8 reasons why a deep dish is better than the regular crust

You eat the bad type of pizza.

In the land of the free and the house of the brave, I forget to find something more liked than the pizza.

We have pizza keychains, wear shirts decorated with the words "Cutter of Carbohydrates" associated with a photo of a pizza, and even dressed like the pizza rat to fly in slice for Halloween. We love, cherish and eat so much pizza, in fact that the USDA even considers the pizzabe a vegetable. (Well, that is to sayalone If he has at least two tablespoons of tomato pulp.)

But when you look at the obsession, there are unsatisfactory qualities of wheat food and filled with carbohydrates: it is not very filled, the crust is often as neglected as this treadmill sitting in your basement, And there is never enough room for fillings. If you feel prey to the foregoing, it's time to try a new form.

It can come like a surprise, but the deep dish is more than a regular pizza with a thicker dough. It takes the main ingredients (paste, sauce and cheese) and students to a meal that some might say is no longer a pizza at all, but a dish returned from heaven. While everyone has his own preferences, we have compiled eight reasons for reasons of deep cartridges of the park thin crust. And if we could not inflict you with your thoughts of thin crusts, you will not want to miss our exclusive report from the25 best and worst frozen pizzas


It's more filling

Stomachs, rest assured! Each lanche of deep flat pizza is so thick and charged with ingredients that it is certain to fill you. (Unlike a slice slice that may seem more than one snack than a meal.) It also means that one pie will go a long way, so you can spread pizza-love and share with friends and family .


It is more suitable for fillings

Due to the planet of ordinary pizza, the spaces of the fittings is limited. All that makes it on top is slimless thin, in order to cook quickly. Deep flat pies cooks much longer and thick crust can hold ad-ins mounds. These additional fittings really reduce the glycemic index (which speed your body breaks down the carbohydrates), as additional fiber and a protein will help slow down digestion. Not only does it mean that deep deep dish can help you stay fully, but it can help you help youlosing weight!


There are different cheese options

Regular pizza has regular cheese. I do not hit Mozzarella, but you would be in a hurry to find a slim slice with anything else. Deep flat pizza uses sliced ​​cheeses instead of shredders, expanding dairy options. You will probably find Romano and ricotta cheeses throughout the menu that will greatly surprise your taste buds at the pizza.


You enjoy that sitting

The slim pizza of New York's new style crust was invented to eat on the theater, folded like a sandwich. Although it works for a quicksnack (Especially if you prefer to eat alone), if you want a seated meal, you prefer to choose a deep dish. It's so thick that you are not only forced to have a table at the restaurant and to be social, but you probably need to act semi-appropriately and use utensils to keep all the layers together. Now, who said that pizza could never be fantasy?


There is no disordered oil


We all have something that has been colored by the grease of the pizza. As much as we try to avoid the Grotic, this happens when we expect the least! If you are a particularly disordered eater (like me) Get to the deep dish. The pizzas are dried in general and the thick crust will not fall and pour oil as its last counterpart.


There are so many options

Deep classical pizza passes in this order: slammed paste in a saucepan, slices of cheese,fittings, then sauce. This may seem out of Rassie, but it's because of the longer cooking time. In this way, the hidden cheese remains soft and spinning, not burned and crisp. Although this is the traditional method, you can also find variations and other types of deep dish on the market. Farcie pizza has a second layer of dough and panicked pizza is cooked halfway and then frozen. Because many people appreciate cheese above, some restaurants will also offer this option.


There is more chewing

Do you know what the pizza of the thin crust reminds me? A cracker. A cracker cracking, is chewed and swallowed in seconds. It does not happen with a deep dish. The deep dish gives you more chewing, which can really be useful when it comes to telling your body that you have eaten your filling. ABMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care The study revealed that when you chew more - and more, you feel Fuller earlier and hungry again later than those who dismiss their meals in terms of ammunition. So what are you waiting for? The search for less Doughy search is to eat more dough!


You do not skip the crust

As a company, we are divided. There are people who eat their pizza crust and their people who do not. If the deep dish was more popular, it would not be one thing. Although many do not take advantage of the ultra-crispy crust that comes with a thin pizza, there is nothing to hate deep dish crust. It's butter, thick and just has the right amount of crispy dart outdoors without having the chance to cut your gums. One of our largest dividers can be easily solved; Now on politics ...

Categories: Restaurants
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