-Nestle-Crunch was a good idea. This person was not a dietician.


Skinny cooking mango chicken with coconut rice

Lean cuisine marketplace mango chicken coconut rice

Packet: 330 calories, 6 g of grease (3 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 620 mg of sodium, 50 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 14 g of sugar), 19 g protein

Skinny in ... and read the ingredients. Sodium is too high.


Eating Smart Tropical Lime Salad Shake Up

Eat Smart salad lime

by full salad: 230 calories, 7 g of grease (2.5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 270 mg of sodium, 41 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, 26 g sugar), 4 g protein protein

Your salad should not have as much sugar as a bar of candy. This one does it. Shake.


Handmade pork sliders rich farm

Farm Rich Hand Pulled Pork Sliders

For 2 cursors: 280 calories, 6 g of grease (1.5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 630 mg of sodium, 44 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 13 g sugar), 13 g protein

"Abadee Abadee Abadee is all people."


Crispy Cookie Reese Big Cup

Reeses crunchy cookie big cup

Pack of 2.68 oz (75 g): 380 calories, 21 g of grease (8 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 270 mg of sodium, 44 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 38 g sugar), 8 g protein

They marked a biscuit in a cup of Reese. E.T., phone your nutritionist.


Thinkthin Chocolate Strawberry

think thin chocolate strawberry

By bar (60 g): 240 calories, 9 g of grease (2.5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 240 mg sodium, 25 g of carbohydrates (0 g of fiber, 0 g sugar, 22 g of alcohol sugar), 20 g protein

This bar has an alcohol problem - too many sugar spirits.


Powerbar Protein Plus Sugar Sugar Poppy Seeds Reduced

power bar

By bar (60 g): 200 calories, 7 g of grease (2.5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 130 mg of sodium, 25 g of carbohydrates (5 g of fiber, 3 g sugar, 17 g of alcohols of sugar), 20 g protein

If it looks like a cake, it's probably as bad as the cake, in this case, indicates sugar alcohols. Instead, take a bar of the "best" side of our guide:25 best and worst low sugar protein bars.


Ronzoni Gluten Rottini FREE

Ronzoni Gluten Free Rotini

By ¾ dry cup: 200 calories, 1.5 g of fat (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 0 mg of sodium, 44 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 0 g sugar), 4 g protein

Do not be fooled by thinking that all gluten-free products are automatically healthy. In this case, Ronzoni uses a trans alternative, mono and diglycerides - to bind gluten-free flours. Your best option can be found on our list of30 Best and worst dry pasta in America.


Pecan de Ben & Jerry resists

Ben & Jerry's pecan resist ice cream pint

½ cup: 300 calories, 20 g of grease (11 g saturated grease), 55 mg of sodium, 28 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 25 g of sugar), 5 g protein

In an era of empowerment, we love the message. We simply do not like the ingredients.


HEBREW National Beef Franks in a blanket

hotdogs in a blanket

By 5 pieces (85 g): 310 calories, 25 g of fat (10 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 590 mg of sodium, 13 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar), 8 g protein

It would not be a kosher to call them "pigs". But the high number of sodium leaves us vercently.


HOUSE Nutrition Bar Perfect with Black Chocolate Almond

zone perfect bar

By bar (45 g): 190 calories, 6 g of grease (4 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 200 mg of sodium, 22 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 13 g of sugar), 12 g protein

When you are in the area, you probably do not want to be powered by a cheap protein such as isolated proteins or inflammatory oils such as the fractional palm core.


Pantry Macaroni Market & Cheese Cocks

mac and cheese bites

By 3 pieces: 270 calories, 12 g of grease (5 g of saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 660 mg of sodium, 36 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, sugar 3 g), 8 g protein

Do not say cheese. These have more salt than your average macaroni.


