These are the most at high risk moments to visit the grocery store

Do you think you are smart to be an early lift? Still think.

The introduction ofPlexiglass partitions,traffic foot arrows,Facial mask protocols, self serviceThe use of credit card, andSocial distancing measures are not the only meansgrocery store Deeply changed since thecoronavirus pandemic has begun. As consumers, we have changed completelywhen We like to brave a trip to the grocery store, both and this change in our behavior could have an impact not only on our collective health and safety, but also what we choose to buy and eat.

According toLabs Placers, A Californian company high-tech company that measures foot traffic in stores to help retailers better understand consumer behavior, our grocery shopping habits have been primarily turned upside down from the lockdown started.

In a newto study, Place focused on buying habits in several popular grocery stores and wholesalers, including Albertsons, Kroger,Whole foods,Joe's Trader, Publix and Wegmans.

During March 2019 to March 2020, retailers all showed that most customers (more than half) preferred to shop for their grocery store on weekends. Fast forward to the same period in 2020, and more than half of store customers have capsized their habits for shopping during the week. (There were minimal deviations that resisted this trend, including the fact that Whole Foods is a "slight increase" in Sunday consumers.)

In addition, the researchers have found that grocery shoppers are moving more and more travel at morning and afternoon away and in the evening. "Eight brands have seen a dramatic increase in the percentage of visits between 6 and 11 hours," the researchers wrote. "11 hours per 16 hours remained relatively stable, in the evening, see the largest drop. »

Focusing specifically on Wegman and Publix, noted that placing itPointe hours of shopping had changed to themanner early in the morning. "Wegman shows a massive jump in morning traffic, with more than double the percentage of upcoming visits between 7 and 8 hours, and near the double between 8 and 9 hours," write researchers. "Publix saw a similar model. »

The time of day when foot traffic has dropped considerably? TThere evening hours, in what in normal times could be considered a stop after work at your disk home store.

Researchers think these changes of hours could have an impact on what we choose to buy.

"Interestingly, the Movement also opens questions whether it could affect real purchasing habits," they write. "For example, could the brilliant morning visit more sales for pre-planned meals at the expense of Ready-Made options? »

Anyway, one thing is clear: if you are looking for your health and the safety and health and safety of people around user you-wise you avoid you rush hours shopping. Last week, the CDC quoted that the contact of anyone remainsthe overwhelming way you are most likely to contract COVID-19.

"It is possible that a person can get COVID-19 touching a surface or an object that has the virus, then touch their own mouth, nose, or maybe the eyes, but we do not think we are the main means the virus is spreading ", the CDC noted.

That's why we advise you to visit groceries on their off-peak hours, which means at the moment potentiallyAvoiding early morning during the week and rescheduling this trip for an end of the afternoon weekend or evening.

It is not only for your health, it is also for the health of people most at risk among us: the elderly. After all, many food stores were encouraged elders to come early in the morning to beat the crowds later. Giventhat coronavirus related deaths are older Americans with a heavy impact, You would be intelligent to give them a little space. And for more tips for doing smarter shopping during the pandemic, make sure you knowThe main evolutions expected in the shops in the coming days.

Eat this, not that!Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answer Your most urgent questions ) here are the precautions You should take the grocery store, the food you should have by hand, the Meal delivery services and Restaurant chains offering an imprint You must know and the means to help you support those who need . We will continue to update these new information that develops. Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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