18 worst foods to buy at COSTCO

Yes, the warehouse is full of bargains. But that does not mean you should buy everything on the screen.

Costco is one of America's most loved shops and for good reason. Where can you make an entire meal from free samples, buy a diamond ring and buy a roaster chicken for only $ 5?

Mainly, Costco is known for its bulk items: mayonnaise tanks, gallons of olive oil, a pack of 16 tuna cans. But as much as people love stores in this member store, you should not buy everything in bulk. Even if you think you save money at the moment - after all, these low prices can be quite seductive - you lose it in the long run.

This is because many of these bulk foods are not consumed and the liquidation being thrown away. A study in theInternational Journal of Consumer Studies have found that low-income households are wasting more food than intermediate-income houses, due in part to bulk purchase. It usually goes like this: we see something that is a better value when it is bought in bulk, we bore ourselves the steep of it and, at the moment when we can vent the idea of ​​digging in the stack, it is either badly turned or lost its flavor or nutritional power.

Make sure you prevent these common items purchased in bulk, and not all low prices are a very good deal. And for more information on grocery news, be sure to read the8 groceries who can soon be in the short diet.



Bulk box avocados

An entire sac of lawyers for less than $ 5? How could you let this affair go? We will tell you. Unless you buy a lawyer bag to make guacamole for a party, it probably is not worth buying bulk fat fruit. If you buy loose lawyers, they might all ripen the same day, leaving you half a dozen fruits to cross before going wrong! If you still want to buy in bulk to save money, you can store lawyers in the refrigerator to slow down the maturation process. It's just one of30 simple tips to make your products last longer.


Nuts and seeds

Bowl of nuts

The nuts seem to be one of those foods that never go wrong, but it's not in fact. Even if they do not grow mold or the freezer burns, they can always ruin. Seeds and nuts contain a lot of oil, which comes fromHealthy unsaturated fats. The problem is that fats tend to go from rancor rather quickly. Even if you store your seeds and nuts in a hermetic container and you keep them in a cool and dark place (as you like), they will only stay for a few months. If you are stuck with a mountain of macadamias or a heavy hazelnut bag, put them in hermetic containers and store them in the refrigerator or freezer. This canprolong their lives up to a year.

Looking for ways to use these nuts? Try theseFour roasted nut recipes Different spices ideal for snack.



spices in jars

Even if spices do not really goWrong,they will do in a rather fast. (PSST:You certainly do not fill your spices quite often.) It's a huge bummer because all the spice point is from you know, savor. The more refined the spice, the more it will lose a power. The ground spices begin to become boring after only six months, while the spices bought throughout a cumin seed for example - are about a year. Although the bulk purchase seems to be tempted for the price, people usually use a pinch here and there, buy large quantities of large quantities is not necessary. They will go bad before we can appreciate them all.


Plain flour

Flour and Rolling pin

Flour, whether absolutely, whole wheat or another variety, attracts water. Although this makes it an excellent ingredient to thicken soups, stews and sauces, it also means that it absorbs the humidity of the air. And the long time you have it, the more it must absorb moisture, and the closer it is to transform Rankid. All use white flour actually maintains longer than the flour of whole grains or walnuts - about a year, against a few months, but unless you cook with flour every day, you will probably not spend in size in bulk during the year. You can extend the life of the flour by putting it in your refrigerator, but if you continue to buy everything on this bulk list, your cooler will be quite cluttered. And if you are looking for an alternative to white flour, try another20 substitutes for flour for when you are short of use flour.



Coffee beans with metal scoop

Coffee is quite cheap as it is, so there is no real need to buy it in bulk. In addition, real coffee aficionados know that this is not the coolest way to enjoy a hot cup of Joe. The coolest,Best tasting coffee cupis made from roasted beans within two weeks after cutting your lips. If you enjoy what your coffee tastes like you are the best to do two things: Choose a bag containing as much coffee as you could spend for a week (or two) and avoid these giant barrels or these coffee bins. You do not know how long the aroma and coffee flavor have been sucked by beans and in the surrounding air.


