7 The best seafood Costco Buys

Shrimp cocktail with frozen scallops, the warehouse covered you.

Ok, so you knowRotisserie chickens Costco and all the delicious red meat options. But if you are a seafood lover,Costco You covered you too! Whether you are looking for dishes prepared for charcuterie or frozen to store for later, the selection of Costco is unbeatable.

Here are some of the bestCostco seafood The purchase options at the warehouse. They get married perfectly with these15 Best Costco Side dishes.


Shrimp cocktail

shrimp cocktail from costco

This aperitif rich in protein is ready to serve. The purchase of fresh food at Costco could not be easier!

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Shrimp salad

Jenn Allen / Shutterstock

Why settle for a chicken salad when you can have shrimp salad? Costco does all the preparation work for you, just serve him above biscuits or with dipped vegetables.

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Salmon Milano at Basil Pesto

baked salmon with pesto and lemon slice
Photograph of Stepanek / Shutterstock

Of course, you can buy raw salmon just about all grocery stores. But Costco takes things a little further by completing the salmon deli at the basil pesto that cook perfectly in the fish when you eat.

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Wild Planet Sardines

box of wild planet sardines

These canned fish can be polarizing. But if you are a sardinier fan, there is no better place to supply. $ 9.99 You will get six boxes of sardines with olive oil.


Kirkland Signature Raw Scallops

costco kirkland signature frozen raw scallops

The scallop is an underestimated seafood option, and you can get a frozen bag of two books from them at Costco. Try them in our recipeEscalopes with white beans and spinach.


Phillips Crabs Cakes

phillips crab cakes box
With the kind permission of Phillips

Do not live near Chesapeake Bay? You can still have tasty crabs at home with these Costco frozen crab cakes.


Kirkland Signature Atlantic Salmon Breeding

bag of costco kirkland signature frozen salmon

You can get three books from this frozen salmon at COSTCO for $ 26.99. And if you fear that farmed salmon are not healthy,There is no conclusive searches May the wild salmon fished is healthier, so do not be afraid to buy this option.

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