Things you touch this widespread virus

Wash your hands for 20 seconds after engaged with any of them.

It's understandable if you are confused. For several months, the CDC maintained that high tactile surfaces are breeding grounds for COVID-19. However, because of the health organization making changes to their official website, there has been some confusion surrounding their official position on the likelihood of becoming infected with the virus to touch a contaminated surface.

Last week, they issued aclarificationexplaining that there iscertainly a potential To catch the virus this way and their modifications were part of an effort to make their text easier to read - not as a result of new sciences or research. In this spirit, here are the 20 things you are most likely to catch coronavirus.


Any surface "high touch"

Man wearing disposable medical face mask wipes the shopping cart handle with a disinfecting cloth in supermarket

"Once a high touch surface", something that is hit several times throughout the day - "is touched, then touch your face to rub your eyes, mouth or nose can transmit the virus and make you sick ", ExplainHeidi J. Zapata, MD, an assistant professor at the School of Yale Medicine and Infectious Disease in Clinical Practice, Yale Medicine. It explains that all "high keys" surfaces can easily remove coronavirus. "Therefore, by simply disabling your hands by washing with soap / water or hand disinfecting, you will considerably reduce your risk." Another thing to consider? Wipe the "High Touch" surfaces if you plan to use them.


Lift buttons

finger presses the elevator button

The elevators are "definitely" a high touch surface to be careful, warns Dr. Zapata. "They are usually plastic and are affected by hundreds or even thousands of individuals according to the square," she says. If you can, consider using your elbow instead of fingers to touch the buttons, carrying gloves or disinfecting hands immediately after.


Door buttons

close up of woman's hand reaching to door knob, opening the door

Due to the fact that many people handle a door button, depending on the location, Dr. Zapata manages, they constitute a high touch surface. It emphasizes, these buttons and steel handles "would retain the virus longer than maybe copper". To be sure side, if you open doors anywhere, but your home, make sure to disinfect or wash your hands immediately afterwards.


Your phone

mask to avoid contagion walking down the street

We send text messages, take pictures and talk about our phones, touching them, talking and holding them against our faces. It should come to zero surprising that these tiny gadgets can host a variety of germs and viruses. The good news is that we rarely touch the phones from the others. However, during the pandemic, you should avoid coming into contact with electronic gadgets belonging to others. Dr. Zapata suggests remaining conscious of what you touch before touching your phone and clean your hands and phone accordingly.


The hands of others

two businessman handshaking process

Yes, the hands of others can certainly be coronavirus carriers. Before choosing to touch, hold or shake someone's hand, think of infectious potential - and you may want to consider engaging in another form of physical touch.


Stair rails

Portrait of lovely brunette walking up the stair, view from above

Whether you are in someone else's home, a hospital or another public place, you should present an extreme caution when mounting and get off the stairs. The stair rails are there for a reason to protect us from the fall. However, while holding us standing, they can also expose ourselves to the germs of others. Think about it: how often do you disinfect your stair rails? Probably not too often. However, Dr. Zapata emphasizes that the type of material stair rails is manufactured that can affect the way they can be infectious.



Asian female right hand is turning on or off on grey light switch

Dr. Zapata says that the light switches are "generally composed of plastic and affected by several people depending on the location and their frequency." Although you can not avoid turning and turning off the lights, make sure you practice hand hygiene quickly after touching.


Automatic distributor buttons

Woman pressing button on a vending machine

Any type of button would be considered "HIGH touched", recalls Dr. Zapata - including those of the automatic distributors. "Consider wiping a vending machine if you could spend a long period of time there, or maybe simply disinfect his hands after," she suggests.


Your own gloves or mask

taking off mask

The port of gloves or mask can put you at risk of contracting the coronavirus if you do not know how to take them properly. TheCDCoffers very specific tips on how to safely remove glovesand your maskIn order to avoid potential contamination, remember the importance of washing hands immediately afterwards.


Computer keyboard

man cleaning his computer keyboard

Registration in a flight? Or maybe you are at the hospital where there are common computers. "It would be a good idea to wipe a keyboard that is planned to sit down and spend time using it," says Dr. Zapata.


Bus or train seats

Seat places in back side of modern city bus

If you drive public transport, be tired of touching all surfaces, including your seat. Dr. Zapata maintains that they have a "High Touch" potential ", since most people would touch the seat while sitting and again when lifting up."


Airplane surfaces

woman in airplane disinfects hands with gel, sanitizer during flight

Similar to bus or train seats, Dr. Zapata retains that aircraft seats can accommodate the virus. Also, pay close attention to other surfaces, including the bin table, as they can also be contaminated.


Permanent Metro Polish

Students and travelers using public transport for commuting

If you are standing on the subway and you have to keep one of the support poles or support bars, make sure to disinfect or wash your hands as soon as possible. "These have a high probability of transmitting viruses given their makeup, so be careful," maintains Dr. Zapata.


Hotel rooms or rental

Opened door of hotel room with key in the lock

On ato studyThe hotel rooms are incredibly germinous, bed linen at the table at night, the worst delinquent throughout the room being the remote control. It is not surprising that the hotel industry takes drastic measures to ensure the safety of the guests of the Roman Coronavirus.


Credit card terminals or ATM machines

Low angle view of African American businesswoman inserting credit card and withdrawing cash at ATM while wearing protective mask on her face.

Credit card terminals and ATM machines are very sprouted surfaces without surprise, seeing that many fingers touch them every hour and it is almost impossible to ensure sanitation between the two. If you can not avoid using them, make sure you quickly disinfect your hands directly afterwards.


Pens, pencils and other writing instruments

Hotel registration form with blue alcohol gel prepare for guest to make clean up hand before do a registration

Unless an establishment offers disinfected pens, do not even think of choosing one to the mouth! A great way that some stores and restaurants ensure the safety of their customers during the pandemic consists of cleaning writing instruments between uses, clearly labeling jars "disinfectant pens" and "used pens". You can also copy this security method to your home or office.


Take away utensils

Three businesswomen on the coffee break in the office

If you get a delivery of food or take away, you may want to consider using your own utensils to eat it. On aNihStudy, virus droplets can live up to 2-3 days on plastic. So, just in case that almost those who have packed for the eternately sneezing food at some point when they were around plastic forks, knives and spoons, you can play the safe side.



man scooping food by using utensil tong at buffet food restaurant catering self service table

Aviral videoInternet traffic shows how to use common service utensils can quickly infect a group of people. In the clip, contaminated hands (represented by glow germs) quickly spread germs on service utensils, which are then used by other gifts in the group. At the end of the meal, each person came into contact with the germs.



Man wiping his face with a towel beside a treadmill

Gymnasiums are not exactly the cleanest places you can visit. Astudy published earlier this yearFound bacteria, influenza and other Icky pathogens on about 25% of the surfaces. If you decide to work in a gym, be sure to disinfect in detail each equipment you plan to touch - as well as your own hands as soon as you stop. In addition, be really diligent on not touching your face with your hands during your workout.


Close contact with another person

Elbow greeting to avoid the spread of coronavirus

While the "high touches" surfaces can make you sick, they are less likely to make close contact, as indicated by new CDC guidelines, reminds Dr. Zapata. "However, you still need to be aware of what you touch, especially in public spaces," she adds.

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the coronavirus pandemic.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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