8 swaps "healthy" that are not really better for you

You have changed beef to Turkey burgers, whole eggs exchanged for egg whites and reach only low fat yogurt.

Your efforts are admirable. Unfortunately, they may not be more beneficial for your body. It turns out, these 8 apparently "healthier" swaps are not better than the original.

Low grease dairy for full fat

While full grease dairy Pack more calories is also more filling. This can help explain why a 2013 study study in theEuropean nutrition newspaper found that people who eat fat tricks are less likely to suffer from obesity than those who try to skip calories with low fat dairy products. The authors of the study also found no link between complete dairy and heart disease or diabetes. Ironically, some acids in milk fatty acids that you do not have zero-grease varieties - can fall asleep the burning centers of your body, according to CoAuthor Mario Kratz, Ph.D., an epidemiologist at the University Washington.

Burgers of Turkey for beef

Turkey is usually leaner than beef. But when it comes to hamburgers, it depends on the particular cup of meat, says Manuel Villacorta, Mr., R.D., author ofThe whole body restarts. Turkey on the floor of your supermarket can contain the parts of the black meat of the bird, which can block its fat content up to 20%, he says. The compromise worsens when you restore: Turkey dries more easily than beef. Restaurant heads tend to pack their turkey burgers with fat and condiment to make them savor, explains Villacorta. If you are engaged to Turkey, make sure what you get from the store is really lean.

Carahbeat butter reduced fat for regular

Discover the nutrition tags on regular peanut butter pots and reduced grease. You will see some differences: while the fat of reduced fat has a big grease without sugar, it also has more sugar and salt. Now consider that pb fat is the healthy and monosaturated type that research shows insulin sensitivity. "You have just negotiated a healthy fat for sugar," says Villacorta.

E-Cigs for tobacco cigarettes

Old cigarettes are terrible for you, obviously. But do not buy in the narrative that electronic cigarettes are "just a vapor of water". This steam contains nicotine and flavoring chemicals, "says David Peyton, Ph.D., a chemist from the State University of Portland. Peyton's research shows when you "Vape", you also suck chemical agents that release formaldehyde, a known cancer chemical. E-CIGS are newer; Whether they are more protruding are far from determined, Peyton suggests.

Diet Soda for regular

Diet Soda has zero calories. So it must be better for you as regular cola, right? This hypothesis has been blown with a wave of recent scientific studies. Consume a lot of dietetic soda can almost double your risk of overweight or obese, shows a report inObesity. How? 'Or' What? Diet soda dull the reaction of your brain to sweet flavors, which screws with your metabolism and can bring you more unhealthy snack and dessert food, suggests another study from the University San Diego State.

Antibacterial soap for regular

Believe it or not, there is no evidence that antibacterial soap protects you from germs better than regular soap. A study from a University of Michigan revealed no decline in infectious disease rates among families who used antibacterial substances. On the other hand, some experts are worried about antibacterial soap can put your health at risk by wiping skin bacteria that protect you from the disease.

Egg whites for whole eggs

The whites have fewer calories, but they are also short pretty much everything that makes an egg well for you. The yellows are an excellent source of choline and antioxidants using brain health, explains Mike Roussell, Ph.D., expert nutrition expert. The yellows also contain vitamin D, zinc, folate, iron and several other vitamins whose body needs (that the whites do not have), according to the USDA. In fact, a recent study has seen void health benefits in people who ate whites instead of whole eggs. If you are looking for an easy way to cut calories, make an omelet with an entire egg and a couple of eggs. In this way, you do not miss the nutritious yellow entirely.

Endurance works for shorter joggs

People who run at an easy pace for an hour or two a week benefit from a big drop of mortality risk, shows a new study of the United States and Denmark. But the hardcore riders - those who wear sidewalks at a moderate or fast pace for more than four hours a week at rates in the same way as people who do not at all exercise, the same study reports. Too much difficult physical activity (and about to running is arduous) can cause unhealthy changes in your heart, the authors of the study say. Although it certainly did not mean that the session on the couch is healthier than the formation of a marathon, it means that if you are not naturally pushed to fly the sidewalk for hours, get stuck to your short tracks Without guilty.

Courtesy of Shape.com

Categories: Healthy Eating
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