These beloved Coca-Cola products become quietly rare
Discontinued or simply delayed? Only time will say.

Does Coca-Cola stop a number of favorite drinks from the fan? It's a burning question about the spirits of many consumers likeTwitter is Abuzz on the shortages of certain Coca-Cola products.
The drinks that are currently missing grocery shelves arePibb x-tra, fresca, cherry coke, vanilla coke and cafe without caffeine, among others.
According to the information relayed during a gains call last week, the company was dealing with shipments due to a bottleneck at the beginning of the pandemic. This means that the shortage of certain brands of coke is only temporary.
Another factor that could play in canned sodas becoming rare at the grocery store isThe shortage of aluminum cans, which is due to higher consumption of soda and beers at home during the pandemic.
Related:Coca-Cola just failed a new way to get your soda
Cornlike many other food companiesCoca-Cola cut their brand portfolio in recent months, in order to focus on their most sold lines. So, you can actually say goodbye to some of their products for good.
In June, the Giant Soda announced that they will beInterrupt their line of smoothies ODWALLAAnd according to the CEO, James Quincey, the cuts will not stop there.The plan is to interrupt some of the smallest brands (explorers) that have failed to succeed and are unlikely to do so in the future. Quincey noted that the smallest brands account for more than 50% of the company's portfolio, but generate only 2% of revenues.
Coca-Cola is still experiencing a 25% drop in operating income because of the pandemic and sees a solution to eliminate unprofitable brands to focus on their best sellers.
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