Olive meat pizza bowl

Olive garden meatball pizza bowl
@ OliveGarden / Twitter

Per meal: 950 calories, 56 g of fat (29 g saturated grease, 0.5 g of trans grease), 2,500 mg of sodium, 64 g of carbohydrates (5 g of fiber, 7 g of sugar), 46 g protein

If you have lost your poor meatball, it would be for the best: this dish has on the value of the FDA sodium day.


Combo Ultimate Smokehouse de Chile

Chilis ultimate smokehouse combo
Courtesy of Chile

By trio: 2,465 calories, 157 g of fat (50 g saturated grease, 2 g of trans grease), 6 830 mg of sodium, 33 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 24 g sugar), 100 g protein

According to the center for science in the public interest, order this jalapeno-cheddar smoked sausage combo, dry ribs and a smoked chest is worse than roastingThree Sirloin steak dinners of the chain.


El Pollo Loco BBQ Bacon Lawado Chicken Tostada Salad

El pollo loco bacon tostada salad

By 1 salad: 1000 calories, 51 g of fat (17 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 1,810 mg of sodium, 88 g of carbohydrates (10 g of fibers, 18 g sugar), 45 g protein

A salad, a thousand calories. The chicken is crazy, indeed.


Blue Bunny Load'd Sundae Bunny Tracks

Blue bunny loadd sundae bunny tracks

Per unit (185 g): 600 calories, 32 g of grease (17 g saturated grease), 250 mg of sodium, 70 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, sugar of 60 g), 9 g protein

Still rabbit! The Sundaes should not have a day of day calories and more than a day of added sugars!


Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Beauty White

pepperidge farm white bread

By 1 tranche (43 g): 110 calories, 1.5 g of fat (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 240 mg of sodium, 22 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 4 g of sugar), 4 g protein

"Courtel" sounds healthy. But it asks me for bread in fantasy packaging. Choose a bread that has obtained our approval from our report:20 best buns purchased in store.


Nature Valley Coconut Proteins Almond Bares Chairs

nature valley

By bar (40 g): 190 calories, 12 g of grease (5 g of saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 190 mg of sodium, 14 g of carbohydrates (5 g of fibers, 7 g of sugar), 10 g of protein

Send this one to nature and find a protein bar with 5 grams of sugar or less, likeGender dark chocolate and sea salt.


Sara Lee Italian bread

sara lee italian

By 1 tranche (32 g): 80 calories, 1 g of grease (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 240 mg of sodium, 16 g of carbohydrates (<1 g of fiber, <1 g of sugar), 2 g protein

The white bread is white bread, in any language.


Hostess Suzy Q's

Hostess suzy qs

Cake (74 g): 270 calories, 11 g of grease (5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 520 mg of sodium, 38 g of carbohydrates (0 g of fiber, 30 g sugar), 2 g protein

With "50% more cake" and "50% more cream", it's 100% worse for you.


Wendy's Wendy Bacon Sandwich

Wendys maple bacon swiss chicken sandwich
Courtesy of Wendy's

By sandwich: 680 calories, 34 g of grease (14 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 1,450 mg sodium, 57 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 10 g sugar), 38 g protein

Bacon + maple syrup + fried chicken = sandwich of our dreams. But a nightmare in reality, with more than half a day of sodium.


Starbucks cold brew cocoa and honey with cream

starbucks cold brew

by bottle 11 oz: 150 calories, 4.5 g of fat (2.5 g of saturated grease, 0 g fat), 170 mg of sodium, 24 g of carbohydrates (0 g of fiber, 21 g of sugar), 5 g protein

Oh, bright honey cold is strong enough as it is. Why add the sweetener?


Bob Evans Sausages, Cheese and Cheese Burito

Bob Evans sausage burrito

By burrito: 350 calories, 21 g of fat (8 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 810 mg of sodium, 28 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 0 g sugar), 13 g protein

Nothing like start the day off with five portions of sodium frito value.


Post malt-o-dual chocolate brownie crunch

Post malt o meal double chocolate brownie crunch

By 1 cup: 130 calories, 1.5 g of grease (0 g saturated grease), 115 mg of sodium, 29 g of carbohydrates (<1 g of fiber, 18 g sugar), 1 g protein

If it looks like dessert, tastes like dessert and is named after a dessert, it's dessert. Not a cereal.



