Make National Frozen Tea Day The right way

More and more research has shown that different types of tea have different micronutrients that make the famous of your metabolism to block the formation of new adipose cells to work on your body at a genetic level, inverting your tendency inherited to take from Weight and doing it easy to deposit books quickly.

Iced tea is a great way to enjoy these benefits during the hot summer months. However, there are some bases you need to know to reap the maximum rewards of your drinking tea, compliments from our new e-book,7 day belly tea 7 days.

Make your own frozen tea

If you are a fan of Snapple, you probably saw "iced tea" and thought, awesome! But the teas in bottles are not necessarily the answer. First of all, once a tea is made and seat on a supermarket shelf, oh, a whole NFL season, nutrients have spent enough time exposed to light and looks like they start at break down. In addition, who knows what else worked in this bottle? All Natural Green Tea Packets of Snapple 120 Calories and 30 grams of sugar, while green tea Ssips with honey and ginseng is not so much with honey but with high fructose corn syrup.

A few years back, the authors ofEat this, not that! Commissioning of the Chromadex laboratories to analyze 14 green teas in different bottles for their levels of catechins against the disease. While honest tea tea tea, green tea surmounted cards with an impressive 215 milligrams of total catechins, some products were not even in the game. For example, the republic of tea Green tea of ​​Grenada had only 8 milligrams, and ito in tea tea tea tea, which had only 28 milligrams, despite the involvement on its label that the product is packed with antioxidants. Why the divergence? The fact is that the stores purchased in store usually lose 20% of the EGCG / CECHIN content during the bottling process, which is why the preparation of yours is so critical. If you really want bottled tea, turn for versions with an acid such as lemon juice or citric acid, which helps stabilize the levels of EGCG. Recent studies show that the more acidic environment of the environment, more stable of tea nutrients. But even in a very acidic drink, more than half of the nutrients are passed within 3 months.


When the summer comes, the traditionalists like to create a "sun tea", a cold brewing method that consists of defining a light pitcher of cold water on a window of windows with four to six tea bags inside And allowing the power of the sun to draw the flavor and nutrients out of the tea bags during an afternoon. Do not have to light a stove or fill the kitchen with steam for a stifling summer day has a lot of sense and that the bigger flavor is often preferred for unsweetened icy teas. But according to a study inFood processing and preservation logCold water brewing is not as effective in extracting catechins (or caffeine) tea leaves. Another study inFood science and technology have found that the total catechins were about 16% of fewer cold-brewed teas than in hot water. If this hot summer method appeals, do not hesitate, but know that you may enjoy a drink that is not as impacitive as your standard tea drink.

Categories: Weight Loss
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