If you are a taco lover, you need to know about this reminder

Several products sold in Nationwide stores could be contaminated with the Listeria.

Several Taco grocery products are part of a new reminder because they could be contaminated byListeria monocytogenes, according toAn announcement from a company posted on the FDA website. Food consumption with this body can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, elderly and fragile, and others with weakened immune systems. This can also cause false layers and mortinombirts in pregnant women.

J & J Distribution of Saint-Paul, Minn. Remember theHau 16 and 29 ounce tacos trays and mini-7 layer platinum tray; The 10 ouncesFresh thyme Taco Dip; Taco trays of 26 and 15.8 ounces of 9 ounce fiesta, and a taco dip of 9 ounces ofTaste buds; theVulgar Mini Taco dip; the Taco dip of 8 and 15.8 ounces of Kwik Trip; and the sandwich turkey caribou. All have a code of the3rd of Marchexcept for the sandwich, which isFebruary 26.All elements of the Taco product reminder have been distributed and sold in retail stores at the national level. (In touch:Grocery shortages to wait in 2021, according to experts.)

Routine test found the presence ofListeria monocytogenes In a utensil used to produce the products, the ad indicates. So far, no disease has been reported, but symptoms include high fever, severe headache, stiffness, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea that can grow1 to 4 weeks after consumption contaminated food, according to the CDC.

J & J Distribution says that anyone with these items in their cuisine should send them back to the store, they bought them for a full refund. Check this as soon as possible in your own kitchen and while you are there, look for yourselfThese two marks of walnuts andThese pretzels who have also been recently recalled.

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