Strawberry toaster strudel

Dough: 180 calories, 7 g of grease (3 g saturated grease), 180 mg of sodium, 27 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 9 g of sugar), 3 g protein

This classic plays the icing in its marketing. As it's a good thing.


Hungry-man selects classic fried chicken

Hungry Man fried chicken

By package (406 g): 970 calories, 59 g of grease (12 g saturated grease, 0 g fat), 1,430 mg sodium, 59 g carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 14 g of sugar), 39 g protein protein

If you are hungry, guy, you should probably take a less caloric dish than three McMuffins eggs.


Spaghetti de Marie Callender with meat sauce

Marie Callender spaghetti

per meal (425 g): 540 calories, 18 g of grease (5 g of saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 1,060 mg of sodium, 75 g of carbohydrates (8 g of fiber, 12 g of sugar), 20 g protein

Mom Mia! It's a sodium lotta.


Baron Red Classic Crust 4 Cheese

Red Baron pizza

By 1/4 pizza: 390 calories, 17 g of grease (9 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 750 mg of sodium, 42 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 8 g of sugar), of the 16 g protein

Fly away from this pie as fast as you can. Add another slice - which is eating only one? - And surpass half of your sodium day. You want a frozen pizza that meets our standards? Take a look at our guide:25 best and worst frozen pizzas.


HUNGRY-MAN home style armchair

Hungry man meatloaf

per meal (454 g): 650 calories, 32 g of grease (10 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 1,450 mg sodium, 64 g of carbohydrates (6 g of fiber, 23 g sugar), 22 g protein

It does not matter how hungry you are, you should not choose a frozen meal that meets half of your day of fat and saturated grease.


Stouffer Alfredo Chicken Fettuccini

Stouffers chicken alfredo

per meal: 570 calories, 27 g of fat (7 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 850 mg of sodium, 55 g of carbohydrates (5 g of fibers, 5 g of sugar), 26 g of protein

Who knew you could put as much fat in such a small bowl? This Stouffer is stuffed.


Starbucks Chicken Sasage and Bacon Bison

Starbucks chicken sausage and bacon biscuit
Graceful Starbucks

By sandwich: 450 calories, 22 g of grease (9 g saturated grease), 1 160 mg of sodium, 35 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 8 g sugar), 26 g protein

Starbuck this trend. There are much better ways to start your day than consuming the same amount of sodium as in three gold pretzels bags.


Haagen Dazs Dulce de Lauche Caisons Caisons

Haagen dazs dulce de leche

By bar: 310 calories, 18 g of grease (13 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 120 mg of sodium, 34 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 26 g of sugar), 4 g protein

Take a chocolate puppy cookie and save 20 grams of sugar.


Fanta grade sodium

Fanta grape

By 12 oz: 170 calories, 0 g of grease, 40 mg sodium, 44 g of carbohydrates (44 g sugar, 0 g of fiber), 0 g protein

Whatchae see-a fanta? No thanks. It's liquid sugar.


Crispy chicken sandwich of burger king king king

Burger king spicy chicken sandwich

By sandwich: 700 calories, 42 g of grease (7 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 1 1440 mg of sodium, 57 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 8 g sugar), 25 g protein

Have your way and order something else. This sandwich is king of sodium.


Campbell is well yes! Sipping soup, roasted red pepper and tomato

Campbell's well yes tomato red pepper soup

By container: 140 calories, 5 g of fat (2.5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 640 mg of sodium, 22 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fibers, 16 g of sugar), 2 g protein

This soup is quite sipping salt!


Kellogg's Honey Smacks

Honey smacks

¾ cup: 110 calories, 0.5 g of grease (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 40 mg of sodium, 25 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 16 g of sugar), 2 g protein

Having a bowl of this cereal and you will be slammed with the number of sugar equivalent to two Krispy Kreme Cinnamon Sugar donuts. It's one ofThe cereals instances of the planet.


