Remember these restaurants in the 90s chain?

Planet Hollywood is literally out of this world now.

Ah, the 1990s. It was a period of Beanie Babies and Blockbuster, fromSaved by the gong and slap bracelets. It was a decade that kissed Nirvana and Hanson equally - and it's really something special. But in addition to toys, television broadcasts,moviesAnd the music, there was food. And we are not just talking aboutEmblematic snacks' 90s AsDunmaroos and fruit at the foot. It's time to look backfailed 'Restaurant chainsWhere so many children spent their Saturday nights or their special birthday celebrations.

Unfortunately, many of these 1990's chain restaurants have traveled the discreet and tamagotchis: forgotten and thrown away. So, if the Hollywood planet, the official coffee of all courses, or Kenny Rogers Roasters had a special place in your heart, it's time to postpone one on your favorite failed catering chains of the 1990s. And for another trip to memory memory, check these15 classical American desserts that deserve a return.


Planet Hollywood

Planet hollywood

In the 1990s, restaurants became a source of starry entertainment for themselves. Case in point? Planet Hollywood.

The first Hollywood planet opened in New York in 1991, supported by Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, half Moore and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Soon, he found the support of Whoopi Goldberg, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Don Johnson, Melanie Griffith, Tom Arnold, Roseanne Barr, Wesley Snipes and Danny Glover. Is there a list of people over 90 '90 than that?

The planet Hollywoods jumped everywhere. There were almost 90 people around the world during the chain chain in the mid-1990s, likeTelegraph reported. But now, only nine places stay. "I am disappointed that society is not pursued with the success I had expected and hoped"Schwarzenegger declared a statement In 2000.

We feel there, Terminator. After all, who does not fail to look at the "famous" movie accessories that adorned these restaurants and wonder ", what movie is it even?"

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Hard rock coffee

Hard rock café
Hard Rock Cafe Nice / Facebook

Before the Hollywood planet, there was the initial restoration chain for souvenirs: Hard Rock Coffee. Of course, this one was all about music, as opposed to the cinema. And in the 90s, if you did not have a Hard Rock coffee t-shirt you visited Fort Lauderdale, your friends may have requested if you even gone in Florida.

Among the 61 Hard Rock locations boasted at its peak in the middle of the 90s, a third party closed. As CBS Newsreported In 2010, the restaurant had a lot of negative reviews online, which did not help things.

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Official Coffee All-Star Official

The official all star cafe
@ steviep187 / flickr

Some of the largest celebrity athletes from the 90s were behind the official all-star coffee. Shaquille O'Neal, Wayne Gretzky, Joe Montana, Monica Seles, Ken Griffey, Jr. and Andre Agassi were just some of the high level investors. The chain, which belonged to Planet Hollywood, appeared for the first time in New York in 1995.

But asThe New York Times reported In 1998, the novelty of theme restaurants took a strong ending towards the end of the decade. The following year, Planet Hollywooddeposited for bankruptcy-And the All-Star official coffee has descended with it. Nowadays, if you want too much depends on hamburgers and chicken wings by looking at your favorite team, you must go to a sports arena.

And for even more nostalgia,Only the children of the 1970s will remember these restaurants.


Kenny Rogers Roasters

Kenny rogers roasters

Kenny Rogers Roasters was another chain restaurant with celebrity, but this one was all about country music and the Homestyle World Chicken. The chain has grown up in more than 400 restaurants in the mid-1990s, and it may be the most famous for its appearance in an episode of 1996 ofBreastfield, entitled "The chicken roaster".

America's most popular TV series introduced Kramer Waring Waring Waring on Kenny Rogers Roasters for hanging a neon panel that keeps it all night. But in the end, he abandons his cause after becoming hung on the delicious chicken of the roasting pan. Basically, it was the best Kenny Rogers Roasters advertising might have asked. Although the chain was popular enough to do it onBreastfield In the first place, finally,Kenny Rogers Roasters went bankrupt in 1998.

A Malaysian company bought the chain restaurant and guardKenny Rogers Roasters Live and wellIn Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, China, Philippines and Thailand, but there are no more ribbers of Kenny Rogers in North America. Sorry, Kramer.


ESPN zone

ESPN zone
Adrienne D./yelp

The children of the 1990s who grew up near a big city had the glory of the experience of the ESPN zone, another theme entertainment restaurant that fell in 1998. It was a bit like Dave & Buster's with its Video concepts and its food in a centralized location. -But with the addition of a sporty-family atmosphere. But it happens, this concept was not good enough to last.

All Nine Zone ESPN locations - in Atlanta, Disneyland, Baltimore, Denver, Chicago, New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. closed. "One of the things we talked about was when you're in the area, it's a special experience. Sometimes it's a unique experience for life," the Director General of ESPN Zonesay toThe Baltimore Sun In 1998. "This is an experience you do not want to leave because you can not go back there." So sad, yet so true.

