4 changing food brands due to racial stereotypes

The logos and names of these foods must go.

Wednesday, Quaker Oats announced that it would beCompletely change the brand aunt Jemima Because of its racist stereotypes, which prompted three other brands to follow their advance quickly.

The unfair murders of George Floyd, Brened Taylor and many other members of theBlack community have caused manifestations to appear everywhere throughout the country, with millions of Americans demanding the abolition of racism in all its forms. This movement has also targeted mothers companies in popular brands, asking them to wake up and make active progress to change the image of their products, especially if they have been built on racist foundations.

Here are four brands currently under review, in order to better promote racial equality and, more importantly, not to read also50 more brands of food belonging to blacks that you can support right now.


Aunt Jemima


The pancake-mix and syrup brand that is about 131 years old is finally removed the name Aunt Jemima. AsThe New York Times Stresses, his character was built on racist images. The announcement of the longstanding rebrand has come shortly after a viralTiktok video About the history of the brand was published and the parent company Quaker OATS acknowledged that the origins of the brand were in fact based on a racial stereotype. At the end of 2020, the brand of pancakes and syrup will have a fully new look followed by a name change.

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Uncle Ben's

uncle bens rice

Shortly after Quaker Oats made the announcement on the reverse of Aunt Jemima, March Food (who owns Uncle Ben's) said it "would evolve" the brand, in response to permanent events against racism. and the brutality of the police across the country.

"We recognize that now is the right time to evolve the brand of Uncle Ben, including its visual brand identity, which we will do," Caroline Sherman, a spokesman of March saidThe New York Times.

Like the company, the company has not yet confirmed a moment when a complete rebrgence will take effect, but Sherman said: "We evaluate all the possibilities".


Ms. Butterworth's

mrs butterworths syrup

The brands of Conagra, who hold the syrup of Ms. Butterworth, alsoreleased a declaration Identify that its packaging "can be interpreted in a way that is totally incompatible" with their values. The declaration also revealed that the company began a "complete brand and package review".


Cream of wheat

Wheat cream, which belongs to B & G Foods Inc., alsoannouncement that he would perform a review of his current packaging. The Porridge brand has barely modified its image since its inception in 1893, which describes a character named Rastus, a pejorative term for black men. (Worse still, the base of his character was built on the idea he was barely literate and did not know what vitamins were.)

"We understand that there are concerns about the image of the chef and we are committed to evaluating our packaging and taking action proachantly so that we and our brands do not inadvertently contribute to systemic racism," declared the parent companyin a report.

And on a more positive note, consider buying a (or all) of these5 incredible cookbooks written by black authors.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: Groceries / News
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