5 best ways to disinfect your grocery store

Stay away from the spread of any viruses or foodborne diseases by taking these precautions after the grocery store.

So you made a trip to thegrocery store and followed all the goodsafety precautions To avoid the spread ofcoronavirusAnd now you are at home with your grocery bag. Although your grocery store seems likely to be perfectly sure to touch, it is important to take appropriate safety precautions with your food before gaining everything at home.

The pantry goods do not need sanitation.

According to the FDAThere has been no evidence of the propagation of COVID-19 through packaged guard goods. You do not have to worry about disinfecting these items. However, if it makes you feel better to wipe your products and let them dry on clean service, do not hesitate to do it. But you do not have to worry about this bean box or cereal box transmitting the virus.

As for your other grocery stores, here are the exact steps to better clean up your grocery store when you come home from the store.


Wash your hands first

washing hands in kitchen

As soon as you come home, make sure you wash your hands. You do not want to use objects in your kitchen, or even touch your face, before you wash your hands. The best action plan is to remove your mask, then wash, so you do not touch your mask with clean hands.

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Disinfect your surfaces before discharging the grocery store

Wiping down metal counter with cloth to clean

Wherever you usually discharge that your grocery store must be properly disinfected first. Use an antibacterial pinch or a cleaning spray to make sure the area is perfectly clean before placing your new grocery stores on the counter.


Put the articles in the fridge immediately

crisper drawer fridge

Coronavirus or not, it is important to get these perishable food in the fridge right awaybefore they spoil. Although these foods will not transmit coronavirus, it is important that you keep them properly stored to avoid everythingfoodborne disease.


Wash fruits and vegetables

Washing veggies

It is still not scientifically proven that products can transmit the virus, but it is always important to take all appropriate safety precautions. TOWash your products correctly, you do not want to sit in a water bath. Instead, give it a "shower" and rinse it with fresh water. You do not need to wash with soap. Even if your product should be peeled (like carrots or potatoes), it is important to rinse them that bacteria can be on the skin do not end up on your peeler, then the interior of all this that you stretch.


Wipe containers often

Man eating

If your containers are full of fresh produce orLeftoversIt is important to wipe them often. To keep it safe, you can wipe the outside of the container every time you take it to make sure you handle food correctly in a clean environment before getting out of the container.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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