Here are 6 diseases that cause hair loss!
Like plants, human hair is interest. So that many people try to maintain hair health, ranging from giving it vitamins, maintaining moisture, so often combed. However, do you know that there are some diseases that make hair thinning and falling out?

Like plants, human hair is interest. So that many people try to maintain hair health, ranging from giving it vitamins, maintaining moisture, so often combed. However, do you know that there are some diseases that make hair thinning and falling out? Yes, this is the 6 diseases that cause hair loss. What are there any diseases? Check the first list below.
1. Lupus
The first disease that causes hair loss is lupus. Diseases also referred to as this chronic autoimmune disease can cause inflammation in some parts of the body, such as examples of joints, kidneys, to scalp. These inflammation can cause the hair on the scalp to thin. Even in some cases, hair in the eyebrows, eyelashes, and beards can also thin or fall out.
According to Dr. Alvin Nursalim, SP. PD. That happens if inflammation spreads and develops in the scalp area. Even though there are no scars, but hair can fall out and thin even though it's not permanent. In addition, discoid type lupus disease specifically attacks skin tissue, causing rashes in the scalp area to make loss.
Meanwhile, drugs consumed by people with lupus also have a side effect of hair loss, the good news, if the treatment is complete, the side effects will also disappear. Although lupus is difficult to diagnosed from early, and cannot be prevented, but we must continue to apply a healthy lifestyle so as not to trigger lupus. May we all avoid lupus!

2. Anemia
Anemia sufferers can also experience hair loss, you know. Indeed what connection is anemia and hair loss? VERY related. So, blood or hemoglobin brings oxygen for growth and improvement of body cells, including hair growth. If someone experiences anemia, the amount of hemoglobin will decrease so that it causes hair loss.
To prevent hair loss because of anemia, we must often consume healthy foods with balanced nutrition and high vitamins, drink blood enhancer supplements, and do a healthy lifestyle such as exercise, enough sleep, and others. If the hair stays loss even though it has done prevention methods, then you should consult a doctor!

3. Hypothyroidism
The third list has a disease called hypothyroidism. This disease makes hormone levels produced by the thyroid gland too low from normal limits. The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland on the front of the neck. The hormone produced by the thyroid gland can regulate the body's metabolism, keeping the body warm, keeping the body always warm, and support the performance of the organs.
Well, hypothyroidism can cause many symptoms, depending on how low the thyroid hormone is produced. Some of the symptoms are frequent dizziness, constipation, weak muscles, cold sensitive, easily tired, weight gain, swollen face, fragile nails, difficult concentration, to hair loss and thinn.

4. Alopecia areata.
Next list there is a disease also caused by autoimmune named Alopecia Areata. Alopecia Area is caused by an attacking autoimmune diseaseFollicle hair so that it causes itCytokin Proinflammation andKemokin. It makes hair production stop to finally fall out and bald.
There are several factors that can increase the risk of alopecia areata, namely the descendants of autoimmune disease, exposed to chromosome disorders such as down syndrome, suffering from vitamin D, asthma, atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, or thyroid disease. This disease can occur at all ages, and cause hair loss, unless complications occur. May we avoid this disease!

5. Scalp infection
The next list is scalp infection caused by various things like ringworm or fungi,folliculitis. andimpetigo because of infectious bacteria, andMukormikosis or rare infections due to fungi. All causes can cause hair loss and baldness until the infection is completely cured.
Scalp infections that often occur are ringworm or fungi. This infection characterizes easily recognizable, there is a ring shaped on the skin. If it happens on the scalp, then the skin becomes scaly and red, so the hair will be bald. To reduce the risk of being hit by ringworm, then do not use towels or other people's items, especially patients with ringers. In addition, wash immediately if you hold a wild or pet animal. If you are hit by ringworm, drink an antifungal tablet or consult a doctor so it is safer.

6. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
On the last list there are hormonal disorders that occur in women at the fertile age, namely polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS. PCOS sufferers experience menstrual disorders and have excessive androgen hormone levels, resulting in ovarians or ovarians to produce many fluid bags, making egg cells do not develop perfectly and fail to be released regularly. PCOS can also cause sufferers from being fertile and vulnerable to diabetes and high blood pressure.
Then what does PCOS do with hair loss? Hormone imbalances in PCOS sufferers can lead to hair loss or thinning. It will often be experienced by women with PCOS sufferers in middle-aged age. At first the hair loss was little by little, but for a long time and the hair would be more fragile.
If you experience PCOS symptoms, then immediately consult a doctor, huh. In addition to medical treatment, usually, doctors will recommend a healthy lifestyle such as a low-calorie diet and sports to relieve polycystic ovarian syndrome. Hopefully we are all healthy continuously!

Well, that's 6 diseases that cause hair loss. Maybe you are wondering, in the films, how come her hair cancer losses and bald? It is necessary to know that it happens not because of cancer cells, but because of the side effects of chemotherapy treatment. So that cancer is not entered into the list. Do you think which disease is the most terrible? Tell us in the comments column!

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