Walmart administers COVID-19 vaccines in this state

This is the beginning of the retailer's efforts to distribute the vaccine in stores across the country.

Walmart announced in early December thatMore than 5,000 of its stores Distribute a CVIV-19 vaccine. Now that two have beenAuthorized for emergency use By the Food and Drug Administration, the reduced price retailer already administers vaccines to people living in a southwestern state that are in the "Priority 1a" group.

According to Dr. Tom Van Greur, according to Dr. Tom Van Greury, recently started providing the health vaccine of health workers and health pharmacists. Walmart's chief doctor wrote in ablog That the State Health Department "has carefully chosen store sites to ensure that the vaccine is safely administered in rural areas that need help to support the distribution of vaccines to workers. health." (Keep yourself and your family with the safety of the coronavirus withThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.)

The company continues to prepare thousands of its pharmacy sites across the country to give the vaccine to individuals of "priority 1b" and "priority 1c". People in these groups are essential workers, first responders and older Americans.

"We will also be prepared for all Americans to receive the spring and summer vaccine when broad deployment occurs," said Dr. Van Gerder. "In the meantime, we will continue to protect ourselves and each other by wearing a face covering, maintaining the social distance and practicing recommended hygiene practices."

The federal government has partnered with60% of pharmacies In retail and grocery stores across the United States to distribute the vaccine, including Albertsons, Kroger and Publix.Costco CEO Craig Jelinek Says that the wholesale supermarket "would begin to offer COVID-19 general vaccinations on its pharmacies in store around the beginning of spring".

In the meantime, here is here10 Safety tips from a grocery store of a health expert. And to get all the latest coronaviruses delivered directly to your inbox by email every day,Subscribe to our newsletter!

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