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Steak and beer

steak and ale restaurant
John / Flickr

This Texas Steakhouse opened the first time in the 1960s and remained an independent channel of the Dallas area. Steak and Ale was a local hit, offering bands of New York bands and roasted rib with herbs for as low prices as the watts of bulbs in its weakly lit restaurants.

AfterPillsbury bought steak and ale in the 80sThe chain went on a national with 280 locations. And if you visited a steak and a beer in the mid-90s, you probably remember for its special menu at the beginning of the evening, with even lower prices and a free drink and a dessert. But competition became fierce in the relaxed chain arena. In 2008, we all said goodbye to "the best toasting of the city" as a steak and Ales at the national level.

"The salad bar was the best thing to do", "a faithful Michigan steak and an ale clientsaid to America Jr. in 2008. "The bread was honey wheat bread with sesame seeds on it with butter that tastes like ice cream. It was delicious. ... Now I have to find another restaurant. What is I will do?" The fight is real.


Tropical forest

Rainforest cafe

If you had the chance to venture into a tropical forest cafe, which opened the first time at the America's Minenota shopping center in 1994, you know everything about its glory. From the massive aquarium entrance to these "storms" that interrupt your meal every 20 minutes, the cafe of the rainforest was really something to see. And if your meal has not ended with a sparkling chocolate volcano, you were doing something seriously.

Like all the other themed restaurants you have read here, the Rainforest Café has struggled to maintain its chandelier. Only about half of hisU.S locations. Always exist today.

After all, it's expensive to exploit a tropical forest. The former director of the site of the operations of San FranciscoRecountThe chronicle of San Francisco In 2000, there is an entire control room used to monitor all animal animals. "It's not like a washbasin is saved, you can simply call a plumber," he told the newspaper. "If a gorilla arm stops working, we need someone here who can repair it immediately." The gorillas run a hard restaurant, it turns out.

Do you want to keep nostalgia?Only the children of the 1990s will remember these restaurants.


Casa Bonita

Casa bonita
Casa Bonita Denver / Facebook

You can recognize Casa Bonita since your youth from the 90s if you are Oklahoma, Colorado, Arkansas or Texas. Otherwise, then you probably rememberLegendary socket of South Park on the Mexican theme restoration chain. In the 2003 episode, Kyle excludes Cartman from his birthday dinner at the famous Mexican chain, and Cartman will stop without any duration for an invitation.

Unfortunately, all Bonitas Casa are closed by 2011, with the exception of one. So, if you have the chance to live near the Lacwood, Colorado, check the last Casa standing.



Little tavern
Old Time D.c./facebook

The small tavern was a charming cottage-style restaurant chain that looked like a home away from home for many children from the 90s in the Baltimore-Washington area, DC. Back in the day, like your grandparents you have probably said, their complaint of glory was their five hundred hamburgers you could buy"By the bag."

Six decades after its beginning in the 1920s,Little tavern had grown up At nearly 40 places. After the regional channel was bought in the 1980s, things took a ride. And in the mid-1990s, the small tavern suffered financial problems and these local favorites started to close one by one.

The last to Caverrer End in 2008, but in 2003, it'sCursors were still only 85 cents. With awards like that, what child every time would not have liked small tavern?

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A tribute to the Mexican restaurant of Chi Chi / Facebook

The children of the 1990s probably remember Chi-Chi's for his chimichangas and his fried ice. This Mexican catering chain opened the first opening in Minnesota in the 1970s, but at its peak in the mid-90s, it had210 national locations.

But this reign ended quite suddenly. The children of the 90s can also remember that they should stop attending Chi's-Chi's because the place fell into flames in 2003. Its disappearance involved from bankruptcy filing, a series of prosecution and theThe greatest hepatitis an epidemic in the country (Courtesy of some contaminated onions). The epidemic left four dead and touched more than 650 others. It was the end of Chi Chi - and rightly.


Charlie Brown Steakhouse

Charlie brown's steakhouse
Charlie Brown's courtesy

Children today probably do not know the glory of a salad bar, many of which were deemed famousunsafe. But the children of the 1990s in the New Jersey region knew that there was no salad bar as delicious as Charlie Brown's steakhouse. Of course, the steak was great. But everything was on this salad bar.

Although business is booming in the 90s and Charlie Brown of New York and Pennsylvania - the chaindeposited for bankruptcy and closed most of its locations by 2011. Today,14 the pitches of Charlie Brown still remain in New York and New Jersey. So, if you are in the area, bring younger millennia on top, then can also feel the joy of the plastic clip in their hands because they select crispy vegetable seals for their side salads.



