This other vaccine could already protect you from COVID, study says

New research has good news for those up-to-date on this important vaccination.

TheThe coronavirus vaccine is being distributed Through the United States, but many Americans have found that creating an appointment to get the shot is not so easy. And many people arenot even eligible to get the vaccine However, as most states have prioritized immunization appointments for health workers, over 65 years of age and persons with underlying conditions. As it turns out, however, new research has found that an earlier vaccine can already protect you from COVID. Read it to find out if you are up to date on this important vaccination and for more information on Covid vaccine,The CDC says that these 3 side effects means that your vaccine works.

The influenza vaccine could make you less likely to get COVID.

Vials of influenza vaccine. ottles with a syringe on black table and stainless steel background.

A study published February 22 in theAmerican newspaper for infection control usedData from more than 27,000 people tested for COVID Between February 27 and July 15 in the health system of Michigan medicine. Apart from this group, researchers said only 47.8% had the flu vaccine over the past year (between August 1 and July 15), while 52% did not have. Collecting the number of positive cases of both groups, researchers found that the chances of positive testing for COVID were reduced by 24% for influenza vaccinated patients compared to those who were not. And for more things that could protect you,If you have this in your blood, you can be safe from Covid Serious.

This can also make you less likely to be hospitalized if you get COVID.

Portrait of male patient in early 40s looking away from camera while lying in hospital bed wearing protective face mask and recovering from coronavirus.

If you end up contracting the virus, researchers also found that those who had obtained the influenza vaccine wereless likely to be hospitalized for COVID. Compared to those who did not have the influenza vaccine, the chances of a vaccinated influenza cavident patient requiring hospitalization were reduced by 42%. According to the study, if hospitalized, you are also less likely to require mechanical ventilation and more likely to have a shorter stay if you have obtained the influenza vaccine. The researchers concluded that "influenza vaccination is associated with the decrease in CVIV-19 positive tests and improved clinical outcomes." And for more news about severe coronavirus,If you had this common disease, you are more likely to die from COVID.

The researchers say that managers should promote the influenza vaccine while the COVID vaccine supply is limited.

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Only 13.4% of the Americans havereceived at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine Until now, depending on the data of the NPR. In the meantime, many people are always vulnerable to a serious COVID disease whileEstimates of vaccine availability for the general population to be pushed further. This is why the researchers say that the influenza vaccine should be encouraged for those who are not yet eligible for the COVID vaccine because it does not only seem to diminish the likelihood of obtaining the virus, but also the probability of serious COVID.

According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), only 48.4% of adults aged 18 and overGot the shot of the flu during the 2019 season at 2020, stressing the need to continue promotion and coverage. "Until the Covid-19 vaccine becomes widely available, the influenza vaccine should be promoted to reduce the burden of the disease during this pandemic," said researchers in their study. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

You should not get the influenza vaccine too close to your Covid vaccine.

Woman getting COVID vaccine

If you are about to get your coronavirus vaccine, do not run run to get an influenza shot for extra protection. According to the CDC, youshould not get another vaccine Within two weeks of your Covid vaccine, which includes the influenza vaccine. The agency says a "lack of data on the safety and effectiveness of ARNA COVID-19 vaccines administered simultaneously with other vaccines" is the reason.They put these orientations in place. You must wait at least 14 days after one of the vaccines to get the other. And for more vaccine guidance,The CDC warns you not to make this right before you get vaccinated .

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