Cheddar Flyers and Sure Cream

Ruffles cheddar sour cream chips

By 1 oz: 160 calories, 10 g of grease (1.5 g of saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 180 mg of sodium, 15 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar, 2 g protein

Mmm, nothing is as satisfying as the crisis of a vegetable oil soaked potato chip that has been seasoned and hue artificial ingredients. Oh, wait ...


Kraft Cheez Whiz Whiz Original Cheese Dip

Kraft cheez whiz

By 2 c.: 91 calories, 7 g of grease (4 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 541 mg of sodium, 3 g of carbohydrates, 0 g of fiber, 2 g sugar, 3 g protein

Gee-whiz, we are going to crack in this salty suspension of "cheese".


Peter Pan creamy original original

Peter Pan creamy peanut butter

By 2 c.: 210 calories, 17 g of grease (3 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 140 mg sodium, 6 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, sugar 3 g), 8 g protein

It's time to grow and throw this pot of peanuts, sugar and hydrogenated vegetable oils from your pantry.


Dulce de Leche pancake breakfast

Dennys dulce de leche pancakes
Courtesy of Denny's

Breakfast: 1,680 calories, 63 g of grease (20 g saturated grease), 3000 mg of sodium, 244 g of carbohydrates (5 g of fibers, 156 g of sugar), 32 g protein

This breakfast checks all boxes (wrong): more calories than a 120-pound woman should eat all day, more sodium than anyone who should eat in a day and three days of sugar.


Linguini Alfredo from the red lobster shrimp

Red Lobster shrimp alfredo
Courtesy of red lobster

In full size: 1,130 calories, 56 g of grease (23 g saturated grease, 2.5 g of trans fat), 2,690 mg sodium, 105 g of carbohydrates (8 g of fiber, 5 g sugar), 49 g protein

There is nothing flat on the salt of this dish: there is a whole day.


The King Burger Tart Does with Twix

Burger king pie made with twix

slice: 370 calories, 20 g of grease (13 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 330 mg of sodium, 45 g of carbohydrates (<1 g of fiber, 30 g sugar), 4 g protein

This is not a twix pie; It's a tart made with Twix. In fact, it has more than three times the amount of fat, saturated fat, sodium and sugar like Twix.


Häagen-dazs chocolate caramel salted trio

Haagen Dazs trio Salted Caramel

By 1/2 cup: 300 calories, 20 g of grease (13 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 80 mg sodium, 26 g of carbohydrates (0 g of fiber, 24 g sugar), 5 g protein

Three times the flavor, you get what looks at three times the grams of sugar.


QUAKER NIGHT OATS, Oregon Fishing Paced Paced Pace

quaker overnight oats peach

Prepared: 340 calories, 9 g of grease (1.5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 210 mg of sodium, 55 g of carbohydrates (5 g of fiber, 23 g of sugar), 10 g of protein

We drag in our boots. Buy the many other varieties of the brand and also delicious who have less than 23 grams of sugar. You can find the best of our rankingsAll 25 Quaker Instant Oat Packets are classified!


White breakfast waffle cursor with sausage, egg and cheese

White castle waffle sandwich
Courtesy of white castle

490 calories, 36 g of grease (15 g of saturated fat, 0 trans fat), 730 mg sodium, 28 g of carbohydrates (0 g of fiber, 14 g of sugar), 15 g protein

The salt and sugar accounts have our legs gaunting here.


Nabisco Chips Ahoy Original Chip Chip Cookies

Chips ahoy

For 3 cookies: 160 calories, 8 g of grease (2.5 g saturated grease, 0 g fat), 110 mg of sodium, 22 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 11 g sugar), 1 g protein

Ahoy, Matey - these have more sugar than bought biscuit of store, as well as vegetable oil, high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavor.


