6 recent changes to the grocery store you need to know about

Learn more about recent price changes, precautionary benefits and other important grocery updates.

We can hardly count all the ways the grocery shopping experience has changed this year. Early in the pandemic, when certain items were in short providers and strict security measures have been implemented by most retailers, the latest changes that change things back to normal, but also show the long-term effects the pandemic on the US consumer. Our retail experience is still much in flux.

We have gathered the most important new developments in recent weeks, so you know what to expect during your next grocery store. And to prepare you more in the fall and winter, check8 groceries who can soon be in the short diet.


There is a shortage of paper towels again

empty walmart aisle
Hrach Hovhannisyan / Shutterstock

Unfortunately pandemic grocery shortages March and April soon return to haunt us. Although many of the products to the original application have been refilled by now,Paper towels are always in short supply. For this reason, some stores may be enharge for these hot products of the household. When you see them in the grocery store, you definitely pick up a roll or two because there's no telling when they will be back in abundant stores.

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Some cuts of meat got cheaper

meat aisle

While grocery meat lacked in the spring, the meat packages are now able to get the supply chain on track. Most grocery stores are now stored entirely due to the increase in production in recent months, coupled with lower sales in restaurants because of the closure. Some meats are evencheaper now than before the pandemic startedSO Do not forget to visit the butcher next time you head to the store.


More customers are online races

grocery store social distancing

If you decide to visit your local grocer, you may notice that the store is not as busy as this. This is because a growing number of buyers began jumping to the store to shop. Among the rules of social distancing to stay safe, supply of stock variables and the risk of risk taken by going to the grocery store, many areopt to shop online instead.


The shops disappear with one-way alleys

publix aisle

one-way aisles, a form of regulation of traffic in the store, was one of the first security precautions taken by large retailers in the box during the pandemic height. Publix, however, believes that the need for them has become over. They are certainly not the most practical (as you are forced to walk in one direction in one direction in each of the aisles), but they allow fewer people to pass when driving through the store. Unless it's a status condition,Publix removes most of arrow stickers ground for shopping easier for consumers. More recently,Walmart also removed this precaution.


More plastic, plastic coated cucumbers

walmart interior

Walmart is working to produce less food waste and be more aware of the environment, which motivated a decisionStop selling English cucumbers covered with plastic. Since Walmart provides nearly 25% of fresh produce from America to consumers, this decision is a big deal. Instead of plastic wrapped cukes, Walmart will sellcucumbers, Which encases in a protective skin made from plants instead of plastic. Be sure to keep an eye on these cucumbers next time you're at your local Walmart - they are not only environmentally friendly, but they also last longer.


The alley "ethnic" becomes obsolete

ethnic food aisle

With all the social changes that take place this year, the question of "the ethical alley" in grocery stores received a new attention as a grocery section that did not age well. Many articles that would frequently be placed on these "ethnic" shelves of food breastfeed, such as coconut milk or fish sauce, have become widely traditional in American households, so itdoes not make sense to be separated in this way. The grouping of disparate international foods also highlights the idea of ​​existing in a way about the kingdom of what an American consumer would judge as the norm. Certainly not the best appart for grocery stores - it is obsolete and must change.

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