5 restaurants you will not come back
Well, if the restoration establishment follows these new recommendations of the Directive

In April, Georgia is officially became the first state to allow restaurants to open up to dinner clients, as the quarantine restrictions came into effect in March. The move may be the first domino to fall into what will possibly be slow mitigating these restrictions across the country in the weeks and months to come.
As you can imagine, the world of catering will be very different and, likeThe New York Times Reports, restaurants in the United States have recently looked at Asia for examples of how the restaurants in these countries have manipulated reopinitions. How will the seats be rearranged? What will they look at the menus? How would they advise customers to manage masks wearing while trying to eat? Fortunately, the National Restaurant Association (NRA), with comments from the FDA, CDC and the prevention and protection of the environment, has published a10-page guide For restaurants to ensure that all staff and customers are safe.
Of course, you can expect many of the devices that you had known to exist in restaurants forever will likely disappear in the name of appropriate security and disinfecting. If you are curious to know what some of them are, read it listed it here. And for more COVID-19 effects on the world of catering, do not miss this overview ofWhat's going to a restaurant in a post-Covid-19 world will look like.
Preset table settings

You are probably used to walking to your table and see a perfectly defined table awaits you. This may no longer be the case. "Consider using rolled silverware presets and eliminate table presets," said a recommendation.
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Unpackaged straws

In order to reduce the things that many customers may want to touch, the NRA indicated that restaurants suppress non-packaged straws of "self-service drinks stations", whether at the corner of a bar of Restaurant or sugar milk and sugar area of your favorite coffee.
Menus that are not paper or easily cleanable
In order to reduce other contacts, the NRA indicated that restaurants disinfected their menus after each use or adopt paper menus that will be thrown quickly after each use. In Georgia, Gov. Brian Kem had hadThis advice At restaurants: "The use of disposable paper menus is strongly encouraged."
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Salad bars

Guidelines distributed by Georgia's Gov. Kemp: "Interrupt the use of salad bar and buffets".
Lemons and limes to beverage stations

Like the guidelines encourage restaurants to eliminate unpackaged straws, they advise against these small fruit baths cut within paying customers.
RELATED: Click here for any our last coronavirus cover.
Soda distributors in Soil

The Soda Selver Service fountain has been a luminaire in fast and relaxed catering establishments for years. Maybe more. According toNew reportsMore than 15,000 King Burger, Popeye and Tim Horton locations across North America ban them for security reasons. Even McDonald's costume followed. This policy can be expected to grow to other chains.
Condiments at your table

The days of having a bottle of ketchup on your dining table (or aSyrup bottle on your table at IHOP) Could be gone. More likely, you will get more packets from Ketchup, individual mustard, etc.
Servers without face masks

You can not wear a face mask by eating, butyour server will have to wear one every time they welcome you. TheCDC recommends Restaurant employees wear "a face of covering fabric".
Wall-to-Wall patterns

This is one of the sustainable calls for restaurants: tightening in a cluttered and deafening restaurant with crowds of other guests. This is probably one thing from the past. Restaurants must limit the number of customers to reduce contact and ensure everyone's safety. To compensate for fewer clients streaming in their doors before, many restaurants will rely more onALFRESCO DINGING Strengthen their income. (In fact, some restaurants have even turned tofalse mannequins Give you this old "packed restaurant"!)
Whatever the restaurant of the future, it's a good bet that huge crowds and shoulders are numerous, at least - one thing from the past. And for more information on how Covid-19 has an impact on the world of the restaurant, see how these7 beloved catering chains may not survive.