You could pay this much more for the grocery store at this time next year, experts warn

Economist projects you will spend hundreds of people, but for the same amount of grocery store.

Many people have saved money this year with limited travel options andrestaurant The outputs are far and little bit. However, there is one thing that Americans have beenspend more On, and they probably did not understand it. In fact, at that time next year,You may have paid a few hundred dollars over the same amount of grocery store.

If you had to compare a grocery receipt from January with one of August, you may notice a slight increase in various items. According to exclusive Nielsen data, the price of meat has increased slightly since the beginning of the year. For example, a bacon book, chopped beef and chicken breast costs all 50 cents, 40 cents and 30 cents, respectively, more than they were in January. This price increase is even greater in some areas of the United States (linked:8 groceries who can soon be in the short diet)

In Miami, Florida, the average consumer pays more on a more dollar for chicken and Los Angeles, buyers pay about 60 hundred more. The smallest shops in Brooklyn, New York have even begun to put signs in windows leaving people know that some items have increased price. The reason for most of these price hikes? Manufacturers of trademarks and food products are often altogether articles and do not need toOffer promotions and offers hit their goals.

"Promotions offered to consumers continue to be removed below their pre-Covid-19 levels for the fifth consecutive month," Phil Tedesco, Director of Retail Analyzes for Nielsen, saidNBC News. "August saw a dip in this crucial metric of July, which provoked this month to be more expensive than in recent months."

According to Nielsen Data, the average cost of a basket of 37 representative products culminated in May at $ 138.78. The same grocery basket fell to $ 136.40 in June and July and $ 138.63 in August.

Erike December, Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Illinois in Chicago declaredNBC News that he considers thatThe average housekeeping will spend about $ 400 more about the grocery store at this time next year if these price increases remain. Households that do not cover as much income are estimated to spend $ 210 on grocery stores.

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