Drake Vintage Champagne 550 $

With this price, it should be the best you have ever had.

As if you needed more proven evidence, Drake really lives his bestChampagne Bottle of the bottle: He just made his debut his own bottle of $ 550.

The rapper of Toronto, whose instagram handle is@champagnepapi (NATCH), recently announced that it will close 2019 with the addition of two millestic champagnes 2008 to itsChampagne of mod selection line.

mod selection vintage rose
Courtesy of modagne of mod selection

The 2008 vintage rosé selection mod - a mix of Pinot Noir, Meunier and Chardonnay - is the one with the steeer price tag of $ 550. The rosé in this champagne is done with thebleeding method, which is the French term for "bleed." In this context,bleeding refers to the process ofConcentration of red wine By removing, also called bleeding - part of the tank juice.

RELATED: This is the real difference between Pinot Noir, Cabernet and other red wines

According to the commercial publication of European drinks appropriatelyThe drinksThe wine has a deep salmon color with fresh red fruits concentrated and complex on the mouth. "Ginger, honey and sweet spices notes can also be detected.

The other bottle of champagne to hit the market just before the year ends the end is the 2008 Vintage Reserve selection, which goes for a slightly less expensive $ 480. It's also a mix of Pinot Noir, Meunier and Chardonnay.

This will be the third and fourth additions to the champagne line of Drake's Mod Selection. The other two models of reserve champagne ($ 300) and a mod-rosé Champagne ($ 400) - -lanché earlier this year, shortly after Drake announced that it equips with Brent Hocking, the founder ofDeleón Tequila, to create the Luxury Champagne brand. Started at the bottom, now we here, indeed.

So, are you down to try it? After all, you only live once. This is the motto. (Sorry, we could not resist.) And if you are looking for something a little more accessible from a price price, checkThe 27 best champagnes and sparkling wines for New Year's Eve at Less than $ 30.

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