Hot 'n now
Bring Hot'n'Now to Wisconsin now / Facebook

The Californians had in-n-out, but if you grew up in Michigan, everything depends on the hot "now. The Midwest road chain through the road chain that started in 1984 increased more150 locations at its peak in the mid-90s. It is partly because in 1990, Hot 'N now was acquired by Pepsi and developed in 15 different states throughout the country. Soon everyone was able to experience the glory of olives as a climbing garnish.

But by the 2000s,Hot 'n now has been obliged to close two-thirds of his locations. Today, only one last restaurant remains in Sturgis, Michigan. As theState of Lansing State Journal reported, "There are no more 39 cents menu items, but guests can buy hamburgers, fries and drinks for about $ 1." And yes, this includes the olive hamburger.


Bob's Big Boy

Bob's big boy

Sorry, big mac, but the originalBurger Double-Decker came from the big boy of BobAll the way back in 1937. At its peak in the 1960s, this chain based in California had 750 restaurants across the country.

The Beatles Even hit Bob's big boy in Burbank, who was the coolest children of the 60s. But for the children of the 90s, the big boy of Bob had a very different meaning. In the film of 1997Austin Powers: international mystery man, the mascot of the restaurant - literally, a big boy - was launched in space.

Despite its iconic status, the beloved California Burger chain entered the 2000s. After being reorganized in the late 2000s, Bob returned a bit and the chain now has several places across California, Michigan, North Dakota and Ohio. So, Bob and his big boy are always on the ground on this earth.


Pizza haven of peace

Pizza haven
Pizza Haven / Facebook

This catering chain at Seattle's pizza was one of the first deliveries at home, starting in 1958. With 42 places in California and in the northwestern Pacific, the future was brilliant forPizza haven of peace.

But as the competition escaped other chains, like Pizza Hut and Domino, Pizza Haven had trouble following. They finally filed for bankruptcy in the late 90s.

On thePizza Haven Facebook page, The fans are still poetic on the day of glory of the chain. "I remember the offers of the Great Pizza that the sailors had on the back of their tickets," wrote a man. "Used to order the biggest and do not share it with my sisters." Big brothers in the 90s were really like buzz ofAlone at home.


Powerful Casey

Mighty Casey's
Colin T./yelp

From the 1980s, the powerful Casey began to appear in Atlanta, Georgia, serving your classic American Comfort Foods: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Cheesecks and Chicken Wings.

Although they had some places, the life of the restaurant chain was short. Krystal bought them in 1994, were the majority of the powerful Casey been transformed into Krystals. Mighty Casey may have struck, but Atlantan remembers them with tenderness. "I remember them for their dogs Chile," wrote a person on amessenger card In 2007. "Mighty Casey's," wrote another.

And for more returns, do not miss these25 good foods from the 1980s that will remember simpler times.


Geri burgers

Geri's hamburgers
David Wilson / Flickr

A former Vice President of McDonald's OpenGeri burgers In 1962, and it was not shy after the same model. After all, the Geri mascot looked strangely like McDonald's's initial representative, Mr. Speee.

Despite the lack of originality, Geri grew up in popularity in Illinois and Wisconsin and had quite the following worship. But finally, these hamburgers simply could not compete and the last location of Beloit, Wisconsin, closed in 1999. If you were a fan of Geri, you canShow your love with this t-shirt. Or reach theYelp Reviewer, Who wrote: "It was the best of all time! We should start a campaign to bring Geri." You can get this petition.


Roy Rogers

Roy rogers
Roy Rogers / Facebook

If you were lucky enough to still have a Roger Roger near you in the 1990s, chances are high, you were a serious devotee. As a Baltimore journalist noted: "It was afavorite of mine As a child - so much so that I had a birthday dinner there once. "

In 1990, Marriott sold the fried chicken chain, which was at the origin Robee's Beef House when she started in 1968 in Indiana, Hardee. Their attempt to turn Roy Rogers into Hardee's's, as a blogger notes, "ended in aclient revolt So serious that they had actually aborted all the idea and returned the Roy Rogers brand to initially converted stores. "

Almost650 Roy Rogers This existed once in the states of the mid-Atlantic and northeastern 1970s and the 80s, only 140 were still held in the mid-90s. So if you could have a hand on a biscuit, chicken. Fried and a mashed potatoes, you considered himself lucky. And if you were a burger lover or a gold fried chicken sandwich fan, you absolutely like to hit the fixin bar for all your garnish needs.

The property has changed by hands a few times more over the last three decades, and now there is dozens of roy Rogers locations . It is a remoteness of its peak, but it is good to know that these cookies are there. "When we open again, people are like" Oh my God, Roy Rogers is back. I used to love it like a child "Roy Rogers Co-President Jim Plamondon Eater In 2017 . Indeed we did.

Categories: Restaurants
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