Ms. Fields Semi Semi Chocolate Chooly Cookies

Mrs Fields

By biscuit: 140 calories, 7 g of grease (3.5 g saturated, 0 g of trans fat), 130 mg of sodium, 20 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 12 g of sugar), 1 g protein

Mr. Fields must have a sweet tooth. His wife arises his dessert.


Reese Crunches

Reeses Crunchers

By 14 pieces: 200 calories, 11 g of grease (6 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 95 mg of sodium, 24 g carbohydrate without carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 17 g of sugar), 4 g protein

Crunch the numbers and you will see that there are about 10 grams of sugar more than we would like it.


Cacker Barrel Macaroni and cheese dinner, sharp white cheddar

cracker barrel white cheddar

packet: 310 calories, 10 g of grease (5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 810 mg of sodium, 41 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, sugar 3 g), 13 g protein

This is the Mac dad of high sodium accounts, not healthy for you or your children.


Talent fucked butter fudge sorbetto

Talenti Peanut Butter Fudge Sorbetto

½ cup: 310 calories, 15 g of grease (3.5 g saturated grease, 0 g fat), 160 mg of sodium, 37 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 31 g of sugar), 6 g protein

Go for Natural Vanilla of Brayer and save calories and sugar.


Ice tea with mango lipton

Lipton mango iced tea

Bottle: 100 calories, 0 g of grease, 220 mg of sodium, 25 g of carbohydrates (0 g fiber, 25 g sugar), 0 g protein

Have you heard the expression "spill tea"? Now do it. Then pick up a copy of7 days old flat belly tea To see how to choose thelaw Tea can actually help you launch a fat.


Post Cinnamon Cereals

Cinnamon Pebbles

¾ cup: 120 calories, 1 g of grease (1 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 180 mg of sodium, 26 g of carbohydrates (0 g of fiber, 10 g sugar), 1 g protein

WILMMMMMMMA! This is candy for breakfast and absolutely zero fiber!


Boy Strawberry Banana Yogurt Smoothie

Strawberry banana smoothie

By 16 oz: 240 calories, 0 g of grease, 35 mg of sodium, 56 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, 46 g sugar), 6 g protein

Smoothies must be a nutrition at the pressure of a button. That's why there isZero Belly Smoothies. Zero belly smoothies are herbal protein drinks that have been shown to have a dramatic impact on your life as little as 72 hours. They go flatten your belly, heal your digestive system and eliminate unwanted fat in just a few days.


Onion ring with sonic hand

Sonic onion rings

In order: 800 calories, 39 g of grease (7 g saturated grease, 0.5 g of trans grease), 790 mg of sodium, 101 g of carbohydrates (5 g of fiber, 26 g sugar), 11 g protein

Good thing they are by hand. This means that you can give them to the chief - there is half a day of fat here.


Jamba Juice Island Pitaya Bowl

Jamba juice bowl
Courtesy of Jamba Juice

470 calories, 8 g of grease (2.5 g of saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 20 mg of sodium, 100 g of carbohydrates (12 g of fibers, 70 g of sugar), 6 g protein

Wepitaya The idiot that controls this caloric bomb, which is full of added sugars.


Ben & Jerry's Truffle Kerfuffle

Ben and Jerrys truffle kerfluffle

By 1/2 cup: 340 calories, 24 g of grease (12 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 135 mg of sodium, 28 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fibers, 24 g sugar), 5 g protein

"Kerfuffle is a word that sounds humorous for a particularly humorous situation: a kind of disturbance, scandal or disorder." - Vocabulary.com


California Pizza Kitchen Waldorf Chicken salad

California Pizza Kitchen waldorf salad
Cuisine of the California pizza

1,320 calories, 94 g of grease (22 g saturated grease), 2,020 mg of sodium, 75 g of carbohydrates (10 g of fiber, 55 g of sugar), 54 g protein

Waldorf and Statler mocked the sodium day!


