The worst place where you could go right now, says doctor
More than 650 cases have been linked to churches.

At only 17 years old, Carsyn Leigh Davis probably did not expect to see her face the first page of each national news website. And she has never lived to see him arrive. The teenager, who beat cancer and a rare self-immune disorder, passed away after contraction of COVID-19. "Even through the wreaks of Covid, fighting to breathe, she never lost the tear, complains or expressed the fear," his mother, Carole Brunton Davis, wrote in a declaration shared on one of the Fundraising pages.
Unfortunately, this sad story becomes even more sad. "A recently released medical examiner report, however, raised questions about the Carsn case", reports reportsThe Washington Post. "The medical examiner of the County of Miami-Dade found that the immunocompromised teenager went to a great church party with about 100 other children where she did not have mask and social distances was not applied . "
His story was not rare. The churches say that some experts are Covid-19 cividists.
More than 650 cases related to the church
The New York Times The database shows more than 650 cases of Covid-19 "have been linked to nearly 40 churches and religious events in the United States since the beginning of the pandemic, many of which broke out during the last Month while the Americans resumed their pre-pandemic activities. "
"Weeks after President Trump asked that America's clinic homes were allowed to reopen," continued the document, "new epidemics from the coronavirus entering through the churches of the country where the services took over. The virus has infiltrated Sunday sermons, meetings of ministers and young Christian camps in Colorado and Missouri. He struck churches that reopened proved with facial masks and social distancing in the benches, as well as some who defyed locks and refused to consider new limits on the number of faithful.
Pastors and their families have been tested positive, to have church bailiffs, entrance generators and hundreds of proud. In Texas, about 50 people contracted the virus after a pastor told congregants, they could again kiss. "
The document notes that even in churches where social distancing guidelines have been followed, people have always been tested positive for coronavirus.
Interior activities are dangerous
An obvious cause of propagation is that when you get a group of people inside, whether in a church, or in a bar or party, they are in a poorly ventilated area with others Infectious droplets. "One of the worst things that every one of us can do right now is to go to an inner place where we are in close contact with a large number of people we have not completed - and C ' is even worse if we do it without wearing mask, "saysLisa Maragakis, Mr.D., M.P.H.,Senior Director of Infection Prevention for Johns Hopkins Health System.
In addition, it has been shown that church choirs spread a disease. In May, the CDC published a report on a "high coronavir attack rate" after exposure to the practice of the choir "in Skagit County, Washington." Superscreading events involving Sars-COV-2, the Virus which causes Covid-19 has been reported, "said the report." After a 2.5-hour choral practice followed by 61 people, including a symptomatic index, 32 confirmed and 20 cases of probable covid-19s. (Attack rate = 53.3% to 86.7%); Three patients were hospitalized and two died. The transmission was probably facilitated by narrow proximity (within 6 feet) during practice and increased by The act of singing. "
The worst thing you could do at the church
The worst thing you can do at the church holds a great gathering inside. If your service is essential, hold it outside and cancel the choir for now. In addition, wear your face mask, your social distance, wash your hands frequently, watch your health and cross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus.

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