7 series of strong women who make sense to view

More recently, Hollywood producers were convinced that the audience favor the main characters-men. But the times have changed and now women are reigned on television. Here are some series of emergency lady deserving your attention.

More recently, Hollywood producers were convinced that the audience favor the main characters-men. But the times have changed and now women are reigned on television. Here are some series of emergency lady deserving your attention.

"Maid's story"

This serial - Screening of Bestseller Margaret Etwood has become a cultural phenomenon all over the world. The main heroine was previously called Jun, and now she is Fredova, a maid, the main task of which is the birth of children for the infertile spouses from the highest world of the Republic of Giled, a totalitarian state that appeared on the site of modern United States after the Civil War. Gilead's world frightens precisely what is very similar to modern, and events that take place in it do not seem absolutely impossible in the future. The brink of his situation Jun not only finds the opportunity to maintain human dignity, but also to withstand the regime that transforms people into a serving character. The performer The main role of Yislizabeth Moss received a number of awards, including Emmi and Golden Globus Role Jun.

"Invalent Kimmi Schmidt"

Kimmyschmidt spent almost a life in an underground bathside, where an immune priest Tadekolka, his followers hidden from the end of the world, which is as if there is already a gathering surface. But instead of the Apocalypsirdo Bunker visited the police, the priests were arrested, and the Kimmi "released the whole". For four seasons, it has to live in the real world, which did not know anything about anything. And it makes it impairing his corporate positive birth to life. Initially, serialcricked for a too easy approach of heavy topics, but the kimm quickly has gained heart viewers, proving that optimism is possible even in the most severe circumstances.

"Intelligence" \ \ \ The ACT

Nossa strong women are unambiguously positive? The main heroine of the "Intention" series of Jeepsi Blanchard in a conspiracy with a boyfriend killed his mother Didi. Thank you? But the viewers of the series are highly accumulated that jeeps were convincing causes for such cruelty. Adherid and all life kept a daughter's beddo bed, healing it from hundreds of fictional well and abused the charities for her "treatment". History of this story does what the history of jeeps and grandfather are not a fiction ofcenarists, but truth. The series is not common in real events, and reproduces them with almost documentary. True jeeps is at the moment in prison.


MainGeneration "Scandal" is a crisis manager and a specialist in the regulation of delicate issues that will work at the highest level in the political chals of the United States. Its experience will be in adventures in person, because Olivia associates personal relationships with anyone else, as a president of the United States. The American journalistic emotional beauties - the character of the most closing personal life of Vistor Television, but personalproblems have never interfered with this power to influence the fate of the world.


The "Incredible" series can boast integers three strong women. "Incredible" is a story of the Mary Teenager, who tries to prove that it was rapidly raped, and the detectives of Grace and Karen, who are trying to find a serial attacker, whose existence does not believe their colleagues. The search for truth in the serial is long (as well as it was in real life), but no one will leave anyone indifferent.

"Orange - Hit Season"

At the beginning of the series, few would have called Piper Jepemen a strong woman. A series of irresponsible actions leads the heroine that used to swim in the course of the flow, for playing the federal prison. Here Piper will have to dry up and deserve a place in this list. Since it is in women's prison, strong women's characters here whole palette, from dragdillers with a golden heart Alex to brutal manipulator. This acute mix of comedies and drama has become the most popular series on Netflix platform and received 12 nominations on Emmi only for its first season. Also, "orange" is known to the fact that the authors managed almost impossible - the history finale liked admirers and is considered one of the best finale of serials in history.

7. "Crown"

This list would be incomplete without its royal majesty Elizaveti II, which has become a prominent figure in real life, and on television screens. "Crown" for five seasons explores, which means to stand by one of the most powerful monarchies in the world in times when its importance is decreasing. Confect relationship with husband and members of the royal family, political reforms and economic crises, triumphs and tragedies - with all this heroine copes, preserving the power of spirit and congenital aristocracy. In the first two seasons, the role of Elizaveti brilliantly performed Kleper Foy, in two subsequent royal tiara tried Olivia Coleman. Viewers look forward to continuing and arguing or performs Megan Marques the role of itself in the upcoming seasons.

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