Hershey 'N' Cookies Cremes Cremunchers

Hersheys cookies creme crunchers

By 12 pieces: 150 calories, 7 g of fat (4 g of saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 115 mg of sodium, 21 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 13 g of sugar), 2 g protein

When it's a time of crisis, avoid sweets with "crunch" in the name. You are cracking sugar and foaming rice.


TGI Friday Mac & Cheese Burger

TGI Fridays mac and cheese burger
Courtesy of Fridays TGI

1,390 calories, 87 g of fat (35 g of saturated grease, 1.5 g of trans grease), 3,770 mg sodium, 110 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 76 g sugar), 46 g protein protein

Two Comfort Food Classics team to deliver more salt than a whole bag of Lay potato chips. Uncomfortable.


Olive Garden Chicken & Carbonara Shrimp

Olive garden chicken and shrimp carbonara
Courtesy of the olive garden

1,590 calories, 114 g of grease, (61 g saturated grease, 2 g of trans grease), 2,410 mg sodium, 78 g carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, 12 g of sugar), 66 g of protein

Chicken outside and order one of theseGo-to meal nutritionists command the olive garden.


Heinz Ketchup

Heinz ketchup

Park.: 20 calories, 0 g of grease, 160 mg of sodium, 5 g of carbohydrates (0 g fiber, 4 g of sugar), 0 g protein

There are 57 reasons not to eat this classic and they are all named sugar.


The True Mayonnaise of Hellmann

Hellmanns mayo

Park.: 100 calories, 11 g of grease (1.5 g of saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 95 mg of sodium, 0 g of carbohydrates, 0 g protein

The ingredients are real, to be sure: real fat.


Olive garden with pasta pasta

Olive Garden loaded pasta chips
Courtesy of the olive garden

Per meal: 1,410 calories, 92 g of grease (29 g saturated grease, 1 g of trans grease), 2,790 mg sodium, 94 g of carbohydrates (7 g of fiber, 9 g of sugar), 55 g of protein

They are also loaded with too many calories, a staggering amount of fat and a day of salt.


American Cheese Kraft

Kraft singles

By tranche (19 g): 60 calories, 4 g of grease (2.5 saturated fat, 0 g of trans grease), 200 mg of sodium, 2 g of carbohydrates (0 g of fiber, 2 g of sugar), 3 g protein

Although there is cheddar cheese in this slice, about half there is a concentrate of protein, sodium citrate, milk, modified starches and preservatives. If only Kraft would make a lot of American again.


Pillsbury Grands! Homestyle Biscuits Buttermilk

Pillsbury biscuits

By biscuit: 170 calories, 6 g of grease (2.5 g of saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 470 mg of sodium, 26 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 4 g of sugar), 3 g protein

Call him the Pillsbury Doh'Boy. No biscuit needs a lot of sodium.


Olivier Garden Tour Italy

Olive garden tour of italy
Courtesy of the olive garden

1,520 calories, 96 g of grease (48 g saturated grease, 1.5 g of trans grease), 3,250 mg sodium, 92 g of carbohydrates (6 g of fiber, 19 g sugar), 75 g of protein

It takes less than a day to fly in Italy. So why does this have more than a sodium day?


Chocolate peanut butter cheerios

Chocolate peanut butter cheerios

¾ cup: 120 calories, 4 g of grease (1 g saturated grease, 0 g fat), 190 mg of sodium, 21 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 8 g of sugar), 3 g protein

Cheerio, as in, "goodbye". The first ingredient could be an oat in whole grains, but do not be fooled in a cereal in a bowl. The brand adds highly process greases such as monoglycerides to keep this peanut butter.


Wonder of classic white bread

Wonder bread

By 2 tranches: 140 calories, 1.5 g of fat (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 180 mg of sodium, 29 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 5 g sugar), 4 g protein

I'm going to ask never stop putting the sugar in white bread?


Soda cream of the cup

Mug cream soda

By 12 oz: 180 calories, 47 g of carbohydrates, 47 g of sugar

Your cup will experience a brave teeth degradation if you continue to sip a sweet daily drink. It is among the worst of the worst when it comes toSodas classified by toxicity.


