12 great donuts
We accept something strange in life. We're going to show you some strange and excellent donuts. That will make you saliva just see them

Donut is very amazing. As a result, they are popular desserts. They are sweet. They chew. They have many flavors and top toppings. Some people like traditional coatings. Just satisfied Sometimes the most simple food is the best food. But that's not what we are talking about now. Today we will celebrate a variety. And uniqueness We accept something strange in life. We're going to show you some strange and excellent donuts. That will make you saliva just see them
1.Rainbow donut
Everything has a better taste when it is rainbow. You can't argue But whether you like the rainbow filling Rainbow coating sprinkled the rainbow or just a rainbow starch - all those options. Can be found in the donut form

2.Mochi Donut
For those who like Japanese desserts, especially Mochi - Moji Donut, we are not sure who thinks to combine Japanese rice into a variety of cakes. And delicious donuts But there is a high probability of American

3.Cute Donut
When talking about Japanese things There is a cute donut. That is shaped like an animal And also have a lovely character Of course, these things are in the list of too cute to eat. But they certainly eat And from what we hear - very tasty

4.Hot spicy donut
If you are looking for hot donuts, Ring of Fire is something you should try extremely. They are chocolate donuts with cinnamon, sprinkle on top. But the secret ingredient is pepper Which is cut with chocolate concentration And very hot And they still sell with dry peppers on top

5.Donut Bacon
With us all have heard about maple syrup And Bacon Combo But what happens when you use that idea And raise all new levels? Obviously, the bacon donut is the right answer. For those who like fishy and sweet food This donut may become The wonderful thing they Can wait for a long time

6.Krone Marsharar
Some gourmets may say that if you haven't eaten the Marsharbar, you will miss and do not live fully. And we must agree with them It's not a donut to eat every day. But it is definitely a good-tennible opportunity But you have to try at least once in life It is a life changing experience.

7.Croatian cake
Although we are in the topic of the chronicle But we have to mention the kronette cake It is a unique combination. And not suitable for those who Of course underage But if you are an adult that likes dessert This is definitely a thing to try.

8.Sticky bread donut
It's as delicious as you think. And if you wonder it We came here to tell you that When they start selling They are very popular. Until the donut shop must limit the donut to 2 pieces per person because the sale is out too fast

9.Master Donut
We don't even know what to say. Is this excellent? Is it the most suitable autumn for the autumn weather? Who doesn't want to have everything? Why do we live without it until now? Do not deny simple happiness in life - take this donut as soon as possible.

10.Fried chicken donut
Listen if you think that wearing a fried chicken on the donut is wrong. You are clearly wrong. Because for us It seems that it is the best idea. Is the most wonderful match For everyone who has a curious taste gland It has the ultimate taste. And if it's wrong, we don't want to be right again.

11.Donut wave
Why is there a single donut? When you can have all three simultaneously And it is divided into pieces, easy, bakery, donut In New York that comes with this concept Want a prize for creativity clearly This is a genius!

12.Golden Snash Donut
What is this magic? Harry Potter fans think about this donut. Not only looks magical But also has a beer butter coating Which discusses the popular drinks of Harry Potter and his friends in Hogsmeade