The shortages of this grocery clip could come soon, the experts warn

The United Kingdom is gripping for empty shelves that could also hit the United States.

Many residents in the UK are confronted withNew waves of home stay lock prescriptions Like COVID-19 cases propagate. Companies such as hair and nail salons, gyms and other indoor activities are closed and travel is restricted. And now, experts say that grocery stores can be a little more difficult because it could soon a shortage of meat thatfinally hit the us.s. too.

Early in the pandemic, American meat plants producing products forSmithfield andTyson Given thousands of their positive test employees, resulting in arrest, shipping delays throughout the country and even judicial affairs. It was also a problem for facilities abroad. (Here is8 other grocery items that can soon be in the short diet.)

Experts from the Association of Meat Meat of Northern Meat, the Food Standards Agency, the Commission on Vaccination and Vaccination and the British Meat Transformers Association (BMPA) say that Workers with meat-based plants should be part of the first people to receive a vaccine to avoid business business. This would help ensure that the food supply chain remains intact, the President of the BMPA saidFood browser.

Although new safety rules are in place that include many tests and health workers on staff, USDA stated that nearly 4,000 meat-based plants worked more than 90% of the capacity this summer compared to 2019, according toMeat + poultry. But, the demand is also up 2020 minutes, the beef noting a sales volume increase of 11.8%, the 15.2% pork and 1.9% of 1.9%, according to a published report. throughTyson.

"We encounter multiple challenges related to the pandemic," said the company. "These challenges should increase our operating costs and have a negative impact on our volumes to tax 2021. We currently can not predict the ultimate impact that Covid-19 will have on our short and long term, as will depend on , among others. Things, the gravity and duration of the CVIV-19 crisis. "

Thus, while Great Britain and the rest of the United Kingdom face another strict closure, demand, demand and possible shortage of subsequent meat could be a prediction over the United States and what is to come. In the meantime, this could be an opportunity to try more and more herbal recipes that do not require any meat but always provide all proteins and other essential nutrients. here is33 Easy herbal recipes even carnivores will love.

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