Blue Diamond Almond Milk Vanilla

Blue Diamond vanilla

cup: 80 calories, 2.5 g of grease (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 14 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 13 g of sugar), 150 mg of sodium, 1 g protein

This diamond is rough: there are 13 grams of sugar in almond milk !!! Instead, find the best mix with no dairy products with our guide:The best and most worst milk and alternative duration.


Fritos chili cheese corn chips

Fritos chili cheese

By 1 oz: 160 calories, 10 g of grease (1.5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 270 mg of sodium, 15 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar, 2 g protein

The fries corn chips are bad enough - these have a msg and caramel coloring.


Nestlé Coffee-Mate Vanilla French

Coffee Mate french vanilla

Park.: 35 calories, 1.5 g of fat (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 30 mg of sodium, 5 g of carbohydrates (0 g of fiber, 5 g sugar), 0 g protein

It's not milk. It's not the cream. It is: water, sugar, vegetable oil (high oleic soybean canola and / or oleic canola) and less than 2% sodium caseinates (a milk derivative) **, mono -and diglycerides, dipotastium phosphate, natural and artificial flavors.


Nissin cut noodles Veggie very veggie

Nissin cup noodles very veggie

By container: 330 calories, 11 g of grease (5 g of saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 1,070 mg of sodium, 49 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fibers, 7 g of sugar), 8 g protein

It can have more vegetables than the original Cupa, but there are still about half a day of sodium here.


Original Baby Ray Baby Barbecue Sauce Sweet Ray

Sweet baby rays sauce

By 2 c.: 70 calories, 0 g of grease, 290 mg of sodium, 18 g of carbohydrates (0 g of fiber, sugar 16 g), 0 g protein

Maude mild Maude - who naked 16 grams of sugar in their barbecue sauce?


Pepperidge Farm Brussels Bookies

Pepperidge farm brussels cookies

For 3 cookies: 150 calories, 7 g of grease (4 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 65 mg of sodium, 20 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 11 g of sugar), 2 g protein

These are cookies like mom used, if mom cooked with sugar, a palm or monetary and hydrogenated soy oils and hydrogenated.


Starbucks Juniper Latte

Starbucks juniper drink in mug

by large with 2% milk: 260 calories, 7 g of grease (4.5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 160 mg sodium, 37 g of carbohydrates (0 g fiber, sugar 35 g), 12 g protein

What coffee with your sugar?


Twix with dark chocolate

dark chocolate twix

For 2 cookies: 250 calories, 12 g of grease (7 g saturated fatty acids, 0 g of trans fat), sodium 95 mg, 34 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fibers, 23 g of sugar), 2 g of protein

Do not come from the dark side. This has more sugar than a candy bar should.


Pizza Pizza Garlic Bread Gratin

Mod cheesy garlic bread

Breadbread: 1,350 calories, 43 g of fat (16 g saturated fatty acids, 0 g of trans fat), 3110 mg sodium, 179 g of carbohydrates (6 g of fiber, 0 g sugar), 49 g of protein

It is not easy to cheese when you have a lot of calories and this sodium.


Red lobster lobster mac and cheese

Red lobster mac and cheese
Courtesy of red lobster

Per meal: 1,280 calories, 70 g of fat (41 g saturated fat, 2 g of trans fat), 3170 mg of sodium, 92 g carbohydrates (3 g of fibers, 4 g of sugar), 73 g of protein

Another Mac and Cheese, another place on the Unhealthiest list, this one because of the calories.


First vanilla protein shake

Premier Protein vanilla

By 11 oz: 160 calories, 3 g of fat (1 g of saturated fat, 0 g of trans fat), 270 mg of sodium, 4 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fibers, 1 g of sugar), 30 g of protein

We love the protein, but not artificial sweeteners. Find a replacement via our26 best and the worst grab-and-go proteinées.



