This is the best place to buy grocery stores, new data found

A new dataset reveals the main consumer preferences.

If you asked someone what their favorite place get the grocery store is, would you be surprised if they said Amazon? A new report reveals that this is the best place to buy groceries, based on consumer preferences.

According todunnhumby, the world leader in consumer data sciences,Amazon reigned Supreme in the fourth year of the platformRetailer preference index (RPI)-A comprehensive and national study of the best places to buy groceries, which takes the emotional connection of consumers with grocery chains as well as prices. (In touch:8 groceries who can soon be in the short diet.)

In the report, Dunnhumby interviewed about 10,000 American households on their favorite grocers and 56 retailers included, Amazon dominated the scene. He received the highest client's global preference score in thefirst quartile. Behind Amazon is the former winner, H-E-B, followed byJoe's Trader, Wegman's and Aldi.

Last year, Amazon placed third throughout the RPI, but now jumped at first place, mainly because of the well positioned position to provide many key areas measured in the index such as speed ( Second place) and digital (first place). The online retailer took 11th place in the price category, guaranteeing a solid product value.

The report evaluated seven customer preference engines, including price, quality, digital, operations, convenience, reductions, rewards and information and speed. In addition, he assessed the likelihood that the retailer's customer value proposal will define the company for long-term financial success.

As of this year, the data science platform has also taken into account in a COVID dynamic metric, which explores short-term financial successes that each retailer experienced during the pandemic and Amazon (to any surprise) also claimed the first place in this category.

"Amazon accelerated in front of all other retailers on our metric ratings and Covid customers' safety, due to its speed in store and virtual store format. As we start to emerge from the pandemic, we should We expect the perception of value to come back sharply. Beyond Covid, retailers with the first client's strategies will adapt better to change behavior and offer what matters the most important of their customers, " Declared Suprant Steadman, President of Dunnhumby in a statement.

For more, be sure to check6 grocery stores that already offer Covid-19 vaccine.

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