The restaurants of this city plead that you do this

The staff risks their lives so you can dine with your friends and everything they ask is a simple favor in return.

Just two days ago theWorld Health Organization Says that the number of new CVIV-19 cases around the world has reached a record of 212,326 cases within 24 hours. Without a sign of the virus stop until a vaccine is successfully created (then administered), the urgency of people to continue to take the necessary precautions to avoid more deaths is more obvious than ever.

Many servers have witnessed the first handErrors Customers do everything in restaurants in restaurants, the most as to what does not wear a mask. Whether you dine inside or out, wear a face-covered while conversing with the staff finally becoming a sign of respect.

When Atlanta, Georgia is cleanWestside Provisions District Brunch Spot reopens his dining room for the dinner in June, they had informed the guests that the masks werevery encouragedBut not mandatory. The following week, the West egg coffee made a post onTell instagram,"We plead with all the guests to wear masks when they are not sitting at their tables, including when they are outside and can not guarantee that all other humans."

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Two other past weeks and customers still not complying, the restaurant has changed politics, saying that no one can enter unless you have a mask. They even started selling masks for only $ 2 on the host stand. Follow-upInstagram position reads,"We asked nicely, then we begged. The masks are now needed for all West Egg guests, whenever you're not sitting at your table. Period."

In other parts of the country,Customers are those who take precautions But the institutions they want to dinner are not. For example, in Gaithersburg, Maryland, the owner of the restaurant La Grid on Flower Hill wrote aControversial Facebook Position A few days ago, which has been suppressed - who has been read, "Let me be very clear ... My staff will not wear face masks while working here in the grille. If it bothers you then Please dine elsewhere and please try to find something more important to occupy your time as a volunteer in a retirement home or a kitchen soup. "

Basilico pasta e vino In Huntington Beach, Calfornia also went to social media at the end of May to share that it was against customers wearing masks while at the property. The message also appeared on Facebook, which had an image of two masked faces covered with a red circle with a line drawn with the legend reading,"#nomasksallowed."

Whether you are a member of a staff member or client, it's in the best interest in your health and others around you to wear your mask. The pandemic is far from over and did this simple thing will only help to mitigate the propagation of coronavirus, potentiallyAs much as 82%.

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