The most popular meal at home in America right now

Here's what everyone is doing at home ... and why you may find more difficult grocery stores to find.

It has been a few months since to make bread has become the unofficial quarantine cooking project and flour was hard to findGrocery stores. But what most people cook at home whenRestaurants have been closed andcarry out The options have become rare? The new data revealed exactly what familiar dishes across the country got up in their own kitchens.

Home Run Inn Pizza's2020 Family dining room report Asked 1,067 families about their catering preferences this year, since how and where we dine was so severely affected by the Cvid-19 pandemic. The pizzeria found that 65% of people leaned at home and eat together as a family four days or more a week.And the majority, or 68%, do more than anything else.(In touch:Vitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now.)

The pasta and / or noodle dishes were the second most popular dish at home (66%), followed by the slow cooker, meals with a pot and / or soups (49%). Surprisingly, only 41% of families make pizza at home and even less at home preparing seafood (27%).

It is interesting to note that families also succeeded many more breakfast foods this year, with 47% eggs, bacon, pancakes and others with those they live.

Whatever the dish, 49% of people say they have encountered problemsFinding the favorite food products of their families at the grocery store. It's not a surprise, like this past spring, popular items likeplain flour,canned productsAnd more were nowhere where were in your local supermarket. Unfortunately, this trend seems to come back during this second wave of cases. here is5 food shortages that you should prepare.

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