The fountain and bottle soda have a different taste

We know you're thirsty for answers, and we have them for you.

Pop Quiz Time! (Yes, there is a double child out there.) Can you tell the difference between coke and pepsi during the first sip? Do you have a preference between the soda fountain andBottle soda? And for the bonus round, let's swear from the coke toMcDonalds has a superior flavor profile?

Well, if you answered "yes" to one or more of the questions above, you do not just have a rather refined soda palace, but you are probably curious to know whya soda Taste different depending on how packed it is. You are thirsty for answers, and we have them!

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The plastic bottle vs. Glass bottle debate

First of all, when it comes to this continuous battle: Soda manufacturers will tell you that it is the same recipe, the same ingredients and the same manufacturing process used, regardless of the packaging. Nevertheless, a British coca-cola drinking survey found 84% the glass bottle and 79% say it's because it just has been better tasted in this way. But again, soda manufacturers do not agree, insisting that the perception of taste is influenced by things like the cold of your gaseous drink and that it is poured on the ice. It's hard to swallow, however, if you are sure you can tell the difference between a soda can and a bottle and have a strong preference.

Sara Risch, a food chemist, deduced that you can move forward and trust your taste buds. Companies are trying to scroll through any reaction package could have have on the soda by lining cans with polymers. But, the polymer lining aluminum soda cans can absorb flavors. With regard to plastic bottles, soda drinkers could find that some of acetaldehyde are transferred to the drink, affecting the flavor. Although the FDA governs chemical contact, even traces could have an impact on the flavor, explains popular science.That explains why The soda can taste better at a glass bottle because there is no reaction affecting the flavor profile.

And what about the soda fountain?

Now you may be wondering exactly how this specific type of sparkling drinking factors in the discussion. With fountains, there are not the same reactions that come into play like soda in cans or plastic bottles, but there are many variables that can affect taste. If you have already worked in a restaurant (I!), You are probably familiar with the Soda syrup "bag-in-box" that is hanging on fountain strain machines. For the uninitiated, however,Soda Fountain Systems Generally mix water and syrup at a 5 to 1 ratio, but some restaurants can tinker with that, which is why you may prefer to get your soda solution to another restaurant.

For example,McDonald's says He follows the guidelines that Coca-Cola gives them. But, the Coca-Cola syrup is pre-cooled before entering the fountain dispensers, the syrup ratio configured to allow melting ice. Another factor that could affect the taste of the soda fountain? The water that is mixed with syrup and carbonation.

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See, Soda Lawn Machines with Gold Arches, for example, use filtered water so that the taste of its fountain drinks is coherent. If the water mixed with syrup is not filtered, your soda could have a different taste depending on where you are in the country. Like wine, water has terroir, which allows you to taste the region and depth from which it comes, according to the water sommelierMartin Riese.

People accompanied by Mickey D are self-conscious and know that consumers like their coca-cola, so much on the restaurantFAQ page, they deal with the subject. The question "Why is the soda of McDonald's taste so good?" is actually listed and answered. McDonald's straws are broader than those of most restaurants and fast food stains, so that it can contribute to the distribution of flavors, the fast food chain recognizes. Also,The New York TimesStresses that Coke gives McDonald's special treatment, delivering its syrup in stainless steel tanks to keep it extra fresh. McGenius, right?

Now, the next charged question: call yourself "soda", "pop" or "coke?" This is another discussion ...

And for more, check these 108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic .

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