The CDC studies an epidemic of Listeria

There were 10 hospitalizations and a death so far.

Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) believe that deadlines are the likely source ofAn epidemic of Listeria Multi-State, who missed 10 individuals, according toa warning Posted by the federal agency.

Cases on three coasts East-Côte-Côte-Florida, Massachusetts and New York-have been reported by the CDC. All the victims were hospitalized and a person in Florida has been dead since.

Nine patients surveyed reported having consumed Italian style meat, such as Salami, Prosciutto and Mortadelle. Meat, pre-packaged or trenched in Deli counters, were sold in various retailers. A common provider has not been identified as a possible source at that time. (In touch:21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.)

The patients had a median age aged 81 and 80% were women, according to the CDC. Pregnant women and the elderly have ahigher risk of getting sick with ListeriaIn addition to those who have weakened immune systems, the agency noted. In pregnant women, the symptoms of influenza can develop. Infections can have disastrous consequences, including premature delivery, miscarriage, death of death and more.

The symptoms of possible infection include confusion, convulsions, fever, headaches, loss of equilibrium, muscle pain and steep neck. The symptoms usually grow between a day and four weeks after the exhibition. However, some cases have been reported from the same day or later than 70 days.

The CDC recommends that you avoid eating meats of charcuterie unless it is correctly heated if you are in a high-risk group. Be sure to properly clean the refrigerator shelves, as well as counters, wells, utensils, and all other surfaces that come into contact with cold cuts. You canFind more tips here.

There are some other staples that you may want to monitor during your next trip to the grocery store, includingjelly,Pizza dough, andThis popular grass.

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