Whole grains

Holding brown rice in hand over a glass bowl of rice

Have you realized that whole grains contain oils? They are found in the guy and germ of grain and can pass them quickly, just like nuts and seeds. Although oils are eliminated when treating grains such as white rice, they remain attached to grain and can hurt them.




Your favorite condiments like Ketchup, Mayo and mustard tend to be loaded with sugar, salt and other preservatives. Despite this, they can always go wrong. Even if they are "stable shelves", they go slowly. Finance Family Finance and Frugal Living Expert Jordan Page advise you buy a ketchup VAT of economic size. "It's almost always going wrong before you can go through it," she says.



dried beef biltong jerky

Because the jerky beef is preserved with salt and other spices, you would think it would be fresh for a long time, right? Not enough. Themeat snackWhether chicken, beef or Turkey must be refrigerated after opening. In fact, most jerky packages declare eating within three days of opening and storing it in the refrigerator after that. But even in the refrigerator, Jerky lasts only about a week or two. Unless you want to ring and seal the vacuum (in which case it can last up to two months), you will do better to hear yourself on small packets.

RELATED: The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.



castor oil in glass jars

Even if you are someone who frequently cook withoil And uses it as a base for sauces and dressings, it is unlikely that you go through one of the bulk tanks within three to six months that the experts recommended you to enjoy the oil once 'It is open. And no matter what type of oil you use: olive, sesame, canola and peanut all begin to go about a few months, even when they are unopened. Once a bottle is open, it lasts only between one and three months. According to Bertolli, the Americans only cross one of the bottles of an extra blank olive oil of 750 milliliters of 750 milliliters, you probably will not have to buy as much oil.


Fresh products

raw yellow fingerling potatoes in bowl

Yes, Costco has incredible offers on fresh foods like potatoes. But if you do not have a cleaner, you probably do not get all the people before starting to go wrong.


Grated cheese

Shredded cheese

Even if you eat a quesadilla at each meal, you probably do not get the cheese costco giant bags before their expiry date.



gallons of milk at costco

Besides the fact that you probably do not finish a giant milk container on time, Costco's milk pitchers are really hard to pour. Try to buy Almondes or Soy Milk in Costco instead - Cartons are sold in multipacks, so you can use each individually without worrying about the rest of it.



sticks of butter stacked on top of a wooden board next to a knife

Costco's organic butter is a big deal for vacation cooking and other times you will need a lot of butter at a time. But for the majority of the year, you will not need a lot of butter at a time. Already.



Creamy homemade hummus

Unless you launch a party, you do not need as much hummus as a costco size bathtub will give you. Glue to a smaller part of a traditional grocery store to prevent food waste.



cartons of costco eggs

In addition to the fact that you probably do not use more than a dozen eggs before expiring, Costco egg prices are not much better than you find in a competitor.



cereal aisle at costco
David Tonelson / Shutterstock

Yes, cereal bags are individually wrapped in Costco, so they will not hinder despite the big box. But do you really need to caress this cereal house? Costco cereal prices are not much cheaper than you will find in a local grocery store, so you could better buy small boxes.


Fresh bakery items

trays of costco chocolate chip cookies

Sure,This $ 18 cookie tray was ideal for holiday festivals. But will your family really eat all cookies or pastries in a costco-size box a regular week? You will better buy a smaller part of these treats in a regular grocery store.


Cooking and yeast

nutritional yeast vegan cheese

While the baking soda can last long, the cooking powder is subject to attracting moisture - the same reason why the flour becomes Rance. Unless you cook a storm every day, it is unlikely that you cross your big cooking tank before it is bad. The cooking powder can not remain fresh and active for about six months to a year when it is kept in a cool and dry place. Dried Yeast Can always go around after six months, but the variety of freshness will lose its mojo months earlier. Keep fresh yeast in the refrigerator and dry yeast in the freezer for maximum life.

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