Study: The best way to avoid capturing COVID-19

Follow this essential list and protect yourself.

The new coronavirus illuminated about eight months ago. So much so much on this subject are not understood, even by the world's largest experts of infectious diseases. Not effective treatments to talk about a vaccine are far. This summer, dozens of states are a sudden thrust of the virus, and the country retains all the daily records of new infections. The good news: what happens in spite of what we know about the virus, not because we do not know enough. Although a cure is always difficult to reach, the researchers determined that there are literally dozens of things you can do to reduce your risk of contracting Covid-19. Here is the top 30 and stay safe during this pandemic leaving, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.


wash your hands

Girl washing her hands under running water in a black washstand

This is the most important thing you can do to avoid contracting the coronavirus, explains Dr. Anthony Fauci, a high level of public health expert from the nation. Do it thoroughly (with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds, then dry them completely) and regularly (make sure to wash each time you come home in a public place). If soap and water are not available, use a hand disinfectant that contains at least 60% alcohol.


Avoid crowds

busy store

Stay away from great gatherings is another crucial strategy to avoid Covid-19. Even talk and breathing can spread coronavirus and up to 40% of people who wear and transmit the virus have no symptoms.


Keep social distance

Two friends with protective masks greet with waving to each other.Alternative greeting during quarantine to avoid physical contact

The current rule of the thumb: when you are in public, stay away from six feet people that you do not live with. Experts believe that further than this coronavirus can travel to respiratory droplets. And there is evidence that it works the policy: according toA JUNE STUDYFrom Johns Hopkins University, social distancing and loopbacks reduced the spread of half coronavirus in 82% of counties in the United States.


Do not go in the bars

Waitress with a face mask in a bar.

Topic at your local pub is one of the most dangerous things you can do right now. This month, Fuci said NPR that "gather in the bars, gather in crowd, people meet in a way without wearing party masks," led the sudden climb of this summer in Covid-19 cases.



woman put on a fabric handmade mask on her face

"The message should be" carrying a mask, "Fauci on July 7 studies indicate that it can reduce the risk of any 50-80% infection," he said Marketwatch.


Pay attention to local directives

Emergency Orders Miami-Dade County. Coronavirus, Covid-19. Miami Beach Closing Sign.

Earlier this year, many people outside the first hot spots of Coronavirus thought that public health advice on prevention did not apply to them. "It's a recipe for a disaster," said Fauci in June. The proof: this month, in the United States has reached 4 million coronavirus cases, with 1 million added in just two weeks.


Avoid unnecessary movements

Senior woman with face mask outdoors with shopping, corona virus and quarantine concept.

One-person contact is the most likely mode of coronavirus transmission, if you venture into public pools at risk. It is wise to evaluate if you can reduce unnecessary travel, for example, do you need to go to the grocery room every week, or can you all go both? Do you need to visit peak hours, or can you go early in the morning or late at night?


Do not take a plane

Woman Traveling with Plane with a Mask on For Contagious Disease

This month, Fauci told theWashington Post It would not fly on a plane right now. "I'm on the flights where I sat near the people sneezing and coughing, then three days later, I have it," he said. "So, no chance. No metro, no public transport. »


Avoid meals inside

Two young women at a lunch in a restaurant

Fauci will not eat inside in restaurants. "I'm not going to restaurants right now," said Fauci on July 27 "Interior is much worse than outside. If you go to a restaurant, try better than you can have outdoor seats that is properly spaced between the tables. »


Do not shake hands

Elbow greeting to avoid the spread of coronavirus

Tightening the hand and casual embraces are a fake social for the moment. Substitute an elbow bump or a wave.


Be careful when you receive at home

Senior woman and daughter having coffee at safety distance in the garden.

Take the advice of Dr. Fuci: he still has people to his house, but with cautious guidelines. He and his wife does not entertain two guests at the same time, and they only socialize outside, wearing masks and social distancing. They will enjoy a meal together, but food to take food served in separate containers without sharing dishes or utensils.


Wear your mask correctly

woman puts on face mask

Make sure your mask slips easily on the nose and mouth. Do not wear under your nose or chin, and avoid touching the mask you can transfer germs to your nose and mouth that way. When you take, remove the mask from his straps. If the paper is everything, throw it away. If it's the fabric, wash it after each use. Do not put a mask in your pocket with the intention of bringing it later.


Use gloves carefully

no gloves

If you wear single-use gloves on the races, throw them before touching anything in your car, your mobile phone or your home to doknob.


To be coherent

woman outdoor wearing medical face mask, social distancing, sitting on a bench, isolated from other people

"If you want to choose three or four very simple tools that could have a major impact on turning around the fireplace, wearing a mask is certainly one of them, such as physical distancing, is to avoid crowds, like closing bars, just like handwashing, "said Fauci on July 27" I plead with people to consider doing it regularly because if half of people do not do it, this kind of goal Global cancels ".



dinner party

After months of zooming and Faceming, you are probably looking forward to seeing friends and family in person. But gathering in a group presents a serious risk of contracting be sure, take a mental rincheck at this party or family meeting.


