6 simple ways to lose weight when #Dirumahaja

When at home, you are more susceptible to obesity or overweight because of limited activity. You prefer 'Mager' at home while watching favorite Korean drama. We will inform 6 simple ways to lose weight when you support government programs, namely #Dirumahaja because of the Covid-19 outbreak. Are you curious?

When at home, you are more susceptible to obesity or overweight because of limited activity. You prefer 'Mager' at home while watching favorite Korean drama. We will inform 6 simple ways to lose weight when you support government programs, namely #Dirumahaja because of the Covid-19 outbreak. Are you curious? Without waiting any longer,Check it out below!

1. Routine indoor sports

It's no secret that exercise routinely not only loses weight, but also brings other benefits such as increasing the power of thinking, distance various diseases, and stimulate ideal growth. When at home, indoor sports are the right choice. Besides not spending a lot of costs, indoor sports are also fairly easy and safe.

The indoor indoor sport from Japan named Tabata seems very interesting to try. Only by spending 4 minutes every day, fat in your body can burn effectively. No games, this sport was created by Japanese scientists named Dr. Izumi Tabata from the National Institute of Fitness and Sport in Kagoshima. Even though it takes a very short time, Tabata is categorized as HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training) which is a type of weight that can increase the heartbeat.

If you want a lightweight indoor sport, then yoga is the right choice. Try learning yoga techniques for beginners such as regulating breathing, balance, and flexibility with certain postures. You can learn yoga techniques for beginners in the mediastreaming online Like YouTube. But remember, don't immediately study extreme yoga, because it can cause injury.

If learning new sports techniques is very troublesome, then you can try the simplest sport, that isjogging or light run. LookTrack. Run in the house or maybe your home page. After findingTrack. run away, light run around 15-30 minutes every day. So it is enough to burn fat in the body and maintain fitness.

2. Set the diet

In addition to sports, regulating diet is a careful way to lose weight. Even though you are very diligent in sports, but if your diet is incorrect, then all your efforts are not optimal, even in vain. So balance sports and the right diet so that all your struggles to lose weight can run optimally. Then how do you set the right and correct diet?

The first is breakfast containing high protein. You don't need to eat heavy foods such as rice, beef, or chicken. Simply consume foods high in protein like wheat and egg white which is able to withstand hunger longer until lunch time arrives. What is clear, don't miss breakfast, because it is at risk of consuming too much food during the day because of the big hunger.

For lunch, you can choose a nutritious menu that doesn't contain a lot of sugar. Change rice with sweet potatoes, corn, oats, potatoes, or red beans. Then complete with vegetables and fruits. Don't eat too much during the day and multiply drinking water after eating to launch digestion and meet body fluids.

As for dinner portions it should not be too heavy, enough with fruits, nuts, vegetables, and other low-fat menus. At the very least, you have dinner 2 hours before going to bed, so that what you consume can be digested well. No less important, in one day you are advised to understand and be able to calculate the calories you want to get. Normally, women need 1,000 to 1,500 calories that enter into the body. While men need 1,500 to 2,000 calories.

In addition, how to cook food is also very important to determine the quality of food nutrition. We suggest that they prioritize the process of steaming food rather than boiling or frying. This is because steaming can maintain nutrients up to 82% rather than boiling and frying.

3. Enough rest

Do you like sleeping midnight, or even early in the day? Don't frequently, yes! Because staying up late can increase your weight. This is because the hormone Leptin will decrease so that your body feels hungry while staying up late, then eating over at night is hard to avoid. In addition, it is also susceptible to dangerous diseases such as diabetes, strokes, heart, and many others.

Rest or sleep that is very powerful enough to lose weight, because we avoid snacking every night and tend not to feel hungry quickly. According to research, sufficient sleep time for adults is for 7-8 hours, while children are recommended to sleep for 9-12 hours, and babies to toddlers recommended sleeping for 16-18 hours a day.

In addition to losing weight, enough rest also invites various other benefits such as making the body healthier, helping the growth and development of a healthy body, strengthening the immune system, and others. After hearing the various benefits of sleep, do you still want to stay up late?

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4. Avoid stress

Did you know that stress can increase weight? Right, if someone feels stressed, then the hormone cortisol in the body increases so that it carries excess fat around the stomach and will make the stomach become increasingly bulging. As a result, it will be at risk of developing terrible diseases such as diabetes and the heart.

Therefore, it would be nice if you avoid stress. There are many methods or ways to avoid and deal with stress by removing all complaints to the nearest person or even a psychologist. Don't let what is blocking your brain and heart, you never say. Because it will have a negative impact on psychological and stressful health.

In addition, you can also undergo a hobby that has been untrained well like climbing mountains, playing music, or playing basketball. Important, the hobby you have is not negative. Always remember that stress is not good for your health.

5. Avoid instant food

It turns out that instant food or fast food is like instant noodles, canned sardines, or maybe instant fried rice is not friendly to the human body if it is often consumed. That certainly will also affect body weight.

You will be at risk of developing type 2 diabetes if you consume too often fast food or instant. Because these foods produce processed sugar and carbohydrates, making the body produce more insulin. It resulted in the body unable to process glucose correctly thus triggering inflammation and type 2 diabetes.

What's more terrible is instant food and fast food has been proven to cause obesity. It was proven in the United States, where around 78,600,000 residents of the United States were recorded by obesity due to too often consuming these types of food. This is because fast food contains trans and sodium fat which results in obesity and other diseases. It's a good idea to process your own food, starting from healthy materials, the right cooking process, and the correct nutritional composition. So you avoid being overweight or obesity.

6. Don't smoke and drink liquor

Are you a smoker or likes to drink liquor? If not, then your actions are very appropriate. Because you have to know that smoking and drinking liquor can invite various diseases and certainly make the stomach more distended.

According to research in the Obesity Journal, smoking can interfere with the functions of the indra taster in the mouth. So when active smokers are consuming drinks, sweet taste doesn't feel maximum in their mouths. As a result, they added sugar in drinks, causing excess sugar levels and obesity. Smoking also makes humans not like to exercise because it's easy to taste. As a result, weight increases.

While liquor can increase fat in the body and do not contain useful nutrients. So drinking liquor can really increase the risk of obesity. In addition, drinking alcohol and smoking can lead to various diseases such as cirrhosis, liver cancer, heart, and many others. So if you want to live healthy and have an ideal body weight, avoid these two things.

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