This only thing can hospitalize you with coronavirus, says study

A new study connected a bad habit for serious coronavirus complications.

Shortly after the first cases of CIVID-19 were detected in Wuhan, China, it became clear that age is a risk factor with respect to highly infectious and potentially fatal virus. However, as time progressed, it has been highlighted that a later date of birth does not make a person protected from communication, developing a serious infection or die following the virus. And a new study led by researchers to the UC San Francisco Benioff Children's hospitals found that up to a third of all men and women aged 18 to 25 who actually "medical vulnerability" to the virus .

In short, age did not stop you with coronaviruses.

The study, published Monday in theJournal of Teen Health, analyzed the data of about 8,400 people, find "medical vulnerability" amounted to 33% for men and 30% for women. Among all the medical risks that made them vulnerable - including heart conditions, diabetes, current asthma, immune conditions (such as lupus, drop, rheumatoid arthritis), liver conditions, smoking of Obesity was the most important. And yes, this includes steam and electronic cigarettes. They found thatFor non-smokers, the medical vulnerability amounted to 16.1%, while the number reached 31.5% for the full sample of 8,405 young adults, which included smokers.

Smoking can increase the severity of an infection

"Recent evidence indicates that smoking is associated with a higher probability of CVIV-19 progression, including the severity of increased illness, admission to the ICU or death," First author Sally Adams, Ph.D ., from the UCSF division of teenage medicine and young adult, explained in aLiberation accompanying the study. "Smoking can have significant effects among young adults, who generally have low rates for most chronic diseases."

She also noted that recent research has found that young adults are starting to smoke at higher rates than adolescents, a reversal of previous trends.

By using data from the National Health Maintenance Survey, researchers determined that in the last 30 days, 10.9% smoked a cigarette, 4.5% smoked a cigar product and 7 , 2% smoked an electronic cigarette. In addition, the total number of smokers-1,664 or 19.8% - was greater than the number of people with asthma (8.6%), obesity (3%) and immune disorders (2.4%) ) 1.2% of them had diabetes, 0.6% state of the liver and 0.5% of heart disease.

Smoking makes you more likely to find you in the ICU

"The risk of being medically vulnerable to severe disease is divided by two when smokers are removed from the sample", "MAIN AUTHORCharles IrwinJr., MD, the UCSF division of adolescent medicine and young adult added. "Efforts to reduce smoking and consumption of electronic cigarettes in young adults will probably reduce their vulnerability to serious illness."

Other recent dataNoted that smokers are most likely to end up in the ICU with severe coronavirus infection than non-smokers.

As for yourself: stay safe during this pandemic, wash your hands with soap and water frequently, or clean your hands with alcohol-based disinfectant; maintain a distance of at least six feet between you and other people; Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth; Wear a face mask when possible; Avoid crowds; And do not smoke! And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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