The only safest place to buy groceries right now

This is the only place that buyers feel safe.

If you had worry, think about the layout in a grocery store, you are not alone. Although some big retailers, likeWalmart, have set up new security protocols to protect buyers and workers, such as controlling crowds and increasing social distancing measures, many local grocers are lagging behind. Which means that every time you are going to make groceries, there is a realThreat to the health of others that can be infected with coronaviruses. The CDC and FDA agree that the biggest threat to grocery stores is, many other buyers who may not keep a safety distance or wear face masks.Which brings us to the same place where keep a distance and protect yourself from coronavirus can be easier than in grocery stores: farmers' markets.

The farmers season just starts increasing in many parts of the country and as theNyt reportsBuyers express a greater sense of safety when shopping in the open area markets. For one, you are in open and circulating air, instead of confining a small interior area with others. Another advantage is that theproduce that you probably buy less hands to get you to you. So, while you stay safe, farmers' market stores also allow you to support the local economy by also supporting local farmers.

Of course, farmers' markets are not exempt from new coronavirus security regulations and numerous strict regulations this season. Although for many, the visit of a farmers market was as much an opportunity to socialize, because it was an opportunity to make purchases of fresh produce, keep in mind that outdoor markets are now a business. essential serving the basic food needs of people and for social purposes. will be widely discouraged. Here are some of the changes you might see in your local farmers market that you will need to respect:

  • Market entrances will be limited
  • Buyers will have to wearFacial masks
  • Buyers will have to keep six feet away
  • Touch products will not be allowed
  • Dogs and other pets will not be allowed
  • Live music will not be allowed
  • Gather in groups will not be allowed
  • Food samples and prepared foods will not be available

Although some markets in the open area have used the sale of their direct products to the consumer via restaurants and online, the hot weather and their outdoor large size format allows them to make them attractive destinations for grocery stores soon . Stay informed and get the latest news from Coronavirus Food Books directly to your inbox bySubscribe to our newsletter.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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