Tostitos salsa con queso

By 2 c: 40 calories, 2.5 g of fat (1 g of saturated fat, 0 g of trans fat), 280 mg of sodium, 5 g of carbohydrates (<1 g of fibers, <1 g of sugar), < 1 g of protein

Imagine salting a maize chip that is already salted who acts.



Odwalla mango shake

By bottle 15.2 oz: 310 calories, 1 g of fat (0 g saturated fat, 0 g of trans fat), 340 mg of sodium, 54 g of carbohydrates (<1 g of fibers, 47 g of sugar), 19 g of protein

It is better to eat your calories than drinking them. Here you get all the fruit sugar without the fiber.


Bacon Beef Chile Ranch Quesadillas

Chilis beef bacon quesadilla
Courtesy of Chile

1,850 calories, 140 g of fat (48 g saturated fat, 2 g of trans fat), 4000 mg of sodium, 69 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, 10 g of sugar), 82 g of protein

Has almost two days of sodium value, you can count these quesadillas among the20 seater meal restaurants on the planet.


Naked & Green Proteins

Naked protein

By bottle 15.2 oz: 400 calories, 3 g of fat (1 g of saturated fat, 0 g of trans fat), 290 mg of sodium, 61 g of carbohydrates (0 g of fibers, 53 g sugar), 30 g of protein

The naked truth: there are too many calories in this "healthy" juice.



Applebees fish and chips
With the kind authorization of Applebee

1,750 calories, 128 g of grease (23 g of saturated fat, 0.5 g of trans fat), 3940 mg of sodium, 98 g of carbohydrates (8 g of fibers, 13 g sugar 52 g protein)

With regard to fried seafood, give up the ship and opt for grill instead. And while we are on the subject, you should also avoid these others46 Most caloric dishes in America.


Ruby Tuesday Crispy Chicken Mac "N Cheese

Ruby Tuesday mac n cheese
With the kind permission of Ruby Tuesday

1411 Calories, 73 g of fat (38 g of saturated fat, 0 trans fats), 3752 mg of sodium, 107 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, 2 g of sugar), 73 g of protein

Goodbye Ruby Tuesday / Who could hang and eat with you? / So much salt, twice a day / daughter, I do not miss you.


Magnum White Vanilla Chocolate Bath

Magnum white chocolate vanilla ice cream pint

By ⅔ cup: 350 calories, 21 g of fat (13 g of saturated fat), sodium 60 mg, 37 g of carbohydrates (0 g of fibers, 34 g sugar), 4 g of protein)

Magnum means great, right? Like, a large amount of sugar and fat?


Classic Coca-Cola

Coca cola

By 12 oz: 140 calories, 39g of carbohydrates, 39 g of sugar

It is the most famous and they will never change the recipe, even if you know the high-fructose corn syrup, caramel color, and natural flavors are not classic; they play.


Oreo cookie mega stuf

Oreo mega stuf

For 2 cookies: 180 calories, 9 g of fat (3 g of saturated fat, 0 g of trans fat), sodium 90 mg, carbohydrates 25 g (1 g of fiber, 18 g sugar), 1 g of protein

Mr. Big Stuf, who do you think you are? Twice as bad as Oreo Regular.



Friendlys clam strips
With kind authorization of friendly

1,550 calories, 90 g of fat (20 g of saturated fat, n / a g of trans fat), 2710 mg of sodium, 160 g of carbohydrates (10 g of fiber, 10 g sugar), 40 g protein

With friends like these, who needs a value of a sodium day?


Skippy natural peanut butter, cream

Skippy naturals

By 2 c.: 190 calories, 16 g of fat (3.5 g of saturated fat, 0 g of trans fat), 150 mg of sodium, 6 g of carbohydrates, 2 g of fibers, 3 g of sugars, 7 g protein

To jump. Your peanut butter should be two ingredients: peanuts and salt. Skippy strengthens their "natural" pb with sugar and palm oil. You will find our choice eats this CSEH in our exclusive report:The 36 best peanut butters classified!

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