Make yourself vaccinate against influenza

Our batting average ranked from last month but that's the reality

Although this year the shot of the flu will not protect you from coronavirus, it is very useful to do. Protect against influenza and complications will make your immune system louder, which increases your chances of non-CVIV-19 fighting. And to guard against the flu keep you out of the offices and emergency services of physicians, the preservation of critical medical resources for coronavirus patients who need it.


Enjoy movies at home

Man watching tv or streaming movie or series with smart tv at home

Like bars and restaurants, cinemas offer a risk of coronavirus transmission due to recycled air. This is why many theaters of the nation have been closed for months, with great outings of repulsed movies. Simply because they could be opened in your area does not mean they are safe. You may want to stay at home netflixing and relax for a while more.


Do not listen to conspiracy theories

media technology and modern lifestyle concept: young woman with smartphone reading fake news at the park

As much as we would like it to not be, the coronavirus pandemic is very real. Anyone claiming he's a myth or conspiracy is false death. When looking for coronavirus information, make sure that it is to be reported by sources of good reputation, for example, health organizations such as the CDC or WHO, hospitals or schools of medicine, or the great news organizations.


Do not touch your face

touching face

Germs are most often introduced into our body when we touch our eyes, nose or mouth. That's why it's particularly important to wash your hands often and avoid touching your face.


Do not touch public screens or kepads (without washing your hands)

customer self service order drink menu with tablet screen at cafe counter bar,seller coffee shop accept payment by mobile

The cash screens in the food stores and keyboards in the banks are notoriously Germy. Bring a pen with you and use the end of non-writing to the key keys and give your signature, or you can buy a mini-stylus that will attach to your keychain and allow you to stay contactless.


Clean your mobile phone

cleaning phone

Even in times, the studies have shown our cell phones can get ten times as dirty as the toilet just sits normal daily use. To protect against coronavirus, it is a good idea to disinfect your phone regularly. Some experts recommend the disinfection of your phone every day with a disinfectant wipe or a combination of frictional alcohol and water.


Exercise, but maybe not at the gymnasium


Dr. Anthony Fauci told theWashington Post that he would not work in a gym right now. He exercises instead outside (glarely on foot on three miles a day). Because coronavirus spreads by the respiratory droplets, and the gym is full of people engaged in what the experts call "exhalation force," it is a potential access point of infection.


Do not think you're immunized

Young couple having fun on picnic in the park

The peak of this summer in coronavirus cases proves that young people are not safe. In June, the state of Washington reported that 2 out of 3 people who contracted the disease less than 29. At the same time, in Florida, the median age of coronavirus patients went from 65 in March to 37. Young people and people before healthy die from COVID-19. Follow the public health guidelines, regardless of your age.


Disinfect frequently affected surfaces


Clean the "touched" surfaces with disinfectant to protect against coronaviruses. The CDC advises making this daily, including tables, wallets, light switches, counters, handles, offices, telephones, keyboards, toilets, faucets and sinks. "Most products registered by the EPA will work, the agency says.


Do not panic

woman hold head in hands suffer from grief problem, depressed lonely upset african girl crying alone on sofa at home

You are powerful in the fight against Covid-19. You can choose to practice social distancing, wearing a mask in public, to wash your hands frequently and avoid the great gatherings - all have been found to significantly reduce the risk of infection. Stay abreast of the latest public health guidelines: the best remedy for anxiety is the information. And staying informed will help you know what you do not have to do - you do not have to completely avoid the outdoors, wipe your grocery store or disinfect your mail or packages before opening them.


Do not give up virus fatigue

Women is watching news on a global tv channel

It may be tempting to mentally verify the pandemic. But the crisis is far from over and the ignorant will not make it disappear. It is important to remain vigilant and informed. To avoid professional exhaustion, limit your consumption of news related to Covid. If you want to become overwhelmed, register with the news for 15 minutes a day instead of leaving it in the background for hours.


Visit with children practically, if possible

Mother and daughter using computer, waving while in a live video chat

Although all age groups are affected by coronavirus, seniors and pre-existing conditions tend to be more severely affected than younger and healthier people. It's always a good idea for the elderly to distinguish socially for the moment, just to be safe.


Bring a disinfectant from the hands along

Male hand using hand skin sanitizer gel tube for washing hand at subway station. Health awareness for pandemic protection

Wear a hand disinfectant in your car gloves compartment, your handbag, your bag or your jacket, and use it at sensitive moments when you are in public, for example, in a restaurant after touching a menu, After using a carriage at the grocery store, or enter your car and before touching the wheel.


Do not ignore home stay orders

Young woman spending free time home.Self care,staying home

As coronavirus points during the summer - and with the prospect of a second striking wave during the flu season - some localities have been carried out (or reintegrated) stops and stay orders at home. Health officials recommend for good reason. Ignore them at your risk and peril.



Woman and man in social distancing sitting on bench in park

Exercise and socialize with friends and family outside, as long as the weather permit and local guidelines. Your chances of contracting coronavirus are much lower outside than inside buildings. Do not forget to maintain a safe social distance and wear masks.

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these21 subtle signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: News
By: liudmyla
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