The restaurant drinks with more sugar than 4 donuts
You will want to avoid sipping these ...

Some can argue that when you dine to eat, which you can get from the drink menu is more exciting than theDiet. Seriously! Think about it - maybe you are mood at a fruitful fruity drink, aMilk-shake, a flavored lemonade, or even acocktail-the possibilities are limitless. Like your chances of consuming aton of sugar In these drinks at the restaurant.
That's right - there are many restaurant drinks loaded with sweet stuff. And it's a shocking amount of sugar you sip.There are restaurant drinks with more sugar than four donuts! See fourKrispy Kreme original enamelled Donuts Pack 40 grams of sugar, and there are some drinks you experience with your aperitif, your entrance and dessert that only swim in sugar. They may seem innocent, but do not let these drinks fool you.
So you can make a smart choice the next time you dine in one of your favorite restaurants, we have gathered some of the biggest culprits. Here are the drinks of the non-alcoholic restaurantwith more sugar than four donuts, classified with bad absolute worst.
Olive Classic Garden Lemonade

A refreshing lemonade glass rings like a great way to wash these hands of bread andPasta While you dine atOlive gardenBut it will cost you 41 grams of sugar. And if the dessert calls your name, you are in a very caloric experience and filled with sugar. No thanks!
Bob Evans Hot Chocolate

There is nothing like hot chocolate. It's just one of these comfortable drinks that you can not stop you from feeling nostalgic when you drink it! ButBob EvansHaving a cup will cost you 44 grams of sugar - and if you are to control this with the double hots-myrtile, you consume 122 grams of sugar. In a meal. (If you are looking for more help to navigate the restoration,Your ultimate survival guide and supermarket is here!)
Uno Pizzeria & Grill Oreo Smoothie

Uno pizzeria & grill named this drink The Oreo Smoothie and if it's a smoothie, it must be healthy, right? No, sorry! This mixed cold drink arrives in more than 400 calories and 45 grams of sugar. Avoid this, with one of thesehighly caloric dishes
Longhorn steakhouse lemonade with strawberry

A strawberry lemonade, again, rings like a refreshing choice. ButSTEKHOUSE LONGHORN, sipping on a means means that you consume 46 grams of sugar.
The Maggiano Raspberry Lemonade

Start seeing a trend with these lemonades? These are just sugar bombs! TOMaggiano, the raspberry flavor contains more sugar than 5 donuts.
Souffe from the Quiai Cherry Quii of TGI Friday

TGI Friday's The fillet of the cherry quilète is composed of maraschino cherries, grenada, fresh lime and agave, and you guessed it, the lemonade. Together, this frozen ice drink more than 50 grams of sugar.
Panaa Bread Agave Lemonade

TOPanera breadThis lemonade is made with lemon juice, dried rod syrup and agave nectar. It seems pretty beautiful, but the drink that wrapped 64 grams of sugar. And there is nothing soft about it.

If you are considering drinking something soft while you wait for your meal, or even change your main course, you will want to stay away fromIHOP Hershey chocolate milkshake.
Tropical Green Smoothie of Denny

Denny's The topical green smoothie is rather mysterious because it is described as being made with real fruits, juice juice and non-fantastic yogurt. Harmless, right? Wrong! He is loaded with more than 70 grams of sugar.
Lemonade on the frozen cutter of Applebee

Ahh, the return of frozen lemonade. TOApplebeeIt is mixed with mashed ice and swirled strawberries, meet for a drink that has more sugar than seven Krispy Kreme donuts.
Cheesecake Factory Jelly Mango icy

It is important to keep in mind theAmerican Heart Association Recommends that men do not consume more than 9 teaspoons (36 grams) of added sugar per day, while women should not have more than 6 teaspoons (25 grams) a day. So when you're atCheesecake FactoryMake sure to stay away from the frozen drink of iced mango that is made of mango, tropical juice, a hint of coconut and a puree swirl of raspberry and Oh Ouah, A 83 grams of sugar.
Robin Robin Racine Beer Fleet

When indulging inRed robinYou could go for a hamburger and fries, but if you really want to take a notch, you might decide to go for the nostalgic beverage that is the root beer float. Well, rendez-y! Here, it will cost you 100 grams of sugar and the most dangerous part about it is that the drink isbottomless. Who, yes, means endless refills.
Smoothie Coco-Berry Outback Steakhouse

If you do not think it could have worse, that makes, thanks to this frozen drink ofSTEKHOUSE OUTBACK. It is composed of coconut, pineapple juice and strawberry puree - rings a kind of good health, right? Sorry to disappoint, but it's only more than 600 calories, but this drink has 113 grams of sugar. It's more than what you will get from 10 Krispy Kreme donuts!