You store ice cream

Ben & Jerry's deposits some professional knowledge on the best way to avoid the burning freezer.

It has been a long day, you have just wrapped a fast dinner and you are suddenly delighted with the idea of ​​diving into a pint of ice while watching a show. But, just after cracked this pint of Chubby Hubby, you find that this has been contaminated with an unpleasant burning case in the freezer (EW). Fortunately, this scenario may never happen again, asThe wonderful spirits of Ben & Jerry's Just share critical advice on the best methods to store your ice and avoid burns in the freezer.

The freezer burns occurs when frozen foods have been damaged by dehydration and oxidation due to the air reaching food. It does not make dangerous or new food, but it often makes the taste much worse.Here are the top 6 storage tips that you probably have not used to keep your ice cream burned by the freezer. (And, for more indispensable storage tips, make sureSubscribe to our newsletter.)


Store your ice upside down.

When you put a pint of ice cream in the freezer, you should place it upside down! According to Ben & Jerry's, it will cause a drop of ice melted on the lid, where it will be less likely to ruin the still cold part. Make sure the lid is tight first before you try that! (In touch:We have tasted 5 ice creams with vanilla at the Fast Food, it was the best.)


Keep your freezer super cold.

Freezer temperature

Keeping cold ice cream at any time until it is served is essential to keep it in the best possible form. Ben & Jerry's experts suggest a freezing temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit. (In touch:10 the biggest freezer mistakes you make.)


Keep ice cream at the bottom of your freezer.


Ben & Jerry's advises you to keep your frozen treatDeep at the back of your freezer. Whenever you open the door of your freezer, the hot air arrives, which can potentially drive to the freezer burning on your beloved pitch. So, move on the remains and ice packs! The ice cream now goes into the back. (In touch:13 foods you should never put in your freezer.)


Slice the pint instead of getting out of the ice cream.

Wet knife

Ben & Jerry suggests you to put the reliable ice cream aside, and instead,to cut A slice of ice with a nice and edged knife. Why? "When you creep the partially melted ice cream, it combines the burning freezer and causes the crystals growth in a larger, cruiseous and even more diabolical way," notes the notes of the ice designer. To minimize "melted time", they advise cutting the pint from the outside with ice cream still inside. This trick also easily fixes the freezer burn once this happens: "Simply use your knife to cut the upper layer touched and the veil! Your pint is like new." (In touch:How to make homemade iced cream without machine!)


Wrap your remains.

cinnamon brown sugar ice cream
Courtesy to make it without milk

After cutting or touched the ice cream part that you will serve, "cover the rest with a layer of wax paper, parchment paper or plastic wrap against the surface of the ice cream" before putting the lid on , said Ben & Jerry's. (Here is an example of what it should look like.) "Or, put all the pint in a hermetic plastic bag for even more protection." (In touch:What happens to your body when you eat ice cream with low calorie.)


Eat the whole pint!

empty pint

Now we may not totally agree with this last tip, but Ben & Jerry's says another way to prevent the freezer burning is to eat all the pint! (FYI: Here'sWhat eats an entire pint of ice cream to your body.) Even better: divide a pint between you and some friends serving magnets to enjoy the creamy goodness without going to the sea with the size of your serving.

For more useful tips, see these108 popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.

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