If the product of this Joe merchant is in your freezer, throw it now

It could be contaminated by the Listeria.

The FDA announced that the slightly salted frozen edamames produced by Tesoros Trading Company and sold at Trader Joe's are recalled because of the possibility that it is contaminated byListeria monocytogenes.

The 16 ounce packets of "slightly salty edamame of trader Joe" were sold in places of Arizona, Utah, southern California and southern Nevada. At the back of green plastic bags, they are stamped with22LA102 M, 22LA102 N, Where22LA102 P. Although all potentially contaminated items have been removed from stores and destroyed, it could still be in the customer's houses and must be returned to the place of purchase for a full refund or thrown,according to the report.

Tesoros Trading Company, which exploits Las Vegas and supplies, the trader of the Joe region with the Edamame, always studies the source of the epidemic with the FDA. (For more information on safe foods to eat, here'sThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.)

The Listeria is particularly dangerous for children, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems, but it can also leave sustainable effects on others. Symptoms can start a few days after eating contaminated foods, but they can also take more than 30 days to start. These include fever, chills, muscle pain, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, confusion, steep neck, loss of equilibrium, etc., according to theMAYO Clinic.

Pregnant women are more sensitive to infections due to the Listeria than others. The Mayo Clinic says that this can cause a miscarriage, a Mornebirth, a premature birth and even a potentially fatal infection after birth.

Keep yourself and your family safe this season avoiding the7 holiday foods that could give you food poisoning, warns of experts. To get all the information you need on items from your grocery list,Sign up for our daily newsletter!

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