10 ingredients that will make you better cook

Improve the flavor, texture and nutrition of your meals with these versatile foods.

We are not all born with Julia child cooking instincts, but it's okay. Because what makes you good with food is not only how strong your knife skills are. This is what you do with the ingredients you have on the hand that makes you a top chef, compared to a novice cook. Understanding the different flavor profiles in the foods you can play and their healthy swaps will help you prepare some of the tastiest and nutritious dishes. So we lengthened behind the counter of some of the best-conscious chefs and recipe developers to see what the pantry cell staples are still on the hand. Need more help to improve your kitchen? Check12 best-selling cooking gadgets on Amazon.


The vinegar

Vinegar and bitters
Joanna Kosinska / Beldshshshsh

Radish marinated atvinaigrettes, Vinegar is an essential ingredient for every meal meal. The anti-glycemic properties of vinegar can help prevent glycemic accidents and slow down the digestion of complex carbohydrates, according to ato studyin theAnnals of nutrition and metabolism. The winner of Stephanie Izard, restaurateur and head of iron, says, "I recently collaborated with the morton salt toClear food wasteAnd stripping is the perfect solution to prolong the life of your vegetables. It's also a great way to add vegetables to your meals when they are no longer in season. "


High quality extra-virgin olive oil

Olive oil
Roberta Sorge / Beldshshshsh

Whether you are preparing that you prepare roasted vegetables or baking fish, wet extra-virgin olive oil and infuse food with a flavor. Olive oil is also an excellent source of healthy mononaturated greases and polyunsaturated cardiacs. Alison Wu, Food Stylist, Recipe Developer and FounderWu Huus, says, "A big olive oil can make a meal. Sprinkle with vegetables cooked with steam and cooked meats, or mix with lemon juice, salt and pepper for perfect simple vinaigrette."


Shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms
Joanna Kosinska / Beldshshshsh

As a good source of vitamin D, selenium, potassium and riboflavin, mushrooms ultimately get the health projectors they deserve. Today you will find fungi in tea, protein powders, adaptation supplements and more. Jodi Moreno, natural food leader and author ofMore with less: the entire food of the food made irresistibly simple Always keep shiitake mushrooms dried in his pantry. "They can be used to make a super nutritious tea when you feel a coming cold. The fresh Shiite mushrooms are also an excellent ingredient because they easily add a UMAMI flavor and can maintain moisture," she says.



Chlorophyll Water

If you are not familiar with the plug-in smoothie complement, chlorophyll is the green pigment found in vegetables and fruits; But this offers more than a brilliant hue to your dish. It is actually packed with properties of vitamins a, c, e and antimicrobials, so it is also good for your intestine and your liver. Lisa Hayim, MS, RD and founder ofThe necessities well, likes to use Sun Chlorella. "The Chlorella is packaged with more chlorophyll than any other plant and is ideal for supporting the body detox system. I use about half a package at a time and add it to my favorite green smoothie," explains Hayim. Add it to the water, your smoothie, salad dressings, marinades for a nutritional boost added.



Sea salt

A small salt goes a long way in your dishes and good quality, likeMaldon Sea Salt Flakes WhereSalt Himalayan Rose Sherpa, is perfect for adding finishing keys to a dish. "The salt brings flavors to life. I like to keep a variety of salts at hand," says Wu. Moreno also adds: "I like pink sea salt because it has more than 80 oligo- Follow-up, which makes it more nutritious than ordinary sea salt. " If you are worried about keeping your sodium levels in check, it's not the salt you use when you cook that increases blood pressure. Transformed refined foods are the biggest guilty of sodium, so do not be afraid of shaker when you need a flavor boost.


Coconut flakes

Smoothie bowl with coconut flakes
Twenty -20

You can add them to sweet dishes, such as smoothies bowls and from all night, or sarries, such as chicken curry soup or oven fried fish. "I like to have coconut flakes by hand for Granola or Macaroons," says Moreno.The coconut flakes of the red crusher of Bob Only a gram of sugar and three grams of fiber per quarter of cup.


Walnut butter

Almond butter

Lay it on the perfect yogurt, move it to TOAST or add a spoon to your smoothie after workout. Whether you prefer almond, cashew or peanut, nut butter is high in healthy greases and proteins. "Essential for nibbling. I love to smear dried apricots or a banana for a quick snack," says Wu. Simply make go for natural and added sugar varieties, which are generally only a pinch sea ​​salt. CheckThe 36 best peanut butres were classified!


Dried or canned beans

Deryn Macyy / Beldshshshsh

When you are in a serious dinner pinch,Beans are a cheap and endless way to add proteins to your meal. "Canned beans are my favorites" I am lazy and did not foresee the "article dinner to have on the hand. Dried beans are great if you want to make a lot of beans for the week or if you do a Hummus homemade, "Wu says. You can reduce beans to prepare hummus or a creamy sauce on the pasta, throw it in a salad or add it to a soup. A cup of chickpeared peas has 12.5 grams of filling fibers and 14.5 grams of protein. It is also an excellent source of iron, vitamin B6, magnesium and calcium.


Cream cheese

Kite hill cream cheese
Courtesy of Kite Hill

While it is difficult to believe that cream cheese could be on the list of essential chefs, Hayim says that Kite Hill's almond milk cream cheese is one of the most versatile ingredients. "With its creamy texture and all natural ingredients, this almond cream cheese takes on the world of non-dairy cream cheese. Try the original or spiced with a chive flavor on a bagel or Even fumbled on a gross Portobello mushroom, "says Hayim. You can also use it to prepare dipped dips and dressings of healthy salad or whipping them in a batch of breakfast muffins instead of the Sure cream or Greek yogurt.


Chia seeds

Chia seeds

Chia seeds Pack Three grams of proteins and five grams of fiber by tablespoon, as well as omega-3 healthy fatty acids. "These small absorbent seeds are supernutive and are raised in omega and other nutrients, which makes them superb to add to smoothies or sprinkle on vegetables or salads," says Moreno. Moreno also likes to use them to replace eggs in vegetable recipes. For each tablespoon of chia seeds, add 2.5 tablespoons of water.

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