The red wine regime

How to improve your success with online weight loss programs, your daily health board and more.

Your healthy tip for the day

Eating 1 mustard coffee spoon - For only 5 calories - can increase metabolism up to 25% for several hours, according to researchers from the Oxford Institute of England. Thus smeared some of the propagation on turkey sandwiches, burgers and hot dogs, brush some on a fish fillet before cooking or using it as a meat marinade.

Science Daily: Another reason to drink wine: it could help you burn fat, the study suggests

"Drinking red grape juice or the moderation of wine - could improve the health of overweight people by helping them burn fat, a new study indicates. The results suggest that the consumption of dark grapes, which They can eat them or drink juice or wine. Help people better manage obesity and related metabolic disorders such as foie gras. "Click here to read the full story.

Web MD: Americans combined on the risk of cancer

"" About half of the cancer deaths in the United States could be prevented by life choices - like not smoking, eating healthy eating, getting regular exercises and maintaining a healthy weight, "said Alice Bender , Associate Director of Nutrition Programs for AICR. But on the basis of the new survey, many Americans do not realize that. The results of the survey were released Wednesday to coincide with World Cancer Day and Experts said they highlight a disturbing lack of public awareness. "Click here to read the full story.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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